Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 7 in Georgetown - Sat 24 Nov 2012

It was a great day, although cold and cloudy so we stayed inside. I'd really hoped to take Tori to gynastics but really didn't feel all that well and needed to save my energy for everything else the day holds.

The kids are mezmerized by cartoons on the computer...YouTube...I guess they are different from the same old thing on television. Ty's friend Aiden came over this afternoon and stayed for supper. The boys played well together and when Tori got tired of watching them play video games, Poppa was called down to play Barbies.

It was a nice 'last night' and both the kids crawled up on Poppa and watched Spiderman. It was 9 pm before they got tucked in to bed but both were yawning and I don't think Tori will jabber too long tonight.

We've had a great week with them and I think we did really well, considering one/both of us was sick with a cold. Tomorrow will be clean-up day although other than vacumning, the house isn't bad at all.


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