Saturday, December 19, 2015

19 Dec 2015 - Live Long and Prosper!

My six-year-old Grandaughter caught me off guard this week when she asked, "Are you going to die Honey?" I fumbled and bumbled to try and answer her in a way she would understand, without upsetting her, but I know I didn't do a very good job of it. Fortunately her Daddy took over and perhaps that's the way it should have worked out anyway.

My lack of preparation for this question got me thinking....about time (and how quickly it's passing), my ability to catch every virus going around (and how sick I seem to get), and why I couldn't do a better job of putting her little heart more at ease. In the end (no pun intended) I've decided that my healthy spirit hasn't gotten to the point where I give more thought to dying than I do to living...and that's a good thing!

However, the next time she asks, and she will because her sensitive and thoughtful heart will compel her to ask, I hope to be able to tell her this:

Sweet Girl,

I love you so much and I'll never want to leave you but someday, a long time from now, I will not be able to stay with you. Everything...people, pets, flowers, trees...have a special amount of time to live and that's why we try hard every day to laugh, work hard, be honest and truthful to each other, and tell special people how much we love them.

We make special memories when we are together. Each time you make your own children 'Rainbow Pancakes' you will remember all the times we made them together and I will be with you. You will tell them about the fun you had playing 'dressup' from the toy closet and how you would 'borrow' my necklaces and bracelets and I will be with you. Each time you remember the laughs and the hugs we shared, I will be with you.

You may be sad when I'm not not here to take you hand or give you a hug but if you smile when you think of me, know for certain that I'm there with you.


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