Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 97 - 4 Apr - Erie, PA to Niagra-On-The-Lake, Ont

Photo: On the last day of our trip, an appropriate scene I think...a favourite sunset in Puerta Vallarta.
Well, we are back on Canadian soil and glad to be here! I AM CANADIAN! I love Canada....but the weather SUCKS! I'm freezing! I expect, if past years are any indication, that it will take about 2 weeks to climatize but unlike past years, the warm weather will be here sooner. I sure hope so.

We crossed the border at Buffalo and it was another easy process. traffic at all. The border guard didn't even ask for our passports...just wanted to know the basics...How long, how much, where from...and it was 'Have a nice day'. Certainly this trip has been the best all-round for border crossing experiences.

What an amazing holiday we've had! This was a dream for Wayne and I and it was everything we'd hoped it would be...and more! We had some favourite places, and less favourite places, but on the whole, we enjoyed every day. We are doing some serious thinking about what we want to do next year, and while we are in the very, very early stages of planning, I can see a bit longer time away, and staying put in 3 or 4 places vice moving every day or two. That immediately means we need to think about how we are going to travel/stay in these places. Driving to Mexico, as we did this year, will not happen again. The drive through central Mexico was too stressful (for me) and really hard on the LuvMasheen (and every other vehicle that does the trip). I'm glad we did it but it's an experience we'd rather remember fondly than re-create. We would consider doing the run from Nogales down to Puerta Vallarta but even that is 'iffy'. We loved Arizona and Texas and that beach in Alabama could draw us back but there's still lots of time between now and next winter before we have to decide.

In total, we put over 16,500 kms on the van and considering what it went through, it came through very well. It will seem strange getting back in to my little Sunfire...the van was so comfortable to drive and except for those extremely windy days when it strayed over the middle line unexpectedly, it was a great drive.

My favourite spot for fun was Las Vegas. I loved the lights, action, and sheer debauchery of the place. Favourite beach....too tough to call I think, because there were so many beautiful spots but again, the Alabama beach was amazing...even if it did have man-made sand! Favourite landscape...Arizona is so diverse--I loved the desert but a summer or fall trip back to Virginia would be fabulous. I couldn't pick a favourite sunset if I had to...the sunsets in Puerta Vallarta and along that whole coastline were beyond belief, night after night. However, the most spectacular sunset I've EVER seen was in Newfoundland so there you are! From day 1, we met the most terrific people...locals and fellow RVers.

The whole trip is going to end with spending a week with just doesn't get any better than that. When I hear him say, "Honey, I wuv you" on the phone, I just want to cover him with kisses. As Kim said, "You are only coming home because you need a 'Ty fix'...and she's not far from wrong except that we've missed everyone else as well.

I've already started a list of things to do when I get home so I don't expect much time for boredom after all the travelling in the last 97 days. It was rainy and cold in Niagra-On-The-Lake today but that meant no people so we had time to wander up and down the street, poking in some of the lovely little shops. It will be an eary night tonight so that we'll have lots of energy for His Highness for the next few days.

Thanks for travelling along with us. It made it lots more fun for us knowing that everyone was keeping track of our whereabouts via the blog and adding their own comments, which we always looked forward to reading. I'll still blog...not with the same regularity...the garden will soon keep me occupied and I know Jennifer is going to drive me crazy wanting to learn more, more, more about the whole process. It's my duty to teach her all I know! Plans are in the works for a trip to Newfoundland in late Aug & Sep so........

Until next time, love to you all. xx


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