Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 97 - 4 Apr - Erie, PA to Niagra-On-The-Lake, Ont

Photo: On the last day of our trip, an appropriate scene I think...a favourite sunset in Puerta Vallarta.
Well, we are back on Canadian soil and glad to be here! I AM CANADIAN! I love Canada....but the weather SUCKS! I'm freezing! I expect, if past years are any indication, that it will take about 2 weeks to climatize but unlike past years, the warm weather will be here sooner. I sure hope so.

We crossed the border at Buffalo and it was another easy process. traffic at all. The border guard didn't even ask for our passports...just wanted to know the basics...How long, how much, where from...and it was 'Have a nice day'. Certainly this trip has been the best all-round for border crossing experiences.

What an amazing holiday we've had! This was a dream for Wayne and I and it was everything we'd hoped it would be...and more! We had some favourite places, and less favourite places, but on the whole, we enjoyed every day. We are doing some serious thinking about what we want to do next year, and while we are in the very, very early stages of planning, I can see a bit longer time away, and staying put in 3 or 4 places vice moving every day or two. That immediately means we need to think about how we are going to travel/stay in these places. Driving to Mexico, as we did this year, will not happen again. The drive through central Mexico was too stressful (for me) and really hard on the LuvMasheen (and every other vehicle that does the trip). I'm glad we did it but it's an experience we'd rather remember fondly than re-create. We would consider doing the run from Nogales down to Puerta Vallarta but even that is 'iffy'. We loved Arizona and Texas and that beach in Alabama could draw us back but there's still lots of time between now and next winter before we have to decide.

In total, we put over 16,500 kms on the van and considering what it went through, it came through very well. It will seem strange getting back in to my little Sunfire...the van was so comfortable to drive and except for those extremely windy days when it strayed over the middle line unexpectedly, it was a great drive.

My favourite spot for fun was Las Vegas. I loved the lights, action, and sheer debauchery of the place. Favourite beach....too tough to call I think, because there were so many beautiful spots but again, the Alabama beach was amazing...even if it did have man-made sand! Favourite landscape...Arizona is so diverse--I loved the desert but a summer or fall trip back to Virginia would be fabulous. I couldn't pick a favourite sunset if I had to...the sunsets in Puerta Vallarta and along that whole coastline were beyond belief, night after night. However, the most spectacular sunset I've EVER seen was in Newfoundland so there you are! From day 1, we met the most terrific people...locals and fellow RVers.

The whole trip is going to end with spending a week with just doesn't get any better than that. When I hear him say, "Honey, I wuv you" on the phone, I just want to cover him with kisses. As Kim said, "You are only coming home because you need a 'Ty fix'...and she's not far from wrong except that we've missed everyone else as well.

I've already started a list of things to do when I get home so I don't expect much time for boredom after all the travelling in the last 97 days. It was rainy and cold in Niagra-On-The-Lake today but that meant no people so we had time to wander up and down the street, poking in some of the lovely little shops. It will be an eary night tonight so that we'll have lots of energy for His Highness for the next few days.

Thanks for travelling along with us. It made it lots more fun for us knowing that everyone was keeping track of our whereabouts via the blog and adding their own comments, which we always looked forward to reading. I'll still blog...not with the same regularity...the garden will soon keep me occupied and I know Jennifer is going to drive me crazy wanting to learn more, more, more about the whole process. It's my duty to teach her all I know! Plans are in the works for a trip to Newfoundland in late Aug & Sep so........

Until next time, love to you all. xx

Day 96 - 3 Apr - Pittsburg, PA to Erie, PA

Photo: Wayne in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.
We didn't do many least not in the LuvMasheen...but I put a whole lotta miles on my running shoes! We went to one of the 'primier' outlet malls in the nation, or so the guidebook said, and it was a very successful day.

We'd planned an extra day into our schedule in case of weather or emergency and since we don't need it we figured we could afford to slow down, and spend some time doing the shopping thing. Now, the guys won't care one little bit, but ladies....this was a bonanza mall!...140 brand names that were clearing out seasonal stock over and above the regular 50% off! It was unbelieveable! I walked in to this one store and saw this gorgeous sweater for $7.99 so asked the lady if the sign was right because the tag said $29.99 after 2 or 3 markdowns. She said yes, that most sweaters were that price or less...JUST FOR TODAY! Wayne is calling the van a travelling closet but it really was an outlet mall and coming at the change of season made the sales fabulous.

We are going to spend one more day lounging and then cross the border at Buffalo on Saturday morning. We are only a couple of hundred miles from Tim and Kim's so won't have any difficulty getting there so that Gail and Graham can head back to Maxville on Sunday.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. Today is Cousin Sandy's birthday. She has been lucky enough to get to celebrate her special day in Barbados for the past few years and is no doubt having lots of fun in the sun again this year. We are thinking of her. xx

Day 95 - 2 Apr - Washington, DC to Pittsburgh, PA

The first order of the day was checking e-mail for news about the Pinheiro baby....and there it was! Sawyer Scott Pinheiro entered the world shortly after 5 pm last night and he's a beauty! He weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz and from the photos, Melanie came through with flying colours. This seems to be the season for boys! If this isn't a miniature Deano, I don't know what is! Wayne says the Toronto Maple Leafs have gained another fan. Of course, his Grandmother (Carol) says Sawyer is already trying to communicate with her...I can foresee problems with her. Let the battle of the Grandmother's begin!

The forecast had been for thundershowers but the day was bright and sunny--only 53 degrees--and tonight it borders on freezing so we've seen the end of days in the LuvMasheen. Wayne drained the water tanks and winterized (added anti-freeze) and we hit the road.

Spring has definitely arrived in Virginia and Pennsylvania. The Forsythia trees are in full bloom, and there are thousands of daffodils up which combined with the trees, makes a beautiful sight. There are so many other flowering trees...big and small, that the whole landscape is very colourful. There are lots of buds on the trees and although the locals say it's much cooler here than normal, there are no signs of snow anywhere and they are obviously far enough south that Mother Nature is already working hard here.

We got off the Interstate and took another highway north that went through some of the lovliest countryside. There were lots of farms and horse ranches and there must be some money in this area because the fencing was wooden, painted, pristine, and ran for miles! Of course, there were some pretty impressive houses in the middle of all that.

We got to Pittsburgh about 4 pm and decided we would check in to the Holiday Inn and enjoy some television. In the end, we ordered room service, a movie (I am Legend), and will each crawl in to our own bed and stretch out. Tomorrow night we hope to be crossing the border and will probably spend a couple of nights in Niagra-On-The-Lake and area which will be nice as it's not tourist season and we might actually get on a wine tour!

Until next, our love to you all and we are getting anxious to be 'home'. Congratulation to Dean and Melanie, and to the newest Grandparents...Bob & Carol. I'm already thinking of Xmas this year and how Santa will have two little boys to impress! xx

Day 94 - 1 Apr - Fredericksburg, VA (Washington, DC)

Photo: Washington Monument & Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC.
We woke up practically every hour from 3:30 am on, not wanting to miss the shuttle in to the Fredericksburg train station. By 5:30 we gave up waiting for the alarm to go off, got up and started to get ready. There was a misty rain when we left and a forecast of thundershowers but this time we were determined to get in to Washington and see something. In the end, the weather cleared and the sun made a few appearances and it turned out to be a lovely day.
It was a 90 minute train ride to Union Station, right downtown and a block from the Capital Building…which, by the way, is very impressive! We had a quick coffee and bought a small map of downtown Washington, and set out to see the sights.
Wayne was most interested in going to the Smithsonian Aerospace Museum so we decided he’d go there and I’d go to the American Native Museum and we’d meet in 90 minutes. Of course, it wasn’t long enough for either of us but having only one day in Washington means picking and choosing and just getting a ‘flavour’ of the city. We went in to the National Botanical Museum for another quick look and well…I could have stayed there for hours. They had a huge display of orchids…every colour, every size, every shape imaginable, and we didn’t even get to see ¼ of the building. We headed down the long ‘mall’ or grassed concourse towards the Washington Monument and the cherry blossoms. All of the major memorials are on this mall which would probably go for about 3-4 miles with long reflective pools somewhere near each memorial. From there we continued to the new WWII memorial and then directly behind it is the Lincoln Memorial.
The Cherry blossoms were wonderful! I took photos but it was a rush and other than a few that I’m satisfied with, I could have done much better. In that kind of atmosphere, I find that I end up with much better work when I can sit and look at the scene for a while and then start photographing it and having a chance to change settings on the camera. When I’m rushed, I might as well have a ‘point and shoot’ and I get frustrated. However, nothing could take away from the beauty of hundreds of Cherry trees in full bloom! There was a breeze today so it looked like it was snowing petals…I think the trees may be impressive for about 2-3 more days and then the best will be over.
We walked non-stop for about 4 hours and when it came time to head back to Union Station for the train home, we’d already decided our feet & back would never make the walk so we took a taxi. All in all, it was a great day and we are so glad we went. We had considered spending a second day but were so pooped by the time we got back to the LuvMasheen that the thought of getting up early and doing it again tomorrow just lost it’s appeal. We are in ‘go home’ mode now and anxious to be on the road….We’ve had some good laughs talking to other snowbirds heading home and we’re all in the same mood…don’t want to see it end, but know it’s time.
Until next time, our love to you all. An e-mail from Carol says Melanie headed to the hospital this morning and I expect there will be a baby any time, if not already. Keep up the mantra folks…..”Go snow, no snow. Go snow, no snow”. We appreciate it! xx

Days 92 & 93 - Savannah, SC to Fayetteville, NC, to Fredericksburg, Virginia

Photo: 2 days of rain have not provided much opportunity for photos.....however, I did spy this beauty when we stopped for gas. I know what it you? Hint--the top set of wings is folded down over the bottom set of wings.
Day 92 – We woke up with great intentions of heading into Savannah for a tour and then opened the curtains…..rain, rain, and cold. “No trolley for me in this weather”, says Lynnie, so it was roll over and sleep for another hour.
We’ve learned that ‘definite’ plans are just something to provide us with an immediate purpose unless something happens to change our minds. As I recently read on a great sign…”I don’t have to…I don’t want to…Nothing you say can make me change my mind…I’m retired!” We will keep all the literature, booklets, pamphlets, etc. on Savannah and put it on the ‘gotta-come-back-to’ list (which is growing every day).
We just drove the Interstate today…and the traffic was awful on I-95 again. The CB was again invaluable for finding out what was going on, and we followed the trucker’s advice once again to get off the highway, take an alternate route around a minor accident, and then get back on the highway. After listening to them on the CB, I now understand why we compare someone with really bad language to a trucker! Every other word is ‘effing’!
We pulled in to the Fayetteville, North Carolina, KOA and had a couple of the very best T-Bone steaks we’ve EVER had…from the local IGA…did the geek thing on our computers and then to bed.
We did call Tim & Kim to wish them a good holiday on the Myan Riviera and to get our weekly dose of “I wuv you Honey, I wuv you Poppa”.

Day 93 – It was a very chilly night…which Wayne loved because I was almost on top of him all night to keep warm. We have a great little electric heater but there’s a wee draft that comes in the back door, next to me, that made me a tad cool every once in awhile. We wanted to get as close to Washington as possible so were on the road by 9 am.
It poured rain for most of the morning and made driving miserable but seemed to clear a bit as we got closer to the Virginia border. It’s still cool and I don’t like it! Jennifer doesn’t have any sympathy at all…she just advises that I put on socks over my flip-flops! Poor Wayne was forced out of bed earlier than normal this morning as I guess I went in to major snore mode about 4:30 am but also got the hiccups as well! I’ve tried to explain to him that what I do is quite extraordinary and he should appreciate my uniqueness! God, I think I’d just kill me if I were him! No darn wonder I can’t get out of bed in the morning…I exhaust myself all night!
We are at the Fredericksburg/Washington KOA and I wish the weather were nicer so we could enjoy it. It’s in the middle of the Virginia woodlands and it’s quite lovely. It also has a small lake with paddleboats but it’s still raining and just too cool for us. Like the Boston KOA, this location provides a shuttle service to the Amtrak station to catch the train into Washington, which we will do tomorrow morning and then get the train back in the late afternoon. We are hoping to do the Smithsonian tomorrow and if the weather clears and I can get some photos of the cherry blossoms—which are in full bloom—then we will decide whether or not to spend another day there sightseeing or doing something else. Options…always options.
This area, of course, is a major historic location for the civil war. I find the whole thing really interesting, especially after reading John Jakes’ trilogy—North & South; Love & War; and Heaven & Hell—while we were in Mexico. There are major battlefields everywhere and I recognized many of the locations names of major battles as we passed by—Fort Sumter, Appomattox, Manassas, Harper’s Ferry. While John Jakes books were fiction, he had done extensive research on the war and so much of the novel(s) were based on true facts of the war. Apparently it was a mini-series which is now out on DVD, which I’ll look for while we are here.
It’s going to be a very early night because we have to be ready for the shuttle at 7 am—yee gods—and I’ve asked Wayne to set the alarm for 5:30 so I can be ready. We haven’t been in Washington for 42 years…we came here on our honeymoon. Colin said we should try to find the same hotel…I said it’s probably been demolished or it’s a crack house by now! Until next time, we love and miss you all. xx

Day 91 - 29 Mar - Lake City, FL to Savannah, GA

Photo: Another shot of that beautiful beach in Alabama. Now THIS is a 'return to' place for sure!
For those of you interested in a franchise's a dandy...and one I haven't seen YET, in Canada (remember you heard it here first). The RV park we were in last night had a bit of an accident occur a week or two back. A man had a siezure in his truck and drove into the building that had the toilets, showers, and laundry. Because...and I quote...."the damn insurance company haven't given us one red cent yet", they have rented Royal Restrooms, a very, very upscale version of the Porta-Pottie, but these also hook up into a sewage drain like an RV so there's no smell, and they also have a shower. BUT....if you go, you can jump on the opportunity to get the Canadian franchise. Great for weddings, special occasions, 1 July at Long Lake, etc.

We had a goal that we wanted to do, mileage-wise, so it was back on to Interstate 95 and heading for Savannah, Georgia. The Interstate is so damn boring but just when I thought I'd have a nap to pass some time, the traffic came to a halt! We immediately turned on the CB radio and managed to translate some of the drivers' southern drawl to find out that there was a 'minor' accident up the road but the traffic was just a whole s..t load of March breaker's heading home. A woman came on the radio to say they were in the opposite lane and the traffic was slow for many, many, miles ahead, right into South Carolina. The advice was to get off on the next exit and take Hwy 17 to Savannah, or beyond if necessary, and that's just what we did. It was a beautiful drive and we certainly made better time than if we'd stayed on the Interstate. We called ahead and got a KOA site right on Hwy 17 so it all worked out great. Once we pulled in, I did a few loads of laundry...probably the last on the road...we had a nice pot roast stew for supper and here we are!

The KOA park is on a small I think...but there are a few trees in the middle of the lake. I looked out a while ago and the trees are filled...and I mean filled...with white egrets that have come in to roost for the night. Unfortunately, it's almost dark, and a photo isn't possible but I'll get up early in the morning and try to capture them before they take off, if possible. It's like something out of National Geographic!

We were planning to do a long drive tomorrow but I simply cannot be in Savannah and not see something of it so I think we go in to the city and take a trolley tour and then get back on the road. We may have to drive longer tomorrow but that's the price I'm willing to pay. The history and building architecture will be amazing, I'm sure, and even if we can't spend any time wandering, we'll get to have a bit of the flavour of the city. It will no doubt be a place to return to...we've got lots of those on our list.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. Melanie is STILL holding on to that baby...Jennifer is resisting all attempts to become a gardener...Ty has a new word that is making his parents crazy and we are now getting excited about coming home. xx

Day *90* - 28 Mar - Marianna, FL to Lake City, FL

Photo: Tree dripping in Spanish Moss or 'Greybeard'.
We actually got up early, packed up and did 'miles' today! We even took the LuvMasheen in for an oil change in Tallahassee and God Bless the big Dodge dealer there--they were having a bbq for 'something' so we had a free lunch to boot! I figure with all the hot dogs/hamburgs/donuts we ate, and the free WiFi service we used, the oil change was free!

The weather was warm (75 degrees) and sunny and we'd made up our minds that there were no stops for shopping, browsing, sightseeing, or anything else. In the end, we reached our intended destination (Lake City) by 3 pm so stopped and had time to relax and enjoy a nice supper instead of shoving food in a 7 pm because we're so hungry and too tired to enjoy it. Wayne even had a sleep beside the pool while I read. We'll try to duplicate the day tomorrow as we want to stop at Costco in Jacksonville and check out the price of TVs and DVD players. There's only been a few times that we have really missed the TV and it's generally when we are settled in bed and would like to be entertained for a few minutes before going to sleep. It's even better if there is a sleep timer on the TV! For the most part, the two geekie Corkum's fire up their laptops and google a dozen things they've thought of through the day or check the next day's route.

For example, as in the photo, all the trees are laden with Spanish Moss--huge trees, small trees, nearly all trees. I love the look but wondered if it killed the trees and is it still collected for the floral industry? Here's the answer:

They are sometimes referred to as air plants because most have aerial roots; however, Spanish-moss does not have any roots. It uses its long, thin, scaly stems to wrap around the host tree and hang down from the branches. The leaves are covered with cup-like, permeable scales that 'catch' moisture and nutrients from the air and from pockets on the surface of the host. This water-trapping ability allows Spanish-moss to withstand long dry periods. In extreme dry spells, the plant becomes dormant until moisture returns. While the plant is not parasitic, it can sometimes damage the host tree by over-shading the leaves, thus reducing photosynthesis, or by weighing down and breaking the branches.The plants have very tiny seeds that are dispersed by wind and birds. Birds may also carry off small fragments that easily reproduce new plants.Spanish-moss was harvested for years as a stuffing material in automobile seats, furniture, and mattresses. The moss-stuffed mattresses were said to be cooler and more comfortable due to the natural insulating properties of the plant. This was especially important in pre-air-conditioning days. Moss pickers were hired and used long poles to pull the stringy masses off the trees. The plants were then dried and cured before being used.Today, the stems are used occasionally in upholstery and as a packing material. Spanish-moss is a popular mulch and is widely used in the floral industry. Many floral arrangements use Spanish moss around the plant base to hold in moisture. It is also seen in certain types of Cajun architecture as insulation and it is sometimes draped along fences or wires to provide privacy screening in backyards.Several species of songbirds use the plant material for nest building or weave their nests in the moss clumps.

I'm not touching it however, as the above went on to say snakes hide in the moss as well as 'chiggers' or bugs that cause a rash if you touch them.

I had another 'first'....I saw a real, true Bluebird! Remember the ones in the Cinderella movie that held up the material while the mice ladies sewed the ballgown? Yep, those Bluebirds! We stopped at a tourist centre yesterday and I saw this flash of bright blue go by and then land on a tree stump. I did get a picture but without the mother telephoto lens, you can't really tell and of course it was gone by the time I went to the car to get the lens. I saw a few of them but they fly so quickly that a photo is almost impossible.

We have worked the schedule so that we can spend a day in Washington for the Cherry Blossom Festival and perhaps a 1/2 day trip to the Smithsonian. I'm betting that it will be very busy and we'll have to wait till we get closer to determine whether or not it will be warm enough to stay in the van or, if there are even any RV parks open. Generally, the parks don't open in the northern states until mid-May, for obvious reasons.

Well, I think I've done it for today. Until next time, our love to you all and we are looking forward to seeing everyone and getting caught up on YOUR news. Take care. xx

Day 89 - 27 Mar - Ocean Springs, Mississippi to Marianna, Florida

Photo: Orange Beach, Alabama. The sand is soft and pure white.
We woke up to yet another day of glorious sun, 76 degrees, and we were on the road by 10 am. Although we've resolved to try and get an earlier start, we are S-L-O-W and having some real discussion about what's left to see, what can be dropped off for another time, and the best/fastest route home. I'm admittedly getting a bit tired but I think it's because we are doing the 1-night thing and after a week of that I find I'm ready to 'nest'. However, I'll have lots of time for that once we get home and no doubt will be wishing we were on the road somewhere. We'll see.

We continued along I-10 East and after having such a wonderful time in Ocean Springs, and the the surprise of finding such a beautiful beach in Mississippi (who would have thought?), we decided to see what the small area of Alabama looked like which also stretches along the Gulf. It's a much smaller area but when we arrived we were impressed with the beach. It was beautiful....miles of soft, white, natural sand and although it's much more populated with houses and condos that Mississippi, there is still lots of open beach area.

It was lunch time so we had something to eat in the parking lot and gave ourselves 1 hour for beach time. My cold sore epidemic kept me out of the sun but Wayne did what he loves best...stretched out on the sand and had a sleep. I did put on a big hat and walk for a short distance down the beach, collecting shells and taking some photos. I think we still prefer the beach at Ocean Springs, Mississippi, primarily because of the small towns and less development.

We are not covering many miles/kms daily and it's because once you get off the Interstate, the roads meander, there are 30 stop-lights in the towns, and it becomes a trade-off for seeing the sights, or putting miles behind you. We are at the point now where it is time to put miles behind us.

The coast highway took us straight in to Florida and while we had set Tallahassee as out goal, we fell short by about 100 miles and found the Sunset King Lake Resort in Marianna. It supposed to be a great bass fishing lake and from what I saw on the way in, the park itself seems quite nice. The problem with staying only 1 night in each park is by the time you hook up, have supper, and finish tea, it's dark. We get up in the morning, have coffee, shower and pull out so there's not much time to look around the parks.

Danny would be horrified if he saw my hair....both Wayne and I are about 3 weeks overdue for a cut and that's on our priority list for tomorrow. Wayne wants to get the oil changed on the van so I think I'll get him to drop me at a mall with a beauty salon and see what they can do. Girls, can't you just see the production he'll go through when I go in?
Until next time, take care--we love and miss you all. Now that we are in 'go home' mode, I'm looking forward to getting home, getting unpacked, and starting to browse the gardening books. Of course, that will all follow our week with His Highness (Ty) which we are excited about. I have a gardening schedule worked out for Jennifer that will follow an intense 3-day training course entitled, "THIS is a Weed, and THIS is a flower". She's very smart...she'll do well! Of course, Deana Lynne Pinheiro will be ready for visitors.....that takes us in to May & June. WOW...where does the time go? xx

Day 88 - 26 Mar - Lafayette, Louisiana to Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Photo: This is the Tourist Centre on the Lousiana/Mississippi border. Most of the newer homes seem to be in much the same 'plantation' style.
Well, what a day of discovery we had! I slept until 9 was nice and cool last night, I was tired and didn't hear Wayne get up this morning so I had a great sleep. I love it when I get to sleep a bit later in the morning.

After the shower routine, we packed up and had a discussion about how we had to get on the road earlier in the morning, drive a minimum 400 kms a day, blah blah blah. Then we stopped at the gorgeous welcome center on Interstate 10. I've already decided I'm writing a letter to the Minister of Tourism when I get home and let him/her know that Canadians have a big time, long way to go before we elevate tourism to the American level! Between 'the best' customer service in existence, and the most wonderful tourist centers on the majorhighways between each State, they have us beat to a pulp. The one on this hwy was walk in and the first thing they do is offer you coffee, tea, iced tea, soft drink? There are two huge rooms that are designed to resemble plantation living rooms and you are free to sit and lounge or whatever. In one of the rooms there was a china cabinet that had various items that were for sale at local merchants (or area). I saw these wine glasses and absolutely fell in love! "Gotta have it", says Lynnie. The girl at the desk ended up phoning the store, asking how many she had, what time they closed, etc., gave us a map and away we went.

We had seen a sign that the 'scenic' route cut off Interstate 10 and became Hwy 90, which is where we had to go in order to get to Ocean Springs and the store of my dreams (by the way, Wayne had also spied something he liked in the the same it was a GO right from the start!). We got to Bay St. Louis, crossed a huge bridge and then we saw a sight we would never have believed! It was miles, and miles, and miles of beach and ocean along the Gulf Coast (in Mississippi Sound). This 70-mile stretch is the only place Mississippi has 'ocean' access and as soon as we started down the strip, we were impressed! We commented that there seemed to be major construction going on everywhere...big, beautiful homes across from the beach area all looked new or fresh somehow...everything looked new...and there was lots of property for sale. Then it ocurred to us that they were cleaning and re-building after Hurricane Katrina! As we drove further down the strip we could see signs of the hurricane where buildings right on the beach were missing 3/4 of their structure and hadn't been torn down yet. The piers where the shrimp boats had been tied (new piers have been built), even those made with steel bars, were all twisted and wrecked. However, there are 4 or 5 big Casinos now and I expect that is where the money is coming from to rebuild all the roads and clean things up...unlike New Orleans.

The beach was beautiful...soft white sand...until we found out later...IT'S MAN-MADE SAND!! Miles of it!! There was a sea wall originally and after the hurricane, they decided that more tourism meant a real 'beach' area was needed. Wayne scooped up a jar of sand to bring's gorgeous.

We got to the store before closing and...well....let's just say that there are 8 new heirlooms to be divied up...wait till you see what I have girls!! The girl who owns the store was a sweetie and we talked for quite awhile. She told us that no-one has seen 1 cent of insurance money from the hurricane yet and while her business is doing well now, the mammoth loan she took out to reopen it means her personal financial position is not good. She said she doesn't think she and her family will ever be able to own another house...or at least not for many years until the insurance issue is settled. After seeing the devistation in New Orleans, I can understand how people's lives have been ruined...they lost absolutely everything, including any equity they had built up in their homes.

So, now we have two big bags of fragile blown glass stuff that has no permanent place in the van but that I'm guarding with my life! Well, it's close enough to the end of the trip that moving it from one location to another twice a day won't be too much of a chore. All that to say, by this time next year, the Gulf Coast of Mississippi is going to be one of the most beautiful places in the States. The weather in January is about 65 degrees and according to the girl in the store, there are lots of condos for rent. Options people...more options!

Until next time, love to everyone, we are thinking of each of you. Melanie...enough is enough...drop that baby! Right now! If I find out you knew all along it was a girl and didn't tell us and I didn't buy that sweet little sundress with embroidered Honey Bees all over it.....I'll be ripped! Take care. xx

Day 87 - 25 Mar - Beaumont, TX to Layfette, Louisiana

Photo: The Azalea blooms at the Acadian Village
We had an early night and were up in time for the waffle breakfast at the RV park. I don't give a darn...I'll stop eating when I get home...if I can!

I think the terrible, gut-wrenching, miserable stress of trying to fit 8 hrs of shopping in a 3 hr period has taken it's toll on me. I am one big mess of cold sores and feeling really poopie today. I guess there won't be any more photos of me on this trip...and some might say that's a good thing...but this is going to be ugly! I can go for months and months and not have one and then BAM!! That's soon as I'm up to it, I need a solid stressless day in a mall somewhere...the best medicine around! Mind you, the van is starting to bulge at the seams and there aren't too many hidey-holes left!

We decided to do a bit of sightseeing today and went to the Acadian Village in Layfette. The citizens of the city gathered up as many of the remaining original houses, stores, church etc. that belonged to the Acadians and moved them to one location. Some have had minor renovations done but the bulk are the original buildings filled with appropriate furnishing that have been donated by descendents of the Acadians that came here in the early 1800s after have been expelled from the Maritimes by the British in the late 1700s.

They have done an excellent job in recreating this little community and the history is very interesting. The Acadians originally came from France and were only in Nova Scotia a short time before the British told them to 'pack up and move on'. There were about 10 buildings with a small bayou that ran through the village to represent the bayou that was their main transportation route. Wayne certainly enjoyed it--I did also but felt that there needed to be a bit more care taken of some of the artifacts. Some of the paper things were already deteriorating as they were just behind glass or in plastic sleeves. Very little was protected and there was no security to speak would have been very easy to pick up something and put it in your bag and walk away. The Azaleas were in full bloom and unlike our little potted ones, these are huge bushes. They have the most glorious scent and it was a beautiful afternoon.

From there we went to the Jefferson House & Gardens (not Thomas Jefferson) and although it was a bit too early to see gardens in full bloom, it was very lush. I think another 6 weeks will see everything blooming and lots more colour. We had thought about taking the Acadian Trail loop tomorrow but need to do a check on the calendar to see that we aren't leaving ourselves short on travel time home. There are some wonderful old plantations along this route that I'd love to see. I think we are okay....

It was another late night pulling into an RV site. We are at the KOA in Layfette which also has a small lake but by the time we got set up and had supper, it was too dark to investigate. We'd vowed to be settled at night by 5 pm but it's usually been after 6..or later..and I think it's because we are slow to get going in the morning. We don't get on the road until 10 am most days and in order to put any miles in that day, we tend to drive later which is not what we like to do.

The weather is still lovely, staying between 65-70 degrees and sunny. We'll enjoy that as long as we can as we can't see much but rain or snow on the weather channel for the states just north of us.

Until next time m'dears, we love and miss you all.

Day 86 - 24 Mar - Houston, TX to Beaumont, TX

Photo: Easting crawfish in PapaDeaux's in Beaumont, Texas, on the Louisiana border.
We Katy Mills....we saw....we shopped! Three words best describe the gi-galla-normous outlet mall at Katy, Texas.....OH MY GOD!! It had the SAKS and Neiman Marcus clearance centres and every other store imaginable. My feet hurt, my back was killing me but I'm betting I walked 87,000 in 3 hrs (I was on a time limit).

I went in to the Burlington Coat Factory, which was the size of Home Depot, and by the time I looked at my watch, I'd spent the better part of 2 hrs in there and had to meet Wayne at the van. He gave me another hour and I did a fly around of a couple of stores but really needed at least a day, probably two, to really do the place right.

If that darn Melanie would have given in months ago and found out what sex the baby was going to be...or...had had the baby early, I could have done some real damage in this mall. I probably wasted more time picking up girl/boy stuff, putting it back, picking up something else, putting it back! They had the dearest, cutest little outfits for cheap! There were sweet outfits for baby boys up to 24 mos and then it was the same old stuff...but cheap! Every kids store I can think of, and 20 more, had a clearance outlet at this mall. It was painful, I really mean painful, to have to get in the van and head out. I ended up sleeping for about an hour...I'd had to move so fast that it wore me out! Mind you, the shoe stores killed me as I couldn't pass one without at least trying on one pair per store and ended up with 2 pr.

We drove to Beaumont, Texas and managed to get the last site at the Gulf Coast RV Resort. When we went in to the office to register, the girl said this was the crawfish season and if we wanted the best feed in town, we needed to go to PapaDeaux's for Crawfish Gumbo and fresh boiled crawfish. Not ever eaten the little mud bugs, I figured this should be one more notch in my adventure belt, so off we went.

We ate 2 lbs of the little critters...and enjoyed it. The first batch was in spicey cajun sauce, which Wayne wasn't fond of so I ate those but the second batch was plain and he cleaned those up. I had told the girl in the office that we had them at home and used them as bait. Her response was..."Well, ours are a lot bigger...this IS Texas you know!" Each one is just short of a mouthful and tastes much like lobster (to me), which shouldn't be a surprise as they are just miniature lobsters. The locals 'farm' them in this part of Texas and through Louisiana. A large tract of land is dug out and flooded and then they plant some rice for the crawfish to eat. After the initial crawfish are put in the ponds they are left until fall when the pond is drained. The following spring, the pond is flooded again, the crawfish come up from where they have dug in for winter (sometimes 12 ft down), procreate and then harvested. It's quite a business but considering you can by a sack for $35 and the restaurant has them for $4.95 per lb, the 'growers' are making about 50 cents a lb. Everywhere you go in these parts, you hear people talking about their big crawfish party!

Until next time, our love to you all. I need to rest up in case there's another mall in the immediate vacinity. It's a KILLER out there! xx

Day 85 - 23 Mar - South Padre Isl, TX to Houston, TX

Photo: One of my friends at the pier. Not sure which type this is but I love the colours in his neck. The Gray Pelicans have no colour at all.
We woke up and after peeking out the curtain and seeing only cloud, we figured the 'weather Gods' were telling us that we can no longer ignore the fact that we have to start heading home, so we packed up and left. It's better to be on the road going anywhere, than sitting in the LuvMasheen. We hate to leave...we've decided we really enjoy Texas however every day isn't 75 degrees & sunny and we've got to make the break!

The drive North up Hwy 77 was probably the least appealing of our time on the road so far..not really much to see at all. I'm surprised though at how quickly the landscape changes, especially when you are in that semi-hypnotic state and suddenly notice...the scrubby trees are gone, and now it's farmland with fields stretching for miles on either side of the highway. After a while you notice the pancake flat land is gone and you've been going up and down small hills with large trees. It's a very diverse country.

Some of the wildflowers are out and the medians and sides of the highway are covered in pink, mauve, red, and yellow flowers of different varieties. When we stopped for a break, I went out to have a look and the red appear to be a type of wild geranium...same type of flower and leaf. It's all very pretty and it's nice to be experiencing 'Spring', even if it's not at home.

We found an RV park off the beaten track and it's supposedly near a huge mall so Wayne is going to let me loose for a bit tomorrow morning. Other than souvenier shopping, I really haven't been in a mall for a long, long time. I was amazed to see a few Walmart & Home Depot stores open as we drove by....don't Baptists believe in Easter?

We didn't have turkey or ham today but perhaps we'll have a "It's Not Really Easter" Easter dinner when we get home. We did have comfort food though, my favourite macaroni, hamburg & tomato with real cheese in it. When we were kids we thought this was the best dinner EVER but little did we know that when it was a few days before payday and all the budget could handle was a pound of hamburger, this is what we had. My Aunt Mary (Carol & Sandra's Mom) made it the best and my Mom came a close second. Even after we were grown up, if either of them asked what special meal they could make for us, we all ask for the same thing....mac, hamburg & tomato. In later years they got fa little fancy with bread crumb topping but it was the underneith part we loved best.

Until next time, we love and miss you all. Perhaps you could all get together and arrange to have the snow scrapped off our front lawn as a welcome home present? That would be nice. xx

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Day 84 - 22 Mar - South Padre Island, TX

After what seemed like a long, sleepless night, we had the most wonderful day!

The long weekend has brought thousands to South Padre Island....the bridge has continued to be packed since yesterday afternoon...and they are still coming. The couple in the RV behind us had a problem...except they started saying goodnight to their guests at 2 am and people were still leaving at 4 am. These tin cans are not sound proof at all so when they would start up their car, motorcycle, or ATV, we were all awake. Each time I'd get ready to go out and speak to them, it would quiet down and as soon as I'd start to drift off, someone else would come out, start up their vehicle, let it run for 10 minutes while they said goodbye and leave. This is a major party weekend here, especially for the Mexicans who make up the greater part of the local population. They just don't go to bed...they love Easter and all the hoopla that goes with it...and their partying isn't necessarily a gathering of drunks but lots of people, music, food, and conversation. All that to say...tonight will be a different story. The first goodbye will be the last!

We decided that the day was going to be too beautiful to sit around the RV park so we unhooked the LuvMasheen and headed for the beach. This is the same beach with sand dunes and endless miles of sand and water that was in my previous South Padre Island blog. For $3 (which goes towards keeping the beach clean) we took the van right onto the beach, set out chairs up beside it and had a wonderful day. We got there a little after 10 am and by noon the cars were lined up side-by-side as far as we could see down the beach on either end of us. By 3:30, we thought we'd better start packing up as we wanted to beat the crowd back to the highway, and we knew we'd had enough sun by that point.

I had bought a couple of kites at the KOA store...$2.79 ea...and before it got too busy this morning, we unfurled them and had the sheer joy of just 'flying a kite'. It was the perfect day for gusty wind, just a nice steady breeze. We had to laugh as every car that went by slowed down and gave us a big smile and wave. Some may have thought we had dimentia as in "Harold, look at those two crazy old people flying kites!" but I like to believe most of them wished they were us and had two cheap kites of their own! It was a glorious day. We are hoping to stay one more night at another park just up the road that is right on the beach, however if we get there tomorrow and they are full then it's a sign that it's time for us to hit the road. We'll see.

Until next time, our love to you all. We'll be missing our Easter dinner with the family but thinking of you all and how you are each enjoying your day. Take care. xx

Day 83 - 21 Mar - South Padre Island, TX

Photo: White Egret...I missed him catching a fish by two seconds!
What a relaxing day this was! Instead of doing the bus thing, we decided that we had better start working on our fading tans so went to the pool for the better part of the afternoon. We read, and watched people and simply lazed most of the time. We both love being on the road and seeing new things but every once in awhile you have to put away the maps, the GPS, the RV park locator, etc. and just sit for a few days to remember why you are taking this holiday. That's what we are doing.

There's a very long bridge that goes from the mainland (Port Isabella) to South Padre Island and since 2 pm today it's been filled with traffic heading for the island....I don't know where the heck they are all going as the island just isn't that big. The downtown area didn't appear to have that many bars so I guess the few big hotels that are here must be full for the Easter weekend. There are still a couple of empty spots here at the KOA but I think I heard one of the guys say they were expecting 24 arrivals today. The gi-normous beach at the other end of the island has no amenities at all and I don't think you can just pitch a tent, however there a pile of cars here that normally aren't....

I put on my new telephoto lens and wandered around the edge of the park bordering the water. There were egrets (white & grey) and a couple of different types of pelicans. I could watch the pelicans for hours and enjoy trying to calculate just when they are going to do a dive into the water for a fish. When the fishing boats came in to the pier, I went over to watch them cleaning the fish and the feeding frenzy that occurs when the innards were thrown to the pelicans, terns & seagulls.

We called Georgetown today and got to hear Ty yell, "Hi Honey, Hi Poppa...I miss you..I love you". It was wonderful to hear his voice and we are looking forward to seeing him in a couple of weeks. I wish we could be there to see him follow the Easter Egg trail to his first bike but another year....

We are disappointed we could not get to Kevin & Kate's in Vancouver as planned. We got a bit selfish with our time in Mexico and realized too late that time wasn't going to allow us to get to Vancouver, stay for a while and then come back across country by 5 Apr. We will fly out later this summer though as we want to spend some time with them and see their new house. We both still look at each other and can't believe how quickly the time has age old problem that just doesn't go away I guess!

We are trying to map out a route home that misses the flooding in all the States we must pass through on our way home. Hopefully, another week will lessen the problem and thank goodness for the internet as it provides the latest information on what is happening everywhere.

Until next time, our love to all..we are missing you and think of you each day. xx

Day 82 - 20 Mar - South Padre Island, TX

Photo: Texas landscape. There are more types of cactus here than I'll ever be able to identify.
We did housekeeping today...well, I did...including laundry and sweeping some of the fine layer of sand that was over everything. Wayne tested the hot tub and the pool and even had a bit of a snooze there. This is Spring Break in the U.S. so there are lots more families around and when I looked in the pool area, there were all teenagers and no adults so I passed on the pool. The weather was beautiful, about 77 degrees and once the sun went down (in a blaze of glory), it cooled off. The perfect climate and now I know why people who visit Texas enjoy it so much.

Tomorrow we will get on the free Yellow Wave's bright yellow and you just wave it down to catch a ride...and it cruises up and down the strip and across the bridge to Port Isabella, and perhaps bring a towel in case we decide to check out some of the beaches along the way. There are a couple of souvenir stores I want to visit, not so much for the stuff inside, but the outside has huge replicas of various types of's really amazing.

We are down to our last couple of weeks and starting to plan the route home that has the best chance of taking us where the snow isn't! Until I called Jen & Carol tonight, I had this faint hope that perhaps the bulk of the snow would be gone when we arrived in Toronto, but I think from the sounds of it that it's a very, very faint hope! We've checked on the internet and the cherry blossom festival will be going on in Washington which I've tried to get to for a number of years so I think we'll stop there for a day or two and go to the Smithsonian for a day. The last time we were there was 42+ years ago, on our honeymoon, and I remember the Smithsonian was awesome then and undoubtedly more so now. We might even have time to stop in Nashville and see what the fuss is all about. Since we've arrived back in Texas, the C&W music stations are the only thing that comes through so perhaps a stop in Nashville is good...we are no longer humming along with Brian Adams or Celine Dion, but singing lyrics about cheetin' wives, dead hounds, and whiskey drinkin' cowboys. Why, we even got excited when we drove through San Benito and saw on the water tower that it was the "Birthplace of Freddy Fender". Git along liddle doggie!

Carl...the KOA on South Padre is right beside the bridge and there is a pier that goes out from the RV you can Google Earth it. You might see the will be that tiny white blob in amongst the big white blobs (aka busses).

Until next time, take care everyone. We are thinking about Melanie (due date is Wed), Carol (congratulations on 31 Mar retirement date), Colin & Jen (honeymoon in Europe is booked), Tim & Kim (hosting Easter dinner this year), Kevin & Kate (gearing up for a very busy few months), Doug & Claire (planning the move to their new house), Ty (getting his first bike from the Easter Bunny), Sandy & Bill (still enjoying the Barbados sun), and all those who I know who are checking the blog to see where we are. We love and miss you all.

Day 81 - 19 Mar - Del Rio, TX to South Padre Island, TX

Photo: Fresh raindrops on a spiderweb in Big Bend NP. I think this is a terantula's nest (they do have them in the park). I had to lean in close for the photo....'Lynne Corkum--Wildlife Photographer'.
We had a glorious night in our Ramada really take those bathtubs for grantide when you haven't had one for a while! We even slept late again. However we wanted to get to South Padre Island be the end of the day which meant a long drive so we packed up and headed out.

We drove south on Hwy 277 and once we got to Eagle Pass we were amazed to see that the 'drab' desert had turned green! South Texas has had a fair amount of rain over the past few days and the normally scrubby bushes all across the desert, just sucked up that water and out came the leaves. Even some of the normally dry aroyo's (creeks) had a bit of water in them. There were lots more ranches along this route, judging from the mail boxes and fancy sign posts but you still can't see any houses or barns. There seemed to be lots of goats in the fields beside the highway, but not many cattle that we could see. However, I think many of these 'ranches' are 100's of acres in size so it's not surprising that we didn't see anything but all these full, green trees.

The Rio Grand river is a natural border that separates Mexico from the US and given the issues with illegal immigrants in the news lately, I'm not surprised that there are so many. Most of the border is desert, as I've described in previous blogs and stretches for thousands of miles between the two countries. The Border Patrol are always evident...there are numerous 'check points' along the highway and while the guards are extremely polite, they look inside the van and chat long enough for the trained dog to sniff around the van...looking for drugs I guess. I know that when we were in Big Bend, the park newspaper pointed out that there are many drug smuggling routes through the park and hikers should be aware and beware! All along this border corridor is a road that run parallel to the highway and the border patrol cruise these roads, inside the fence, day and night. They will pull a line of old tires along these roads behind their trucks, at certain points & various times and then check later to see if there are footprints in the dirt. While we were stopped today at a picnic area, a border patrol truck drove the road behind the area and one guard was hanging out the window, looked at the dirt area near the fence for signs that someone had climbed the fence. It must cost millions but in an area as remote as this part of Texas, catching someone would almost seem to be a matter of luck. The only giveaway would be a truck or car parked along the road for any length of time (to pick up someone by pre-arrangement) and no doubt the sheer number of patrols would result in a catch.

We arrived in South Padre Island about 8 pm and had called ahead to arrange of a site at the KOA here so just drove in and hooked up. Tomorrow is going to be major clean up/out of the LuvMasheen as there is still sand everywhere. I wish I had a little vacumn but the mini broom will have to suffice. It must be time to go home...I'm starting to think about cleaning...perish the thought!

Yesterday was Jacqueline's birthday...Happy B'Day to our sweetheart. Kim says Ty was dressed in his astronaut's suit and cowboy hat yesterday, having fun on, that would have been a picture! Until next time, our love to everyone. xx

Day *80* - 18 Mar - Big Bend, TX to Del Rio, TX

Photo: Big Bend National Park. The vegetation in the foreground is typical of what covers the ground, including up the mountains.

The wind blew off and all through the night but it didn't keep us awake very often...Wayne slept till 7:30 and I rolled over and didn't wake up until after 10 am. I think one of the reasons we slept later was because it was overcast and light rain...that's the first rain we've seen since we left! Try as hard as I might, I can't be upset...after being in this climate for the past 3 weeks, rain is something the locals don't see often and are overjoyed when they do. It's rare to go over any sized bridge, see the sign naming the creek, stream, or river, and see nothing but dirt below.

We decided that rain or shine, Big Bend Nat'l Park was a must and we set off. From the moment we entered the gate there was majestic beauty all around us. I know I've gone on and on about how beautiful these mountains have been through Arizona and Texas but this park out-does them all by 10. It's impossible to try and explain the majestic beauty of this whole makes you speechless and emotional with the sheer wonder of it. I found that every time we approached the top of a hill, I was holding my breath waiting to experience what was on the other side. We went to Chisos Basin, which is at the top of one of the higher mountains and it was snowing lightly. Within 20 minutes we were back down in the desert and looking at fossils that have been found in an area that was a prehistoric lake.

I wish I could describe the colours--and I know I've tried previously but it's beyond description and more than once Wayne or I have said, "If we saw that in a painting, hanging on someone's wall, we'd say that it had too much colour and didn't represent reality". How wrong we'd be as we've seen blazes of colour that's impossible to describe. In the end, we both realized how lucky we've been to see all of this. Because it was very cloudy today, I don't think my photos do the scenery justice...the dampness makes the rock look darker anyway.

Big Bend is one of the least visited National parks in North America and I suspect it's because it's in the most remote part of the country, and Texas. We saw very little traffic....I got to tick off one more thing on my 'list of 100 things to do before I die' and stand in the middle of the road for 10 minutes without moving, with my eyes closed...and take a picture. Now, it was so flat that I could see longer than 10 minutes in both directions so it was pretty safe!

We drove longer tonight that we have in a long time but we'd already decided that tonight was definitely a hotel night...and that includes supper in a didn't have to worry about finding an RV park and setting up. I'm looking forward to a long hot a tub, and falling asleep in a king-sized bed, in front of the TV. We haven't watched TV since we left Puerta Vallarta and still hoping to buy one before we get home.

The weather is cool and it seems to be a front that is right across southern Texas. The girl in the restaurant said it was 80 degrees day before yesterday and we're hoping that by the time we hit South Padre Island, it will have returned. We expect to be there 3 or 4 days and then start the drive home. We loved it so much when we stopped there on the way to Mexico that we've decided that is where we want to re-work our fading tans.

Until next time, our love to each of you. I can't believe we are at Day 80 already. Except for the one day when Wayne called me a 's..t arse' and I replied "right back attcha", we've lived pretty tight for 24/7 and it's been great. Who'dda thought? It must be love.

Day 79 - 17 Mar - Van Horn, TX to Big Bend, TX

Photo: One of the abandoned houses in the mining 'ghost town' in Terlingua, right down the road from where we are staying.
It was a much easier drive today and although there was still a lot of wind, it wasn't nearly as crazy as yesterday. We did get to Big Bend and will go in to the park tomorrow and spend much of the day looking at the most amazing scenery in Texas. It's really like driving through the Grand Canyon....only better.

The terrain is so flat that you can see for miles and miles and while there are mailboxes along the road, you can't see any houses. I guess that in this area, you can afford to have really big front yards! this part of Texas doesn't even have cattle so I'm not sure exactly what those 'ranches' do out here.

This is UFO country....Roswell isn't too far from here and we would have loved to have gone to Area 51 in Nevada. We did stop at Marfa which is the place where light appear on the horizon and flick back and forth across the sky. There's lots of various theories as to what the light are, including UFO stuff, but since the first sighting in 1883, they have yet to find a definitive answer. They built a very nice spot for viewing, complete with binoculars but it has to be viewed at night at it's 60+ miles from where we are so we won't be going to see them. (Google Mysterious Marfa Lights).

Marfa is also the site of the oldest settlement in America and was the site of the first recorded crossing of a wagon train in to Texas in Dec 1582 (from Mexico). We have both commended, once again, that the Americans are pretty diligent about touting their history which is why most of us know more about what goes on in the USA that in Canada. A shame. This is a major Pecan growing area...there are very large orchards along this whole there was in the small part of New Mexico that we came through...but I haven't seen any for sale yet.

The time changed in Arizona to daylight savings and we are so confused now we don't know whether we're hungry (well, that's easy...ALWAYS), tired, etc. The sun did not go behind the mountains until almost 8 pm vice 6:30 pm when we first got there. The RV park we are at is part of a hotel/RV complex and right outside the gate to the park. We took a quick drive in to the park before hooking up and I can't wait to get there tomorrow. The rocks in some parts are layered in colours...white, brown, black, orange...and I'm hoping it's a wee bit cloudy as it's better for photo taking.

Until next time, we love and miss you all. We are currently sitting in a restaurant, nursing a cup of tea, and using their WiFi. It irritates me to no end when the campground advertise wireless internet and the signal is so low that you can't get it. Take care everyone, Spring is coming!

Day 78 - Benson, AZ to Van Horn, TX

Photo: Heading in to the sand storm.
Woo-wee….what a day we had today. It was white-knuckle driving and zero visibility for a long stretch. We woke up this morning and the LuvMasheen was rockin’ and rollin’….all on it’s own! It was blowing a gale and we were wondering how some of the tent trailers around us were still on the ground!

We hit the road and decided that we were going to head towards Big Bend National Park, at the southern end of this portion of Texas. We’d been there a few years ago, and I’d taken some wonderful photos of the cactus and wildflowers in bloom.That was the trip when some rotten, stinking, dirty, SOB walked off with my camera and if I ever see ONE of those photos on the internet I’m calling the CIA, FBI, RCMP, CSIS, and every other organization in the alphabet! It’s okay though…I’m over it now.

As we were driving along, we saw this line of ‘cloud’ in the distance that went all across the horizon and we commented on how unusual it was…we’d never seen anything like it before. As we drove along we came to a wonderful spot where huge, mega-huge, boulders were piled on top of one another…some of them balanced so fine that I don’t know why the heavy winds didn’t send them rolling.

Further along the road, I saw some mini-tornadoes whirling the sand around and I think I used the word ‘cute’….yes, I definitely said, “Aren’t they cute?”…to describe them whirling and dancing around the desert. This was true desert we were in and 120 miles of straight highway through some of the flattest land we’d seen. As we got closer to the line of cloud we’d seen earlier, it started to look less like fluffy white clouds and more like dirty yellow fog. Within 10 minutes we were in the midst of the craziest sand storm we’d ever seen! Traffic moved at a crawl…or stopped completely...and it lasted for most of the next 4 hrs. The end result was that when we got to Van Horn, there was a layer of sand EVERYWHERE! It will take lots of vacuuming when we get home to clear it out.

When we pulled in to Van Horn, we decided that before hooking up, we’d go in to town and pick up some fresh food. As we pulled on to main street (there’s only one) I thought for sure that we’d found a ‘ghost town’ that wasn’t on the map. Every business has been closed, burned down, or abandoned…and yet there are 15 hotels/motels! I guess that where everyone must work because there’s nothing else going on in Van Horn.

Until next time, our love to you all. We are starting to realize that the ‘holiday’ is just about over. We’ll miss this freedom but are anxious to see all the people we love. xx

Day 77 - 15 Mar - Surprise, AZ to Benson, AZ

Photo: The first Prickly Pear Cactus bloom I've seen on this trip. I'm hoping as it gets warmer towards Texas we'll see a lot more.
Another beautiful day in the was a bit cloudy but made the mountains even more beautiful when the sun would peek through in different spots. We packed up and were ready to head out when we noticed lots of activity in the community centre area behind us. Turns out there was a Vendor's Market....20 feet from the LuvMasheen!!! So much for leaving early! They had some wonderful stuff. I bought a gorgeous light fleece jacket with rhinestones down the zipper..again no surprise eh? will be a real hit around the bonfire at Long Lake this summer. Everybody get their sunglasses ready!!

We headed down Interstate 10 East towards Tucson and along the Santa Catalina and Rincon Mountains towards Benson, which is west of Tucson. Everything came to a screeching halt and the traffic was backed up forever. Now, the LuvMasheen might have a few minor problems (continually being fixed, however) but communication isn't one of them. That CB radio that hangs around doing nothing most of the time sure comes in handy when there's a problem! We turned it on and put it on the trucker's channel and found out there was a big accident up the road and where the detour would take you and how to get back on the highway further down the road. It can be very entertaining listening to these guys...they discuss politics, economics, women on motorcycles, and everything else in between. They call cars '4-wheelers' and some of their discussion is halarious...."That f'n 4-wheeler ahead of me must have just got their license...stupid #@$^$#". This isn't the first time we've used it to find out what road conditions are and it's a good thing to have for emergencies or problems anyway.

We are learning to be patient on the road and it's not unusual for us to have to amend our destination because of unexpected things happening. We decided to have 4 new tires put on the van while we were in the States and while they were being installed, the guy said one of the shocks was leaking, so-o-o-o-o-o that was another entire morning lost having that fixed. It's been a helluva trip but it's come with a bit of a price tag. We are going to tell people we are "re-building the van" and it's not much of a stretch!

We are still planning to get to Texas as quickly as we can and perhaps have some time to sit for a couple of days. The temperature is in the high 70s, low 80s, so that will be our last hurrah in warmer temperatures and then it's time to head back to reality. We are hoping that as well as having record snowfalls this year, Ottawa is going to experience a 'chinook' that clears out the snow and brings an early Spring! One can hope.

Until next time, our love to you all. Wayne and I have determined that we each have a tape worm...nothing else can explain this never-ending eat continually. Gotta go....they sell Hagen-Daas ice cream bars at the RV store and it's getting ready to close.......

Day 76 - 14 Mar - Kingman, AZ to Surprise, AZ

Photo: Joshua Tree. They can grow to 25 feet and the ones along this parkway seem to be nearly that high. I'm impressed with the way construction companies will go to great lengths not to disturb these or any other type of cactus when doing road work.
Today we traveled South on Hwy 93 and it was one of the most beautiful drives we’ve been on. After being on the road for so long, and finding some wonderful drives, every once in awhile there is one that takes your breath away.
This highway was about 125 miles of gentle curves with the Aquarius Mts and the Hualapai Mts on either side. Some of the wildflowers are out, including the small yellow/orange poppies and the deep blue flowers. It was just a feast for the eyes. We came around a curve and found ourselves at the beginning of the Joshua Tree National Forest and after looking on the map, realized we were on the Joshua National Forest Parkway. These tree/cactus are quite different and right now, they are also in ‘bloom’ with a clump of white flowers on the end of each branch. They highway was thick with them and it was truly a ‘forest’. They can live for 200 years and got their name from the Mormons who thought the tree looked like Joshua leading people to the promised land. It always amazes me that some of these cactus seem to grow in one area and then will disappear completely while another type takes over.
We got to Surprise which appears to be a suburb of Phoenix and pulled in to the Sunflower RV Resort and what a beautiful spot it was. It’s an adult community with park style trailer homes (smaller trailers that are like small houses) and a huge, huge community complex with everything from a library to a ballroom and everything in between. There was a huge pool, hot-tub, laundry area with 50 washers/dryers….what a complex. They had activities up the ying-yang and areas for long term RVs (3 mos or more). We were put in the ‘holding’ area with electricity only but it wasn’t a problem for one night. We did look at the bulletin board though and found lots of notices for people who own a permanent park home and want to rent…anywhere from $1500-$1800 a month. We both love the Phoenix area--there’s lots to do and see and worth considering for next year. Yet more options for winter vactions!
We took a short detour to see Pleasure Lake which was created with another dam and is also a National Park. It was lovely and I guess the people in the area love being able to have a beach or enjoying boating…in the middle of Arizona.
We are going to try and get out early tomorrow and put a few miles on the road. I’m starting to look forward to more than one night somewhere…we pull in to a park about 4 pm and by the time we set up and have supper it’s time for bed and then we’re up and on the road again in the morning. We still have a couple of weeks before we have to start North so can afford to stay two nights in those parks that are either in a nice area where there’s something to see or by the water. I expect we’ll find all of that once we get back in to Texas
Until next time, take care and don’t worry about us…we are remembering to put lots of tan lotion on so we don’t burn. We love and miss you all.

Day 75 - 13 Mar - Las Vegas to Kingman, Arizona

Photo: The Hoover Dam
The Farkle Fatties slept late...again...but after showering, shaving, etc. managed to get on the road by 10 am. Getting out of Las Vegas was no problem and when we stopped for gas, there was a McDonald's on site and that damn Egg McMuffin was calling me so-o-o.....

We were within 40 miles of the Hoover Dam and had put it on our list 'to do' today. We ended up on a Parkway that became a National Park so had about 20 miles of the most stunning scenery along the way. It's easy to tell that we are getting close to the Grand Canyon as the rock formations are getting bigger and the higher. We had no problem getting to the Hoover Dam...just follow the cars! Actually, the traffic wasn't too bad today and we've read that come June, it can be a nightmare! There's construction going on as a new road is being built with a very impressive bridge going over the canyon. Both ends are built and the pillars holding up those structures must have millions of tons of concrete as they side on the bottom of the canyon floor not far from the dam. The dam is impressive, considering it was built in the 1930's but I'm sure there has been a lot of modern technology installed since then. I did see a tiny leak but had no gum so not sure what might happen in the future! On the side of the dam where the water has been held back is Lake Mead but except for a few small restaurant and the odd motel, is not developed due to it being a State Park. That was probably a blessing as the lake is quite lovely and with all the beaches, desert & rock formations, would have a gazillion condominiums on it by now. It's remained unspoilt which is nice.

We left the dam and started down Hwy 93 South, through the Sacramento Valley with the Black Mts on one side and the Cerbat Mts on the other. There are a few big peaks here...Mt Tipton elevation 7,150...but the land between is really flat and there is nothing there. We had to laugh as some bright light thinks this should be the next Vegas and has signs out to sell the land at $19,000 an acre! We decided that they should probably pay people to settle there for a few years and something might just happen.

As we approach Kingman, the scenery was even more beautiful and I was once again reduced to hanging out the window to take photos...just nowhere to stop. The hills/mountains are every colour of the rainbow and some are covered with a sparse grass which makes them look a pale green. I just never get tired of seeing this landscape but I know it's because it's new and different. I get the same reaction when we are in the's just OOHing and AHing non stop.

The temperature is definitely cooler here--I think it's going down into the 30's tonight so we will be back on the road tomorrow and heading south. The locals are complaining bitterly about the weather and it looks like the weekend forecast is pretty rainy (good news in this part of the country) and miserable so we're leaving! We haven't settled on a route home yet but I suspect the warmest place right now is in Texas so I think that's where we will head and perhaps find a nice warm spot to sit for a couple of days before beginning the trek home.

Until next time m'dears, take care and don't lose heart...Spring is coming...and I hope it gets there at the same time I do. Jennifer tells me she is anxious to get out in the to my ears...and I will just have to keep an eye on her for the first summer so that only weeds get pulled...nothing that smells good or cost money to put in the ground! It was wonderful talking to some of you--the calls will continue when we can hook up. The time difference here makes calling in the evening impossible (we are 3 hrs behind Ottawa) so that when we are finishing our supper and ready to sit and call, most of you are heading for bed. Take care, our love to you all.

Day 74 - 12 Mar - Las Vegas

Photo: The Sphinx in front of the Luxor Hotel.
We slept late (for us) and relaxed for part of the morning. Because we are going to be downtown late again tonight, we didn't feel there was any big rush to go early. However, by 1 pm, I was getting antsy and anxious to see some of the hotels we hadn't yet toured. We decided that I'd head down by myself, take pictures until the battery died if I wanted, and Wayne would meet me at 5 pm.

I went to the end of the strip and wandered through the Luxor and Excalibur Hotels and..... POW...found the penny machines. What fun...slide a $1 bill in and get all the same excitement as a $100 bill. In the end I won $15 in total so it was even better. Both hotels are lovely--the Excalibur is an older hotel and is featuring the comedian Carrot Top (hate him) and the Excalibur is featuring 'Thunder Down Under'...the Australian Chippendales...sure, I was tempted but resisted and moved on.

Next stop was the Paris Hotel...with the Eiffel Tower etc...and it was beautiful. I decided to use my hard earned money and take an elevator to the top of the tower to get a panoramic view of the city. Very impressive and you'd have to see the amount of construction going on to believe it. The hotels don't last more that 20-25 years here before they tear them down and build something more elaborate.

Las Vegas is a city of excesses and it would be difficult to spend more than a week here. We have seen so many amazing things and enjoyed every second of our stay but the evening crowds are already starting to get to us and it won't be hard to leave. I do know that I could set up a comfy chair in front of the Bellagio and watch the water show all day.

Wayne met me...where the water show...and we headed down to the Venetian Hotel. What a sight! There is a canal that runs through the hotel...including inside...and gondolas, complete with singing drivers, go through the hotel and out to the grounds where the Piazza is set up. When we went inside to find a restaurant, there was an operatic group, in full costume, singing some aurias from various operas and like Caesars Palace, the inside of the shopping concourse is made to resemble a street in Venice. After a wonderful supper, we did some more penny gambling and the went back to the Bellagio to get some video of the night water show and then go to the Cirque de Soleil performance of "O" (vice french 'Eau').

There are no words that can adequately describe this show!! To say it was 'amazing' doesn't even touch the surface. The machanics of this show just blew our minds....there was a huge pool built into the stage with platforms under the water that allowed the performers to be in the water one minute and on top of the water at the next. It was deep enough that high divers 75 ft in the air could dive into the pool! There was an act where about 30 people were in the pool performing while others were on 3 big swings around the pool and synchronizing jumps into the water. The show was nearly 2 hrs and was like nothing I've ever seen in my life! Wayne and I agreed that just when you thought you seen 'it all' in this show...the next act showed you that you hadn't seen anything yet!

By the time we got home it was late and we downloaded photos and planned the next day. We are heading to Hoover Dam tomorrow morning and then back south. It's disappointing but we won't get to the Grand Canyon on this trip...because of the elevation, it is just too cold there and there is this strange thing called 'snow'. After visiting the dam, we will head back down south and try to stay in the warmer weather as long as possible and then start the drive east and home.

Until next time, take care everyone...we love and miss you all.

Day 73 - 11 Mar - Las Vegas, Nevada

Photo: Part of the Bellagio's water show with the Paris Hotel in the background.
We had a full day yesterday and like most people in this city, fell into bed late after walking our dogs off. We'd bought all-day passes for the bus that runs up and down the strip which really helped. The hotels are so large and encompass so much property and walking from one end of the stip to the other is exhausting as well as taking valuable gawking time.

Firstly, we'd made up our minds that we had to do more than just casino-hop...we need to actually see a show or at 6:30 pm decide to try and get tickets for the 7:30 show to see 'The Devine Miss M--Bette Midler' at Caesars Palace. Now that Celine Dion has moved on, other big names are starting to perform there. Result....we got them and what a show, what a show!!! We had excellent seats and she put on a Las Vegas extravaganza that was fabulous! We laughed, we cried, we were totally entertained for 2 hrs. There were gorgeous show girls, an amazing band, colour and glitter. Definitely a highlight (one of the many) for this trip. Wayne just got off the phone and we are going to see 'O'....the Cirque de Soleil water show at 10:30 tomorrow tonight. That should be another amazing spectacle!

Those of you who have been here will understand how overwhelming Las Vegas is for all the senses! Every hotel/casino tries to out-do the others and each time we went into a hotel, we were awed! Caesars Palace and their shopping concourse has to be seen to be believed....marble fountains, 4-story Roman statues, fresco paintings on the ceilings and on and on. The while tigers in the beautiful gardens of the Mirage were incredible. Tropical flowers and water fountains everywhere. The lion habitat at the MGM Grand was fun...every once in awhile the trainers bring out hamburger and throw balls of it against the windows of the enclosures so you can get great photos of them closeup...teeth and all...taking the food off the windows. For night-time entertainment, the water show at the front of the Bellagio is beyond words! Every 1/2 hour the lights go down, the music starts---everything from Elton John to Mozart---and the small lake in front of the hotel becomes magic as the water 'dances' to the music. We were mesmerized!

We still have hotels that we haven't gotten inside yet and we are determined not to miss any. The Paris Hotel has a huge replica of the Eiffel Tower & Arc de Triumph and the Venitian Hotel has gondola rides...still lots to see. The shopping is pricey but some of the stores draw you in. The famous F.A.O. Schwarz toy store is 3 floors of fun and the biggest stuffed animals I've ever seen in my life. The have a huge replica of the Trojan Horse outside the store...another neck bending, gawking exercise. Wayne & I got caught up in the 'doll nursery' where they have realistic dolls lying in nursery beds waiting to be 'adopted' and the huge floor piano keyboard. Nope, can't do this place in a day!

We have decided to wait until after lunch to head out today and it will no doubt be another late night...and us oldies have to pace ourselves. I'm anxious to see the show tomorrow as it's had amazing reviews. There are currently 3 different Cirque de Soleil shows playing on the strip and while each of them are fabulous, this is the one to try and see. I think Debbie & Corky went when they were here the end of Feb.

The Farkle fatties didn't miss any meals with all that activity....we hit the mega-buffet at the Mirage and it was a good thing we ate early in the day as we'd have slept through Miss M's show. I tried to hit every station...Italian, Latin, Chinese, Fish, BBQ, etc. etc. bypassing only the Salad station and going right to Dessert. Wayne....well, Wayne loves a buffet and between the two of us, we got our money's worth!

Until next time, we are losesome for all of you. We will start to plan the tail end of the trip once we leave Vegas so that we can stay in the warm temperatures as long as possible but be there in time to look after our little Angel while Tim & Kim take a holiday in Mexico. Today would have been Mother's 87th birthday...she would have been a cracker jack and we'd have been hard pressed to get on this holiday without her! Rarely a day goes by that I don't think of her and smile! Also waiting to get the Pinheiro baby announcement....PUSH, MELANIE...PUSH!! xx

Day 72 - 10 Mar - Needles, CA to Las Vegas, Nevada

Odometer: 129,434 Weather: sunny 80 degrees
Photo: Fatty & Flubby Farkle in front of the Wynn hotel & casino. It's positioned so that it catches and reflects the sunset--amazing!!

We are traveling historic Route 66 to Las Vegas. It’s a beautiful day for traveling—the Eldorado Mts on one side and the McCullough Range on the other. The land is flat and the landscape much the same as the past few days but as every cloud floats by or the sun changes it’s position, the colours, textures, and shades of the mountains also change.
We stopped for gas—Wayne nearly had a bird—it was $4.19 a gallon so it wasn’t a ‘fill’ this time. A decision to go over to the Wagon Wheel Restaurant for breakfast was in order and it was a good decision. The waitress called us both ‘Honey’—she’s a biker babe—but the food was good and we decided that was brunch as well as breakfast. Both of us are a little amazed at what we are seeing in photos of ourselves! There a whole lot more to both of us than when we left!
Las Vegas was on the horizon by 1 pm and Gertie got us to the KOA Circus Circus right downtown on the ‘strip’. We got set up and were so exhausted by the effort that a nap was in order before we started exploring. By 4 pm we were ready to head out and went first to the Circus Circus hotel next door. It has ongoing free circus acts and from the ones we saw in the hour we were there, they are clearly first rate.
We decided to head down the strip for a bit. It doesn’t take long before we realize that it’s going to take more than a day to see everything! It’s Times Square x2 and we feel a bit like country bumpkins…mouths open and necks craned to look up at the various hotels. They are gorgeous and each of the newer ones have tried to out-do the others around them. We stopped and watched the pirate show outside the Treasure Island hotel….pretty damned impressive….pyro-technics and all. By the time the show ended it was getting dark and the strip was lit up and looking beautiful. I love this kind of stuff and while I’m sure that too much of it would become too much after a while, it’s still new to me and has all the glitz that I & glitz won't surprise anyone. Now if I can just resist the impulse to buy the glitz t-shirts, purses, & all the other stuff, I'll be okay.
We hit a few souvenir shops along the way and then between Wayne’s foot and my back, we decided that we’d better head back before we had to call 911. We’ll have a good night’s sleep and then give it our best shot tomorrow. Once couple who live here told us about a couple of the hotels that we really must get to in order to see the water shows or other free shows and they are at the very end of the strip so we’ll check out the double-decker bus that runs up and down Las Vegas Avenue and see if that cuts out some of the residual pain and lets us wander longer.
Until next time, take care everyone. Let us know when the snow leaves and we’ll start heading for home. We did see a bit of snow on one of the higher mountains in the distance…….we didn’t like it.