Saturday, March 01, 2008

Day 83 - 21 Mar - South Padre Island, TX

Photo: White Egret...I missed him catching a fish by two seconds!
What a relaxing day this was! Instead of doing the bus thing, we decided that we had better start working on our fading tans so went to the pool for the better part of the afternoon. We read, and watched people and simply lazed most of the time. We both love being on the road and seeing new things but every once in awhile you have to put away the maps, the GPS, the RV park locator, etc. and just sit for a few days to remember why you are taking this holiday. That's what we are doing.

There's a very long bridge that goes from the mainland (Port Isabella) to South Padre Island and since 2 pm today it's been filled with traffic heading for the island....I don't know where the heck they are all going as the island just isn't that big. The downtown area didn't appear to have that many bars so I guess the few big hotels that are here must be full for the Easter weekend. There are still a couple of empty spots here at the KOA but I think I heard one of the guys say they were expecting 24 arrivals today. The gi-normous beach at the other end of the island has no amenities at all and I don't think you can just pitch a tent, however there a pile of cars here that normally aren't....

I put on my new telephoto lens and wandered around the edge of the park bordering the water. There were egrets (white & grey) and a couple of different types of pelicans. I could watch the pelicans for hours and enjoy trying to calculate just when they are going to do a dive into the water for a fish. When the fishing boats came in to the pier, I went over to watch them cleaning the fish and the feeding frenzy that occurs when the innards were thrown to the pelicans, terns & seagulls.

We called Georgetown today and got to hear Ty yell, "Hi Honey, Hi Poppa...I miss you..I love you". It was wonderful to hear his voice and we are looking forward to seeing him in a couple of weeks. I wish we could be there to see him follow the Easter Egg trail to his first bike but another year....

We are disappointed we could not get to Kevin & Kate's in Vancouver as planned. We got a bit selfish with our time in Mexico and realized too late that time wasn't going to allow us to get to Vancouver, stay for a while and then come back across country by 5 Apr. We will fly out later this summer though as we want to spend some time with them and see their new house. We both still look at each other and can't believe how quickly the time has age old problem that just doesn't go away I guess!

We are trying to map out a route home that misses the flooding in all the States we must pass through on our way home. Hopefully, another week will lessen the problem and thank goodness for the internet as it provides the latest information on what is happening everywhere.

Until next time, our love to all..we are missing you and think of you each day. xx


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