Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 96 - 3 Apr - Pittsburg, PA to Erie, PA

Photo: Wayne in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.
We didn't do many least not in the LuvMasheen...but I put a whole lotta miles on my running shoes! We went to one of the 'primier' outlet malls in the nation, or so the guidebook said, and it was a very successful day.

We'd planned an extra day into our schedule in case of weather or emergency and since we don't need it we figured we could afford to slow down, and spend some time doing the shopping thing. Now, the guys won't care one little bit, but ladies....this was a bonanza mall!...140 brand names that were clearing out seasonal stock over and above the regular 50% off! It was unbelieveable! I walked in to this one store and saw this gorgeous sweater for $7.99 so asked the lady if the sign was right because the tag said $29.99 after 2 or 3 markdowns. She said yes, that most sweaters were that price or less...JUST FOR TODAY! Wayne is calling the van a travelling closet but it really was an outlet mall and coming at the change of season made the sales fabulous.

We are going to spend one more day lounging and then cross the border at Buffalo on Saturday morning. We are only a couple of hundred miles from Tim and Kim's so won't have any difficulty getting there so that Gail and Graham can head back to Maxville on Sunday.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. Today is Cousin Sandy's birthday. She has been lucky enough to get to celebrate her special day in Barbados for the past few years and is no doubt having lots of fun in the sun again this year. We are thinking of her. xx


At 6:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the best wishes. We had a great day yesterday going for a sunset drink and then to our favorite restaurant for catch of the day. Like you guys, we can't believe how fast the winter has gone. We're not ready to go home but it will be nice to meet our new Great Nephew. Miss you and love you.


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