Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 94 - 1 Apr - Fredericksburg, VA (Washington, DC)

Photo: Washington Monument & Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC.
We woke up practically every hour from 3:30 am on, not wanting to miss the shuttle in to the Fredericksburg train station. By 5:30 we gave up waiting for the alarm to go off, got up and started to get ready. There was a misty rain when we left and a forecast of thundershowers but this time we were determined to get in to Washington and see something. In the end, the weather cleared and the sun made a few appearances and it turned out to be a lovely day.
It was a 90 minute train ride to Union Station, right downtown and a block from the Capital Building…which, by the way, is very impressive! We had a quick coffee and bought a small map of downtown Washington, and set out to see the sights.
Wayne was most interested in going to the Smithsonian Aerospace Museum so we decided he’d go there and I’d go to the American Native Museum and we’d meet in 90 minutes. Of course, it wasn’t long enough for either of us but having only one day in Washington means picking and choosing and just getting a ‘flavour’ of the city. We went in to the National Botanical Museum for another quick look and well…I could have stayed there for hours. They had a huge display of orchids…every colour, every size, every shape imaginable, and we didn’t even get to see ¼ of the building. We headed down the long ‘mall’ or grassed concourse towards the Washington Monument and the cherry blossoms. All of the major memorials are on this mall which would probably go for about 3-4 miles with long reflective pools somewhere near each memorial. From there we continued to the new WWII memorial and then directly behind it is the Lincoln Memorial.
The Cherry blossoms were wonderful! I took photos but it was a rush and other than a few that I’m satisfied with, I could have done much better. In that kind of atmosphere, I find that I end up with much better work when I can sit and look at the scene for a while and then start photographing it and having a chance to change settings on the camera. When I’m rushed, I might as well have a ‘point and shoot’ and I get frustrated. However, nothing could take away from the beauty of hundreds of Cherry trees in full bloom! There was a breeze today so it looked like it was snowing petals…I think the trees may be impressive for about 2-3 more days and then the best will be over.
We walked non-stop for about 4 hours and when it came time to head back to Union Station for the train home, we’d already decided our feet & back would never make the walk so we took a taxi. All in all, it was a great day and we are so glad we went. We had considered spending a second day but were so pooped by the time we got back to the LuvMasheen that the thought of getting up early and doing it again tomorrow just lost it’s appeal. We are in ‘go home’ mode now and anxious to be on the road….We’ve had some good laughs talking to other snowbirds heading home and we’re all in the same mood…don’t want to see it end, but know it’s time.
Until next time, our love to you all. An e-mail from Carol says Melanie headed to the hospital this morning and I expect there will be a baby any time, if not already. Keep up the mantra folks…..”Go snow, no snow. Go snow, no snow”. We appreciate it! xx


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