Monday, January 21, 2013

PV - Monday, 21 Jan 2013

Where the heck did the last 7 days go?? Times goes as fast...sitting on your duff all day it does at home...sitting on your duff all day reading. There is a tan line though and the two books I thought would last me for a least half the time we were here...are history.

We went down to the shopping centre this morning. I had decided I would pack light to come here but realize after 7 days that maybe I packed 14 t-shirts for each pair of shorts, hence no clean shorts left but lots and lots of t-shirts. The Gallerie Vallarta is gorgeous from the outside but not much of substance on the inside. Like most of the stores here, there is not much stock. The 'winter' stuff is all on sale but the summer stuff, such as shorts, don't seem to be in stock yet. I'll stay in my dirty shorts for another couple of weeks.

I've taken some photos but Blogger is having a problem of some sort and won't allow photos to be attached. I think I'll add a spot for photos at and put them there in the interim.

We are having a problem with microscopic ants! They are so tiny and there are so many that I'm ready to ask for a change of rooms. I accept that ants are probably part of the package when we are here and don't mind a few but this a bit beyond! We have sprayed non-stop today and will wait for another day or two to see if it makes any difference. We are in an end unit with 2 patio doors, surrounded by greenery so that doesn't help I guess. In the meantime everything is in the fridge.

The weather has been good although it has been cloudy in the morning and I found it a bit humid today. January seems to be the month where the weather can be weird. The last time we were here in Feb some of the regulars said January had been awful. I don't seem to have much problem as I don't come up for air before 10 am anyway.

Today is our Beanie girl's birthday and we are missing her. Our grandkids are the light of our lives and we are so lucky they are all healthy and happy.

That's it for today. We still haven't been downtown--I'm still loving the feeling of just laying around by the pool. Maybe we'll get down this week. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 6:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had small ants this summer at the Lake, probably not as small as yours. The only thing that worked was artifical sugar any type. We had some from a restaurant and sprinkled it around - no more ants. We had been trying to get rid of a large ant hill for some time, sprinkled some on top of the hil - no more ants. Carol

At 7:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a veritable FONT of information!! How come you and I were never smart enough to hook up years ago with some kind of 'research and write' a new-age Ann Landers or something? If I can scarf some packets of the stuff from the local restaurant, I'm going to try it. I'll put my 'hound' on that! xx


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