Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 88 - 26 Mar - Lafayette, Louisiana to Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Photo: This is the Tourist Centre on the Lousiana/Mississippi border. Most of the newer homes seem to be in much the same 'plantation' style.
Well, what a day of discovery we had! I slept until 9 was nice and cool last night, I was tired and didn't hear Wayne get up this morning so I had a great sleep. I love it when I get to sleep a bit later in the morning.

After the shower routine, we packed up and had a discussion about how we had to get on the road earlier in the morning, drive a minimum 400 kms a day, blah blah blah. Then we stopped at the gorgeous welcome center on Interstate 10. I've already decided I'm writing a letter to the Minister of Tourism when I get home and let him/her know that Canadians have a big time, long way to go before we elevate tourism to the American level! Between 'the best' customer service in existence, and the most wonderful tourist centers on the majorhighways between each State, they have us beat to a pulp. The one on this hwy was walk in and the first thing they do is offer you coffee, tea, iced tea, soft drink? There are two huge rooms that are designed to resemble plantation living rooms and you are free to sit and lounge or whatever. In one of the rooms there was a china cabinet that had various items that were for sale at local merchants (or area). I saw these wine glasses and absolutely fell in love! "Gotta have it", says Lynnie. The girl at the desk ended up phoning the store, asking how many she had, what time they closed, etc., gave us a map and away we went.

We had seen a sign that the 'scenic' route cut off Interstate 10 and became Hwy 90, which is where we had to go in order to get to Ocean Springs and the store of my dreams (by the way, Wayne had also spied something he liked in the the same it was a GO right from the start!). We got to Bay St. Louis, crossed a huge bridge and then we saw a sight we would never have believed! It was miles, and miles, and miles of beach and ocean along the Gulf Coast (in Mississippi Sound). This 70-mile stretch is the only place Mississippi has 'ocean' access and as soon as we started down the strip, we were impressed! We commented that there seemed to be major construction going on everywhere...big, beautiful homes across from the beach area all looked new or fresh somehow...everything looked new...and there was lots of property for sale. Then it ocurred to us that they were cleaning and re-building after Hurricane Katrina! As we drove further down the strip we could see signs of the hurricane where buildings right on the beach were missing 3/4 of their structure and hadn't been torn down yet. The piers where the shrimp boats had been tied (new piers have been built), even those made with steel bars, were all twisted and wrecked. However, there are 4 or 5 big Casinos now and I expect that is where the money is coming from to rebuild all the roads and clean things up...unlike New Orleans.

The beach was beautiful...soft white sand...until we found out later...IT'S MAN-MADE SAND!! Miles of it!! There was a sea wall originally and after the hurricane, they decided that more tourism meant a real 'beach' area was needed. Wayne scooped up a jar of sand to bring's gorgeous.

We got to the store before closing and...well....let's just say that there are 8 new heirlooms to be divied up...wait till you see what I have girls!! The girl who owns the store was a sweetie and we talked for quite awhile. She told us that no-one has seen 1 cent of insurance money from the hurricane yet and while her business is doing well now, the mammoth loan she took out to reopen it means her personal financial position is not good. She said she doesn't think she and her family will ever be able to own another house...or at least not for many years until the insurance issue is settled. After seeing the devistation in New Orleans, I can understand how people's lives have been ruined...they lost absolutely everything, including any equity they had built up in their homes.

So, now we have two big bags of fragile blown glass stuff that has no permanent place in the van but that I'm guarding with my life! Well, it's close enough to the end of the trip that moving it from one location to another twice a day won't be too much of a chore. All that to say, by this time next year, the Gulf Coast of Mississippi is going to be one of the most beautiful places in the States. The weather in January is about 65 degrees and according to the girl in the store, there are lots of condos for rent. Options people...more options!

Until next time, love to everyone, we are thinking of each of you. Melanie...enough is enough...drop that baby! Right now! If I find out you knew all along it was a girl and didn't tell us and I didn't buy that sweet little sundress with embroidered Honey Bees all over it.....I'll be ripped! Take care. xx


At 6:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can hardly wait to have a drink out of the wine glasses or are they just for show? Curious to know what Wayne bought. It was +3here yesterday and a teeny tiny bit of snow melted. Still on baby watch - I told Melanie it was time to hand it over.

At 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sis Sounds like your having fun. Sorry we missed your call the other day because it seems like so long I am starting to forget what your voice sounds like.
See you soon Corkey


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