Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 1 in Georgetown-Sunday, 18 Nov 2012

This is our first day 'alone' with Ty and Tori - Tim and Kim left at 3 am for the airport for a long awaited vacation in Jamaica. Tim has been travelling so much this year and Kim has been doing double duty that they both needed a break from it all. Honey and Poppa are more than willing to step into the breach and keep house while they are away.

It was a busy night...I kept thinking they had slept through the alarm and was up checking the time. I'm not sure how much sleep any of us got but in the end, they got to the airport on time and we started our first day with my baby HoneyBees.

The kids were up around 7 am and we toddled down to breakfast. They are both such good eaters and love their fruit in the morning. Tori is a real talker....has so much to say all the time and I love listening to her jabber. If you ask her if she'd like something, she just says "sure" and always "thank you Honey". Ty was anxious to get downstairs and play with his new Wii guys that he bought yesterday with all his birthday money. Tori and Poppa coloured while Honey had her shower and I had to take a video of her as she is so funny. She's very clear on what she does, and doesn't want, and when she's not happy, the eyebrows get a real furrow between them. However, she can switch to love and hugs quickly.

We had invited a friend of Ty's over for lunch and a playdate. After a busy week, the weekend can be long for the kids and rather than sitting in front of the television non-stop, Ty had a chance to play with a friend. I took Tori outside and we played in the backyard for an hour or was such a beautiful day. She kept me in stitches looking through the telescope for pirates...."Aye Matey, do you see the treasure?" and then running to the small play structure or pushing me on the swing. Once Ty's friend had arrived and we all had lunch, she was yawning and ready for a nap.

She's only been in her 'big girl' bed for just over a week but seems to be doing quite well. Like her cousin Gillian, she can lay there for quite a while talking but except for the odd time, doesn't get up and wander around. She slept for about 90 minutes and then it was "Wanna play with me Honey?". I cannot refuse these girls anything and can happily say they drag me around like an old doll. I want to enjoy these times with them before I can't get dragged around as easily and see the world through their eyes.

At one point she pulled out her toy cellphone to call Kim and it was almost like listening (and watching) Kim on the phone. She kept saying, "How are you Babe?" or "Okay Babe" funny. Ty and Poppa played downstairs for a while until he got tired out and then the two kids built a statue out of stuffed animals and played together for about an hour while we got supper ready.

They both put away an amazing supper (chicken nuggets, fries, corn & peas) and while Ty talked and entertained us, Tori hardly said a word...just tackled her dinner. It was more playtime, then pajama time while we tried to get them to settle down before bed. They were so good and bedtime wasn't a struggle at all. Tori wanted Poppa to read to her and I think Ty just put up with me...he would have preferred Poppa to read as well. He is such a sweet boy and while he knows Poppa is more fun and the teaser, he will talk to me about what he wants to do or explain stuff...I love it.

I have to admit I was in bed at 9 pm, only because I'd been up so much last night and wanted to be ready for tomorrow morning and the school/daycare run. I expect the week will go by so fast. Tim & Kim did a quick Skype from Jamaica and while Tim has a head cold, they had already hit the bar and pool and were waiting to go to dinner. I'm sure after a day or two they will be relaxed and rejuvinated.


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