Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 95 - 2 Apr - Washington, DC to Pittsburgh, PA

The first order of the day was checking e-mail for news about the Pinheiro baby....and there it was! Sawyer Scott Pinheiro entered the world shortly after 5 pm last night and he's a beauty! He weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz and from the photos, Melanie came through with flying colours. This seems to be the season for boys! If this isn't a miniature Deano, I don't know what is! Wayne says the Toronto Maple Leafs have gained another fan. Of course, his Grandmother (Carol) says Sawyer is already trying to communicate with her...I can foresee problems with her. Let the battle of the Grandmother's begin!

The forecast had been for thundershowers but the day was bright and sunny--only 53 degrees--and tonight it borders on freezing so we've seen the end of days in the LuvMasheen. Wayne drained the water tanks and winterized (added anti-freeze) and we hit the road.

Spring has definitely arrived in Virginia and Pennsylvania. The Forsythia trees are in full bloom, and there are thousands of daffodils up which combined with the trees, makes a beautiful sight. There are so many other flowering trees...big and small, that the whole landscape is very colourful. There are lots of buds on the trees and although the locals say it's much cooler here than normal, there are no signs of snow anywhere and they are obviously far enough south that Mother Nature is already working hard here.

We got off the Interstate and took another highway north that went through some of the lovliest countryside. There were lots of farms and horse ranches and there must be some money in this area because the fencing was wooden, painted, pristine, and ran for miles! Of course, there were some pretty impressive houses in the middle of all that.

We got to Pittsburgh about 4 pm and decided we would check in to the Holiday Inn and enjoy some television. In the end, we ordered room service, a movie (I am Legend), and will each crawl in to our own bed and stretch out. Tomorrow night we hope to be crossing the border and will probably spend a couple of nights in Niagra-On-The-Lake and area which will be nice as it's not tourist season and we might actually get on a wine tour!

Until next, our love to you all and we are getting anxious to be 'home'. Congratulation to Dean and Melanie, and to the newest Grandparents...Bob & Carol. I'm already thinking of Xmas this year and how Santa will have two little boys to impress! xx


At 6:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Auntie Lynne and Uncle Wayne!!!

I don't have Melanie and Dean's email address but if you could pass along some congradulations from my family that would be much appreciated (when you have a moment from your sight seeing)...LOVE reading the blogs, glad to see you are still enjoying yourselves (btw-so jealous of the shopping!!! !)...

Love Jacky :)


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