Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 6 in Georgetown - Fri, 3 Nov

Ty had a PD day today and spent the bulk of it with Poppa. These two have a very special relationship and as much as I yak at Wayne for teasing him, Ty loves it and keeps coming back for more.

I'm in full 'cold' mode so coughing, sneezing, etc...the whole gambit. Wayne took Tori to daycare today...her last day with Wendy. Starting next week she is going to be in a more structured vice home daycare and I think it's going to be really good for her. She'll have kids her own age to play with and will learn some social skills which will be a good prep for kindergarten.

Wayne and Ty worked for quite a while to put together his bedside table from IKEA. Ty has quite a bit of patience and Wayne (who wrote the book on patience) loves showing him how to do things. After lunch I headed for bed and a nap while the two of them curled up together on the chesterfield to watch the new Spiderman movie.

Tori came home from daycare and was in an 'anti-Honey' mood. It started when she came through the door, lasted through supper, and finally made eye contact with me at bedtime when we read a couple of books. She's really missing Tim and Kim...this is the longest she's been separated from them. She talked in bed until 9:30 pm and I'm sure she'll be awake early. I'm looking forward to not having to rush them tomorrow.

She is supposed to go to gymnastics in the morning but I don't think I've got the stamina to take her. The parents of the smaller kids to the circuit with the kids and it's tiring! If I didn't have this stupid cold I wouldn't hesitate as she loves it so much. We'll see what happens in the morning and how I feel. The weather has turned really cold and I expect to see snow when I wake up.


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