Sunday, March 23, 2008

Days 92 & 93 - Savannah, SC to Fayetteville, NC, to Fredericksburg, Virginia

Photo: 2 days of rain have not provided much opportunity for photos.....however, I did spy this beauty when we stopped for gas. I know what it you? Hint--the top set of wings is folded down over the bottom set of wings.
Day 92 – We woke up with great intentions of heading into Savannah for a tour and then opened the curtains…..rain, rain, and cold. “No trolley for me in this weather”, says Lynnie, so it was roll over and sleep for another hour.
We’ve learned that ‘definite’ plans are just something to provide us with an immediate purpose unless something happens to change our minds. As I recently read on a great sign…”I don’t have to…I don’t want to…Nothing you say can make me change my mind…I’m retired!” We will keep all the literature, booklets, pamphlets, etc. on Savannah and put it on the ‘gotta-come-back-to’ list (which is growing every day).
We just drove the Interstate today…and the traffic was awful on I-95 again. The CB was again invaluable for finding out what was going on, and we followed the trucker’s advice once again to get off the highway, take an alternate route around a minor accident, and then get back on the highway. After listening to them on the CB, I now understand why we compare someone with really bad language to a trucker! Every other word is ‘effing’!
We pulled in to the Fayetteville, North Carolina, KOA and had a couple of the very best T-Bone steaks we’ve EVER had…from the local IGA…did the geek thing on our computers and then to bed.
We did call Tim & Kim to wish them a good holiday on the Myan Riviera and to get our weekly dose of “I wuv you Honey, I wuv you Poppa”.

Day 93 – It was a very chilly night…which Wayne loved because I was almost on top of him all night to keep warm. We have a great little electric heater but there’s a wee draft that comes in the back door, next to me, that made me a tad cool every once in awhile. We wanted to get as close to Washington as possible so were on the road by 9 am.
It poured rain for most of the morning and made driving miserable but seemed to clear a bit as we got closer to the Virginia border. It’s still cool and I don’t like it! Jennifer doesn’t have any sympathy at all…she just advises that I put on socks over my flip-flops! Poor Wayne was forced out of bed earlier than normal this morning as I guess I went in to major snore mode about 4:30 am but also got the hiccups as well! I’ve tried to explain to him that what I do is quite extraordinary and he should appreciate my uniqueness! God, I think I’d just kill me if I were him! No darn wonder I can’t get out of bed in the morning…I exhaust myself all night!
We are at the Fredericksburg/Washington KOA and I wish the weather were nicer so we could enjoy it. It’s in the middle of the Virginia woodlands and it’s quite lovely. It also has a small lake with paddleboats but it’s still raining and just too cool for us. Like the Boston KOA, this location provides a shuttle service to the Amtrak station to catch the train into Washington, which we will do tomorrow morning and then get the train back in the late afternoon. We are hoping to do the Smithsonian tomorrow and if the weather clears and I can get some photos of the cherry blossoms—which are in full bloom—then we will decide whether or not to spend another day there sightseeing or doing something else. Options…always options.
This area, of course, is a major historic location for the civil war. I find the whole thing really interesting, especially after reading John Jakes’ trilogy—North & South; Love & War; and Heaven & Hell—while we were in Mexico. There are major battlefields everywhere and I recognized many of the locations names of major battles as we passed by—Fort Sumter, Appomattox, Manassas, Harper’s Ferry. While John Jakes books were fiction, he had done extensive research on the war and so much of the novel(s) were based on true facts of the war. Apparently it was a mini-series which is now out on DVD, which I’ll look for while we are here.
It’s going to be a very early night because we have to be ready for the shuttle at 7 am—yee gods—and I’ve asked Wayne to set the alarm for 5:30 so I can be ready. We haven’t been in Washington for 42 years…we came here on our honeymoon. Colin said we should try to find the same hotel…I said it’s probably been demolished or it’s a crack house by now! Until next time, we love and miss you all. xx


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