Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 87 - 25 Mar - Beaumont, TX to Layfette, Louisiana

Photo: The Azalea blooms at the Acadian Village
We had an early night and were up in time for the waffle breakfast at the RV park. I don't give a darn...I'll stop eating when I get home...if I can!

I think the terrible, gut-wrenching, miserable stress of trying to fit 8 hrs of shopping in a 3 hr period has taken it's toll on me. I am one big mess of cold sores and feeling really poopie today. I guess there won't be any more photos of me on this trip...and some might say that's a good thing...but this is going to be ugly! I can go for months and months and not have one and then BAM!! That's soon as I'm up to it, I need a solid stressless day in a mall somewhere...the best medicine around! Mind you, the van is starting to bulge at the seams and there aren't too many hidey-holes left!

We decided to do a bit of sightseeing today and went to the Acadian Village in Layfette. The citizens of the city gathered up as many of the remaining original houses, stores, church etc. that belonged to the Acadians and moved them to one location. Some have had minor renovations done but the bulk are the original buildings filled with appropriate furnishing that have been donated by descendents of the Acadians that came here in the early 1800s after have been expelled from the Maritimes by the British in the late 1700s.

They have done an excellent job in recreating this little community and the history is very interesting. The Acadians originally came from France and were only in Nova Scotia a short time before the British told them to 'pack up and move on'. There were about 10 buildings with a small bayou that ran through the village to represent the bayou that was their main transportation route. Wayne certainly enjoyed it--I did also but felt that there needed to be a bit more care taken of some of the artifacts. Some of the paper things were already deteriorating as they were just behind glass or in plastic sleeves. Very little was protected and there was no security to speak would have been very easy to pick up something and put it in your bag and walk away. The Azaleas were in full bloom and unlike our little potted ones, these are huge bushes. They have the most glorious scent and it was a beautiful afternoon.

From there we went to the Jefferson House & Gardens (not Thomas Jefferson) and although it was a bit too early to see gardens in full bloom, it was very lush. I think another 6 weeks will see everything blooming and lots more colour. We had thought about taking the Acadian Trail loop tomorrow but need to do a check on the calendar to see that we aren't leaving ourselves short on travel time home. There are some wonderful old plantations along this route that I'd love to see. I think we are okay....

It was another late night pulling into an RV site. We are at the KOA in Layfette which also has a small lake but by the time we got set up and had supper, it was too dark to investigate. We'd vowed to be settled at night by 5 pm but it's usually been after 6..or later..and I think it's because we are slow to get going in the morning. We don't get on the road until 10 am most days and in order to put any miles in that day, we tend to drive later which is not what we like to do.

The weather is still lovely, staying between 65-70 degrees and sunny. We'll enjoy that as long as we can as we can't see much but rain or snow on the weather channel for the states just north of us.

Until next time m'dears, we love and miss you all.


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