Saturday, March 01, 2008

Day 84 - 22 Mar - South Padre Island, TX

After what seemed like a long, sleepless night, we had the most wonderful day!

The long weekend has brought thousands to South Padre Island....the bridge has continued to be packed since yesterday afternoon...and they are still coming. The couple in the RV behind us had a problem...except they started saying goodnight to their guests at 2 am and people were still leaving at 4 am. These tin cans are not sound proof at all so when they would start up their car, motorcycle, or ATV, we were all awake. Each time I'd get ready to go out and speak to them, it would quiet down and as soon as I'd start to drift off, someone else would come out, start up their vehicle, let it run for 10 minutes while they said goodbye and leave. This is a major party weekend here, especially for the Mexicans who make up the greater part of the local population. They just don't go to bed...they love Easter and all the hoopla that goes with it...and their partying isn't necessarily a gathering of drunks but lots of people, music, food, and conversation. All that to say...tonight will be a different story. The first goodbye will be the last!

We decided that the day was going to be too beautiful to sit around the RV park so we unhooked the LuvMasheen and headed for the beach. This is the same beach with sand dunes and endless miles of sand and water that was in my previous South Padre Island blog. For $3 (which goes towards keeping the beach clean) we took the van right onto the beach, set out chairs up beside it and had a wonderful day. We got there a little after 10 am and by noon the cars were lined up side-by-side as far as we could see down the beach on either end of us. By 3:30, we thought we'd better start packing up as we wanted to beat the crowd back to the highway, and we knew we'd had enough sun by that point.

I had bought a couple of kites at the KOA store...$2.79 ea...and before it got too busy this morning, we unfurled them and had the sheer joy of just 'flying a kite'. It was the perfect day for gusty wind, just a nice steady breeze. We had to laugh as every car that went by slowed down and gave us a big smile and wave. Some may have thought we had dimentia as in "Harold, look at those two crazy old people flying kites!" but I like to believe most of them wished they were us and had two cheap kites of their own! It was a glorious day. We are hoping to stay one more night at another park just up the road that is right on the beach, however if we get there tomorrow and they are full then it's a sign that it's time for us to hit the road. We'll see.

Until next time, our love to you all. We'll be missing our Easter dinner with the family but thinking of you all and how you are each enjoying your day. Take care. xx


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