Saturday, March 01, 2008

Day 75 - 13 Mar - Las Vegas to Kingman, Arizona

Photo: The Hoover Dam
The Farkle Fatties slept late...again...but after showering, shaving, etc. managed to get on the road by 10 am. Getting out of Las Vegas was no problem and when we stopped for gas, there was a McDonald's on site and that damn Egg McMuffin was calling me so-o-o.....

We were within 40 miles of the Hoover Dam and had put it on our list 'to do' today. We ended up on a Parkway that became a National Park so had about 20 miles of the most stunning scenery along the way. It's easy to tell that we are getting close to the Grand Canyon as the rock formations are getting bigger and the higher. We had no problem getting to the Hoover Dam...just follow the cars! Actually, the traffic wasn't too bad today and we've read that come June, it can be a nightmare! There's construction going on as a new road is being built with a very impressive bridge going over the canyon. Both ends are built and the pillars holding up those structures must have millions of tons of concrete as they side on the bottom of the canyon floor not far from the dam. The dam is impressive, considering it was built in the 1930's but I'm sure there has been a lot of modern technology installed since then. I did see a tiny leak but had no gum so not sure what might happen in the future! On the side of the dam where the water has been held back is Lake Mead but except for a few small restaurant and the odd motel, is not developed due to it being a State Park. That was probably a blessing as the lake is quite lovely and with all the beaches, desert & rock formations, would have a gazillion condominiums on it by now. It's remained unspoilt which is nice.

We left the dam and started down Hwy 93 South, through the Sacramento Valley with the Black Mts on one side and the Cerbat Mts on the other. There are a few big peaks here...Mt Tipton elevation 7,150...but the land between is really flat and there is nothing there. We had to laugh as some bright light thinks this should be the next Vegas and has signs out to sell the land at $19,000 an acre! We decided that they should probably pay people to settle there for a few years and something might just happen.

As we approach Kingman, the scenery was even more beautiful and I was once again reduced to hanging out the window to take photos...just nowhere to stop. The hills/mountains are every colour of the rainbow and some are covered with a sparse grass which makes them look a pale green. I just never get tired of seeing this landscape but I know it's because it's new and different. I get the same reaction when we are in the's just OOHing and AHing non stop.

The temperature is definitely cooler here--I think it's going down into the 30's tonight so we will be back on the road tomorrow and heading south. The locals are complaining bitterly about the weather and it looks like the weekend forecast is pretty rainy (good news in this part of the country) and miserable so we're leaving! We haven't settled on a route home yet but I suspect the warmest place right now is in Texas so I think that's where we will head and perhaps find a nice warm spot to sit for a couple of days before beginning the trek home.

Until next time m'dears, take care and don't lose heart...Spring is coming...and I hope it gets there at the same time I do. Jennifer tells me she is anxious to get out in the to my ears...and I will just have to keep an eye on her for the first summer so that only weeds get pulled...nothing that smells good or cost money to put in the ground! It was wonderful talking to some of you--the calls will continue when we can hook up. The time difference here makes calling in the evening impossible (we are 3 hrs behind Ottawa) so that when we are finishing our supper and ready to sit and call, most of you are heading for bed. Take care, our love to you all.


At 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mama...I meant I am anxious for YOU to get out in my garden! My green thumb hasn't developed yet....Operation 'make me a nice little wifey' is still far from being complete!

I was sorry to miss your call the other day. Good thing you talked to the guy who doesn't give or receive details...I was a little underwhelmed by his play-by-play of your conversation!

We are going to T.O. next weekend to vist both sets of brothers for Easter. It will be a whirlwind trip, but we are looking forward to seeing Ty and Emma(and the others too, I suppose.)Sounds like you are having an amazing time...i gotta admit I have wanted to go to Vegas since i was a little girl. I'll go someday...maybe when my kids are grown up and living in MY backyard....

Take care and give Wayner a squeeze for me. Love Jen xoxo

P.S. I had a bath in your big bathtub yesterday (Maria was cleaning at my place) and I accidently dropped in all of your bathbombs...oops! I will replace them, I swear.


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