Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 2 in Georgetown - Monday, 19 November 2012

This was our first day doing the run to school and daycare and all went well. I'm still aghast that 7 year-old Ty starts school at 8:15 wonder the kids are tired at night! We had to wake them both up at 6:45 this morning...I hate waking babies/kids up for any reason...but it means that the morning routine isn't rushed and they can take their time to eat a big breakfast...which they both love.

They both love fruit and will eat a dish of strawberries and other mixed berries, then cereal and/or toast. Feeding them isn't a problem...keeping them full a bit more so.

The run to Ty's school is timed almost to the minute and once we dropped him off, then we headed to the Tori's daycare. She had been doing the "I don't want to go to Wendy's" all the way there but as soon as she got to the door, she was in the house like a flash.

Wayne and I headed right for Tim Horton's for coffee and the rest of the day was taken up by laundry, napping, and thinking about supper. As usual, they both ate a huge supper followed by the last of the cupcakes and it was playtime until bedtime.

Both kids love to have a story read to them, which I love and while Tori will talk to herself for anywhere up to an hour after she goes to bed, Ty is out like a light within minutes. He has started the 'privacy' stage which means he likes to be alone to get changed and while it was inevitable that it happens, I hate to see him growing up. However, we respect his wishes and let him dress/undress with his door closed and will wait to see what happens at bathtime tomorrow. I expect for this week, we will let him handle that by himself....if nothing else, a soak will take care of the body cleaning but he knows how to wash himself.

Tim and Kim video called on Skype and the kids were excited to see them. We made the mistake of having the laptop on a low table and before the call ended, both kids were trying to climb on Poppa's back and wrestle him to the ground. They sound like they are having a good time.


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