Saturday, January 19, 2013

PV - 19 Jan 2013

I have been an absolute slug since we arrived. Other than our first day of frenzy shopping to fill the fridge I haven't done anything or gone anywhere...and there's no guilt involved. We've got lots of time although I'm sure the last week here we'll be rushing around trying to do all the things we had wanted to do in the previous 7 weeks and didn't.

It's usually a bit cloudy in the morning but by 11 am, the sun comes out and my rear end in firmly ensconsed in a lounge chair by the pool. I'm happy to report that as of today I have a definite tan line!! It doesn't take long here although it seems to fade just as quickly once we get home.

Today was the check-out/check-in day so lots of people seemed to be hauling luggage out and a few hours later, there were new people dragging luggage in. Many of those coming in are 'regulars' who have been coming here for many years and all know one another and anxious to resume their winter friendships. We've met a few people...the woman above us is from Toronto and very nice.

We were pleased to see our friend Ruben still works here. Our first year here we gave him our little television and DVD player from the van (LuvMachine) and he brought his wife and 3 daughters around to thank us. He now has 4 daughters and is still as nice as ever and working for both the Los Tules resort and Ambassador Suites Hotel (within Los Tules where we stay)..such a hard worker.

Wayne has gone to the gym every day so if Al Carl thinks a chunky, lazy guy is coming home, he's mistaken! I suspect once Al retires he and Wayne will have a daytime gym schedule vice the evening schedule they have now to accommodate Al's job. Wayne's cough is finally getting better so all that natural Vitamin C & D is working just fine.

I've still be lazy about photo taking but tomorrow I'll do some wandering and take some photos.

Until next time, hugs and kisses to all...especially my sweet Gillian who is 3 yrs old! Happy Birthday Beanie


At 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wayne - To keep up, since the 13th I have been spinning 6 times, including the Saturday 1.5 hr. So keep at it!!


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