Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Puerta Vallarta - Arrival - 14 Jan 2013

It's a good thing Puerto Vallarta (PV) is an exceptionally wonderful place to vacation because sometimes the 'getting here' sucks!

We were scheduled to leave at 6:40 am on American Airlines so did the 'up at 3 am, taxi at 4:15 am, get through security, etc' only to discover at check-in that our flight had been cancelled--along with numerous other flights down the eastern seaboard. The good news was that the ticket agent came out from the back and managed to get us on another flight going to PV through Calgary. The bad news was that we had a 5-hr layover in Calgary. Well, we're up, we're somewhat awake, and very anxious to get going so took the alternate.

It was all uneventful, but needless to say, by the time we arrived in PV at 9:30 pm my rear end had no feeling at all and my neck hurt from doing the 'bob thing' trying to get any sleep. The good news was that we did not see one flake of snow, our room was ready at Los Tulas and the restaurant even stayed open for a few minutes extra to make us a beautiful salmon dinner.

We were tired beyond thinking and I'm sure we didn't watch more than two minutes of television before we were asleep. The beds are mondo hard in Mexico and I know I woke up once through the night wondering if I'd fallen asleep on the ceramic floor! We usually make a trip to Walmart to get a double waffle pad for the bed, which we will probably do tomorrow.

Tues - 15 Jan

We woke up to cloudy skies but the sun has been trying to peek through. Frankly, it can rain like hell as I expect to be napping this afternoon. I'm sure it will take a day or two for us to climatize ourselves and catch up on some sleep.

I've decided I'm too old for this non-stop flying business and unless I'm going somewhere really exotic, no more 3 am's for me! I confirmed with Wayne that we are retired, and really don't have to do this. However, I'm still a bit crusty for doing that redeye from Las Vegas before Xmas...clearly I wasn't thinking about the effect on body at that time either!

Los Tulas is as wonderful as it was when we first came here. Many of the units that the Ambassador Suites uses in the complex have been sold and I won't be surpried to hear that the hotel no longer exists at some point soon. We knew the units were being sold when we were here 2 yrs ago so it's just a matter of time.

We went over to our little restaurant for breakfast...the coffee rivals Timmie's...and then made the first of many trips over to the grocery store for stuff. We just got some of the essentials...tea, coffee, bread, etc....and will go over later for a few more things. When you are used to wheeling a cart out to your car and just having to carry bags into the house, you tend to forget how much those 'few' items weigh when carrying for quite a way back to the hotel. It's only a 5-minute walk so we'll go a couple of times a day until we have the larder stocked. I've already scoped out one shoe store...OMG...the gorgeous sandals!!! I only brought one pair with me, in a half-empty suitcase so I'm prepared to have a whole new wardrobe of glitz and glamour on my feet this summer. Gillian will be happy...she appreciates Honey's shoes.

Wayne has gone off to Gold's Gym to work out. He figures he'll go Tues & Thurs and walk the beach the rest of the time for exercise. God bless him....as long as he doesn't wake me up when he gets back we'll both be happy! lol 

Tomorrow we'll take the crazy bus to Walmart for odds and ends. We always seem to buy a few wine glasses (essentials) and if we are in this apt for 8 wks I have no problem getting some extra things to make our lives more comfortable like placemats or salt & pepper shakers.

That's our day so far. The locals are complaining about the weather and wearing jackets. Like the rest of the tourists, we are in shorts and flip flops and enjoying bootless attire. Hope everyone is recuperating at home...if we could send you some natural vitamin C we would. Until tomorrow, love and hugs to all.


At 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know that you eventually arrived safe & sound. You will settle into your new routine VERY quickly.
Jen is feeling better today. I went over to entertain Olivia while Jen cleaned etc. After she had been up for 1.5 hours I gave her a bottle which she eventually finished while we rocked in the Rocking chair in her room. I loved it & she eventually fell aleep !!
Soak up as much sunshine as you can. It is 3+ here today, so not too bad !
Sue C

At 11:00 AM , Anonymous Carol said...

Glad you arrived after a long day. Went shopping without my boots today and that is a bonus at this time of year. Shoe store sounds awesome. You never can have too many sandles. Enjoy!


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