Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 3 in Georgetown - Tues, 20 Nov 2012

I think we've got the morning routine down to a fine science..we get to the school just as the playground monitor comes out and so far, we've remembered homework, lunches, etc.

Tori was awake at 6 am this morning but stayed in bed long enough for Honey to come down and have a cup of tea, a trip to the bathroom, and think about breakfast. The ate a humungous breakfast...fresh fruit, eggo waffles and Ty finished it off with a piece of toast while Tori had a small bowl of cereal. I don't know where they put it all but I like to see them eat a good breakfast before starting a busy day.

Tori did the "I don't want to go to Wendy's" again this morning and topped it off with insisting that she wear her flip flops! She's got a mind of her own and I can't help but laugh when she crosses her little arms, gives me a 'hummph', and turns her back when I say no...which isn't too often. I've always had a hard time resisting but as each day goes by, and we learn her little tricks, it gets easier to work around her mood at the moment.

We picked Ty up at after school program and told them we were going to McDonald's tonight. I'd like to say it was a night off from cooking but I swear cooking is still easier than trying to keep two little ones corralled at McDonald's...we are sorely out of practice. Again, no problem getting them to eat...I think Ty must be going through a growth spirt..even though he was anxious to get into the play area he was talking Tori into parting with some of her chicken nuggets--unsuccessfully.

I thought we'd have trouble keeping Ty from playing Wii at every opportunity but it's been completely the opposite. As much as he loves playing his games, I don't think it's even been turned on for the past two days. He and Tori play well together, with the usual skirmishes that all brothers and sisters have but it's easy to see why she speaks so well as he talks to her about everything. Tonight she told me the clouds looked like spaceships!

We did a quick walk around the neighbourhood to look at some of the Xmas lights that more houses have each day. The weather has been spectacular..foggy in the morning but still mild temperatures so neighbours are taking advantage of it to get houses decorated. Looking through front windows, there are a lot of Xmas trees up.

It was a good day and happily, not so busy that we didn't have time to laugh with the kids.


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