Friday, November 09, 2012

She's a Princess

I just returned from the annual shopping trip to Syracuse with cousin Carol. As in previous years, we shopped, we talked, we laughed, and had 3 days filled with things most women dream about.

Now that we both have grandchildren, those stores that cater to children's clothes get our first attention...and the bulk of our money.  Carol and I both spend far too much but nothing could convince us to either slow down on the amount of clothes we purchase or the amount of money we spend. This shopping trip, and the Burlington Coat Factory store, has become the place where I buy Gillian and Tori's fancy dress for Christmas and this year there was the added bonus of watching Carol deciding which dress she'd get for Scotia.

After dropping Carol at her house I continued home and unpacked bag after bag of clothes until Jen arrived with Olivia. The baby had her share of new and amazing things but the best was yet to come. Jen left and Colin arrived shortly after with Gillian. She'd had another tough day at daycare and was prone to cry at the drop of a hat but after a half-hour of Honey's hugs and kisses she perked up and it was time to put on one of her 'princess' dresses and play.

I showed her the new red party dress I'd bought for her for Christmas and she was almost awe-struck! My biggest regret is that I didn't have my camera to capture the absolute magic on a photo or video! She insisted on putting on her 'princess' dress and I hope I'll never forget the wonder of her reaction when she first turned around saw herself in the mirror.  All she could say was, "I'm boot-i-ful" and "Look Daddy, I'm a Princess" over and over. She made Colin, Wayne and I each stand behind her separately so we could see her reflection. She twirled around so the netting of the skirt would swing around her. She pointed her toes so that she could get the best view of her new black shoes. I could hardly see her for the tears in my eyes.

I am determined that each of my girls will grow up to believe they are beautiful-inside and out. I will never stop telling each of them that they are incredibly special, unbelieveably beautiful, and that they are surrounded by people who adore them.


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