Sunday, January 10, 2016

Where is Noah when you need him? - 10 Jan 2015

Our lives are certainly not uneventful and for the most part, that's the way we like it. As we get older I find we both prefer a quieter day-to-day life. It doesn't seem to be what we get!

We went to bed Friday night after sitting by the pool with Susan and Ralph, catching up on condo gossip (who's here, who's not, who sold, who's renting, etc) and yes, we did have a glass or two of wine but it was quite a tame evening by all standards. We may have sat out longer but both Wayne and Ralph started to complain about 'bug bites' and we packed up our cheese, crackers, dips, etc and called it a night. Neither Susan nor I ever get bitten, only the men, which is why we like to keep the boys handy in the evenings; they are our personal, non-toxic bug repellent.

Now that our internet is hooked up we put in the ear plugs, turned on CBC live, and proceeded to sleep the sleep of the dead. Anyone who knows me knows that once I am asleep, only God or Wayne pounding through the house can wake me. God I always forgive...Wayne suffers my wrath if he wakes me up.

About 11;30 pm I awoke out of a sound sleep to some kind of electric appliance screaming in the kitchen. I came out of the bedroom with, "What in the name of God are you doing?" on my lips but hit a squishy wet carpet and then an inch of water on the kitchen floor. Once I got my eyes fully open I realized Wayne was using a tiny wet-vac (1 gal) to try and soak up water that extended into the living room and beyond....and wasn't having much success.

Apparently the hose from the washer had busted right off the tap and for at least an hour or so, had been flooding the condo. We hadn't heard anything! Yes, it was pouring into the condo below us and by the time the residents realized all that water pouring through their light fixtures, down the walls, and over their floors was coming from our condo, Wayne had woken up and started bailing water in the guest bathroom. He greeted our neighbour, who was banging on our front door, in his underwear and by that time had managed to turn off the water. The whole tap came off in his hand as it had corroded.

The neighbour found a bigger wet-vac and Wayne and I spent the next couple of hours trying to soak up water and finally gave up and went to bed. In the morning he phoned the landlord in Tennessee to give him the good news. Wayne knew with the mold issues in Florida that every home owner faces, this cleanup job needed the professionals and Jack agreed. Within a couple of hours he had arranged for a crew to come in to both condos and do what was necessary.

We currently have 4 huge dehumidifiers and 12 large fans going throughout the condo and some downstairs in our neighbours place. They will go full blast until Monday when the crew come back in and test the walls to see if things have dried out. A plumber is scheduled to come in next week to replace the taps on the washing machine.

Poor Jack...last year we called because of the refrigerator and stove and this year was another big expense for him. He was an absolute Prince though and never questioned the why or how of the issue. As renters we are so careful about being respectful of someone else's property but you never know.......

As if there's not enough humidity, today is rainy and humid but things seem to be drying up very nicely. I don't think we are getting the kind of rain that Ottawa is supposedly facing however. The weather is just plain crazy these days!

We went to a fun event at Susan & Ralph's golf club last night and had a great dinner while we bet on wooden horses that raced with a roll of the dice. Lots of fun and the best roast beef dinner to boot!

That's been our week so far. We'll hopefully have a more quiet week ahead and get down to the business of hanging out at the Botanical Gardens and the beach. Love and hugs to everyone until next time. xx


At 1:49 PM , Blogger Ruth Hiebert said...

It can only get better from here on.Dealing with water issues is never a fun thing to do.

At 7:13 AM , Anonymous Carol said...

On the good side there is no chance of it freezing.

At 2:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure the Wayner wasn't up changing the taps to the washer? We all know how that goes!! Say no more ....!!!

Mrs. B


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