Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 91 - 29 Mar - Lake City, FL to Savannah, GA

Photo: Another shot of that beautiful beach in Alabama. Now THIS is a 'return to' place for sure!
For those of you interested in a franchise's a dandy...and one I haven't seen YET, in Canada (remember you heard it here first). The RV park we were in last night had a bit of an accident occur a week or two back. A man had a siezure in his truck and drove into the building that had the toilets, showers, and laundry. Because...and I quote...."the damn insurance company haven't given us one red cent yet", they have rented Royal Restrooms, a very, very upscale version of the Porta-Pottie, but these also hook up into a sewage drain like an RV so there's no smell, and they also have a shower. BUT....if you go, you can jump on the opportunity to get the Canadian franchise. Great for weddings, special occasions, 1 July at Long Lake, etc.

We had a goal that we wanted to do, mileage-wise, so it was back on to Interstate 95 and heading for Savannah, Georgia. The Interstate is so damn boring but just when I thought I'd have a nap to pass some time, the traffic came to a halt! We immediately turned on the CB radio and managed to translate some of the drivers' southern drawl to find out that there was a 'minor' accident up the road but the traffic was just a whole s..t load of March breaker's heading home. A woman came on the radio to say they were in the opposite lane and the traffic was slow for many, many, miles ahead, right into South Carolina. The advice was to get off on the next exit and take Hwy 17 to Savannah, or beyond if necessary, and that's just what we did. It was a beautiful drive and we certainly made better time than if we'd stayed on the Interstate. We called ahead and got a KOA site right on Hwy 17 so it all worked out great. Once we pulled in, I did a few loads of laundry...probably the last on the road...we had a nice pot roast stew for supper and here we are!

The KOA park is on a small I think...but there are a few trees in the middle of the lake. I looked out a while ago and the trees are filled...and I mean filled...with white egrets that have come in to roost for the night. Unfortunately, it's almost dark, and a photo isn't possible but I'll get up early in the morning and try to capture them before they take off, if possible. It's like something out of National Geographic!

We were planning to do a long drive tomorrow but I simply cannot be in Savannah and not see something of it so I think we go in to the city and take a trolley tour and then get back on the road. We may have to drive longer tomorrow but that's the price I'm willing to pay. The history and building architecture will be amazing, I'm sure, and even if we can't spend any time wandering, we'll get to have a bit of the flavour of the city. It will no doubt be a place to return to...we've got lots of those on our list.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. Melanie is STILL holding on to that baby...Jennifer is resisting all attempts to become a gardener...Ty has a new word that is making his parents crazy and we are now getting excited about coming home. xx


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