Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 4 in Georgetown - Wed 21 Nov 2012

What started off as a very foggy day turned into another beautiful sunny day here. We had a bit slower trip to Ty's school as the fog was so thick in spots that we couldn't drive very fast at all.

 Every time we are with the kids, either here or at our house, I always seem to have one ear open so hear them every time they cough or whimper. Ty sometimes talks in his sleep and I have myself convinced that there is something wrong so have to get up and check on him. He had a nightmare last night so between that, and coughing, I'm sure I was in his room 3 or 4 times. He seems to be feeling okay but just has this cough that won't go away.

Tori talked last night until 9:45 when I finally went in and told her to 'shush, no more talking' and she settled down. She's a firecracker first thing in the morning and has some pretty definite ideas on how things should proceed. If she doesn't like the colour of socks I've picked, there's nothing that is going to move that mountain and get her to wear them. I think I've solved the problem...I pile her clothes on the dresser top the night before so there's no opportunity for her to go through the drawers in the morning. She wakes up with a smile and always ready for a hug though and it's a nice way to start the day.

I spent most of the day making Shepherds Pie and a couple of Lasagnas. We didn't go far today as Wayne is not feeling great and decided he'd use the mega-bathtub in the master suite and soak away the aches. I'm shoveling back the Cold FX and hoping I can keep it at bay until Sunday.

We picked the kids up...Tori first as she loves to visit Ty at his afterschool program. The kids are all making cars out of cardboard boxes, complete with steering wheels, license plate, wheels, lights, etc...lots of creative work...and will have a 'drive-in' movie next week.

We had the Shepherds Pie for supper...ho humm for the kids...but it was delicious and we made cookies with Xmas trees in the middle for dessert which were real hit. Tim and Kim Skyped tonight...I know Tori is a bit lonesome for them...but they are having a great time.

Wednesday already...I knew the week would fly by. I have to admit that I'm doing early nights in order to be up and able to hit the ground running in the morning. Retirement ruins a person for early mornings!

I had to laugh tonight...when we came home the kids wanted to play with chalk on the driveway. How come Ty knows what 'Party House' means? That's what's in big letter in the driveway.


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