Thursday, January 17, 2013

Puerto Vallarta - 17 Jan 2013

We've been getting our 'suntan' on despite some clouds, but the sun shines through periodically and it's not at all unpleasant. It's amazing how quickly we forget that you can still get a burn when it's cloudy. I sat out for a couple of hours reading and watching the waves, and have a nice red face to show for it! Really, is it possible to teach an old dog new tricks?

We took the crazy bus to Walmart yesterday. For 52 cents, the ride is an exercise in agility as the driver can make change, hand out receipts, shift gears, and negotiate traffic at breakneck speed--before you get a can get to an empty seat. They are old school buses that have long since seen better days. The gears grind and the brakes squeal and they can be decorated (or not) in whatever way the driver sees fit. Some are painted in bright colours, others just blue and white, which seems to be the 'official' transportation colours. Some have a fringe (you are 'old' if you remember the fringe being called 'angel balls' and Wayner had them hanging in his old '56 Ford) and lots of religious photos...there doesn't seem to be too many rules regarding the decoration.

We fried steak for supper last night and it was no mean feat to figure out how to work the damn stove. Our kitchen facilities are not as good as in previous studio apts we've had but more than adequate and we had an excellent supper with fried mushrooms and potatoes to go with the steak.

Today (Thursday) Wayne got up early and headed for the gym. When he got back we went over to the little restaurant for breakfast and were entertained by some show-off guy doing non-stop laps in the pool (the restaurant tables sit around part of the pool). I was exhausted just watching him and he was still going strong when we left.

We had our best laugh of the day while breakfast was being served. Everyone who knows us has heard me yapping at Wayne about his reluctance to wear hearing aids and his many reasons for not doing so. The waiter came over with Wayne's bacon and as he set it down he said to his nice Spanish accent....'Very Crispy!'. Wayne didn't miss a beat...he looked up at him, smiled, and said 'Happy New Year!' OMG...I thought I'd wet myself laughing!!! We really should be keeping track of all these things as I'm sure we could make some great television commercials for the hearing aid companies. Once Gail and Graham arrive it will be never ending as Graham's hearing is worse than Wayne's and no, he doesn't wear his hearing aids either.

Our patio outside is filled, and surrounded, by different types of flowering bushes. There is a beautiful little hummingbird that makes a visit every hour or so and this afternoon I could have reached out and touched it. I'm guessing that it must be used to seeing people and isn't at all unnerved by such close proximity. My goal is to sit with my camera and see how clear a photo I can get of it.

I'm still being quite lazy so we haven't gone downtown yet. There's no rush..we are here for 8 weeks and all those shoe and jewellery shops won't go away. My friend Joyce is coming for a week with her hubby and son so we are hoping to get together while she is here. It's amazing that we can have lunch in Ottawa last week and an unscheduled trip means we can have lunch together in Puerto Vallarta next week. It's a small world for sure!

Hopefully I will have some photos to include with the blog tomorrow. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 6:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still laughing about the hearing aid/bacon story. Carol


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