Saturday, March 01, 2008

Day *80* - 18 Mar - Big Bend, TX to Del Rio, TX

Photo: Big Bend National Park. The vegetation in the foreground is typical of what covers the ground, including up the mountains.

The wind blew off and all through the night but it didn't keep us awake very often...Wayne slept till 7:30 and I rolled over and didn't wake up until after 10 am. I think one of the reasons we slept later was because it was overcast and light rain...that's the first rain we've seen since we left! Try as hard as I might, I can't be upset...after being in this climate for the past 3 weeks, rain is something the locals don't see often and are overjoyed when they do. It's rare to go over any sized bridge, see the sign naming the creek, stream, or river, and see nothing but dirt below.

We decided that rain or shine, Big Bend Nat'l Park was a must and we set off. From the moment we entered the gate there was majestic beauty all around us. I know I've gone on and on about how beautiful these mountains have been through Arizona and Texas but this park out-does them all by 10. It's impossible to try and explain the majestic beauty of this whole makes you speechless and emotional with the sheer wonder of it. I found that every time we approached the top of a hill, I was holding my breath waiting to experience what was on the other side. We went to Chisos Basin, which is at the top of one of the higher mountains and it was snowing lightly. Within 20 minutes we were back down in the desert and looking at fossils that have been found in an area that was a prehistoric lake.

I wish I could describe the colours--and I know I've tried previously but it's beyond description and more than once Wayne or I have said, "If we saw that in a painting, hanging on someone's wall, we'd say that it had too much colour and didn't represent reality". How wrong we'd be as we've seen blazes of colour that's impossible to describe. In the end, we both realized how lucky we've been to see all of this. Because it was very cloudy today, I don't think my photos do the scenery justice...the dampness makes the rock look darker anyway.

Big Bend is one of the least visited National parks in North America and I suspect it's because it's in the most remote part of the country, and Texas. We saw very little traffic....I got to tick off one more thing on my 'list of 100 things to do before I die' and stand in the middle of the road for 10 minutes without moving, with my eyes closed...and take a picture. Now, it was so flat that I could see longer than 10 minutes in both directions so it was pretty safe!

We drove longer tonight that we have in a long time but we'd already decided that tonight was definitely a hotel night...and that includes supper in a didn't have to worry about finding an RV park and setting up. I'm looking forward to a long hot a tub, and falling asleep in a king-sized bed, in front of the TV. We haven't watched TV since we left Puerta Vallarta and still hoping to buy one before we get home.

The weather is cool and it seems to be a front that is right across southern Texas. The girl in the restaurant said it was 80 degrees day before yesterday and we're hoping that by the time we hit South Padre Island, it will have returned. We expect to be there 3 or 4 days and then start the drive home. We loved it so much when we stopped there on the way to Mexico that we've decided that is where we want to re-work our fading tans.

Until next time, our love to each of you. I can't believe we are at Day 80 already. Except for the one day when Wayne called me a 's..t arse' and I replied "right back attcha", we've lived pretty tight for 24/7 and it's been great. Who'dda thought? It must be love.


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