Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 7 in Georgetown - Sat 24 Nov 2012

It was a great day, although cold and cloudy so we stayed inside. I'd really hoped to take Tori to gynastics but really didn't feel all that well and needed to save my energy for everything else the day holds.

The kids are mezmerized by cartoons on the computer...YouTube...I guess they are different from the same old thing on television. Ty's friend Aiden came over this afternoon and stayed for supper. The boys played well together and when Tori got tired of watching them play video games, Poppa was called down to play Barbies.

It was a nice 'last night' and both the kids crawled up on Poppa and watched Spiderman. It was 9 pm before they got tucked in to bed but both were yawning and I don't think Tori will jabber too long tonight.

We've had a great week with them and I think we did really well, considering one/both of us was sick with a cold. Tomorrow will be clean-up day although other than vacumning, the house isn't bad at all.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 6 in Georgetown - Fri, 3 Nov

Ty had a PD day today and spent the bulk of it with Poppa. These two have a very special relationship and as much as I yak at Wayne for teasing him, Ty loves it and keeps coming back for more.

I'm in full 'cold' mode so coughing, sneezing, etc...the whole gambit. Wayne took Tori to daycare today...her last day with Wendy. Starting next week she is going to be in a more structured vice home daycare and I think it's going to be really good for her. She'll have kids her own age to play with and will learn some social skills which will be a good prep for kindergarten.

Wayne and Ty worked for quite a while to put together his bedside table from IKEA. Ty has quite a bit of patience and Wayne (who wrote the book on patience) loves showing him how to do things. After lunch I headed for bed and a nap while the two of them curled up together on the chesterfield to watch the new Spiderman movie.

Tori came home from daycare and was in an 'anti-Honey' mood. It started when she came through the door, lasted through supper, and finally made eye contact with me at bedtime when we read a couple of books. She's really missing Tim and Kim...this is the longest she's been separated from them. She talked in bed until 9:30 pm and I'm sure she'll be awake early. I'm looking forward to not having to rush them tomorrow.

She is supposed to go to gymnastics in the morning but I don't think I've got the stamina to take her. The parents of the smaller kids to the circuit with the kids and it's tiring! If I didn't have this stupid cold I wouldn't hesitate as she loves it so much. We'll see what happens in the morning and how I feel. The weather has turned really cold and I expect to see snow when I wake up.

Day 5 in Georgetown - Thurs, 22 Nov 2012

Lord...thank you for Grandchildren. They are imaginative little free spirits  that see the world through such clear, uncomplicated glasses.

The morning routine speed by and as per the norm, Tori balked at putting socks on but got immediately distracted by brushing her Barbie's hair. I'm not sure where the issue with socks comes from--Ty was exactly the same and almost drove his parents mad trying to figure out what the problem was. Tori is a bit more dramatic...if the sock is at all floppy, caught anywhere, or just generally not what she wants, she'll hop on one foot and proclaim the 'pain is killing her' until the offender is taken off, and readjust at least twice.  I should be mad; I should be impatient; I should be frustrated and once I stop laughing (which drives her crazy) perhaps I will be. In the meantime, I'm just amazed and mind-boggled at how quickly her attention shifts from socks to what is in her backpack.

Wayne and I are both officially at less than optimum with cold/flu but try to nap/medicate through the day before we pick the kids up and start the supper routine. I'm just refusing to give in to it, however once Tim & Kim come through the door on Sunday night we'll see how much of a cold I really have. I guess it's that 'Mommy' gene most females have that kicks in when you've got no choice but to tend children and make sure their needs are met before your own.

Tori had a bath tonight and as with Ty at that age, I love to watch her play 'pretend' with whatever toy she has and make up stories. Tonight she had two small dolls and had to sing them to sleep and help them learn to swim. As the week has gone on, there has been more and more emphasis on 'Mommy' in her playtime and I know she is missing Kim. It should be quite a reunion Sunday night!

Both kids went to bed well...Ty is asleep in seconds...Tori talked from 8 pm - 9:15 pm and then all was quiet. She doesn't get up or anything...just lays there and laughs and talks. I don't see any of that being a bad thing unless I'm ready for bed and waiting for her to settle down.

Pizza for supper tonight which both kids enjoyed. Thursday night....really?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 4 in Georgetown - Wed 21 Nov 2012

What started off as a very foggy day turned into another beautiful sunny day here. We had a bit slower trip to Ty's school as the fog was so thick in spots that we couldn't drive very fast at all.

 Every time we are with the kids, either here or at our house, I always seem to have one ear open so hear them every time they cough or whimper. Ty sometimes talks in his sleep and I have myself convinced that there is something wrong so have to get up and check on him. He had a nightmare last night so between that, and coughing, I'm sure I was in his room 3 or 4 times. He seems to be feeling okay but just has this cough that won't go away.

Tori talked last night until 9:45 when I finally went in and told her to 'shush, no more talking' and she settled down. She's a firecracker first thing in the morning and has some pretty definite ideas on how things should proceed. If she doesn't like the colour of socks I've picked, there's nothing that is going to move that mountain and get her to wear them. I think I've solved the problem...I pile her clothes on the dresser top the night before so there's no opportunity for her to go through the drawers in the morning. She wakes up with a smile and always ready for a hug though and it's a nice way to start the day.

I spent most of the day making Shepherds Pie and a couple of Lasagnas. We didn't go far today as Wayne is not feeling great and decided he'd use the mega-bathtub in the master suite and soak away the aches. I'm shoveling back the Cold FX and hoping I can keep it at bay until Sunday.

We picked the kids up...Tori first as she loves to visit Ty at his afterschool program. The kids are all making cars out of cardboard boxes, complete with steering wheels, license plate, wheels, lights, etc...lots of creative work...and will have a 'drive-in' movie next week.

We had the Shepherds Pie for supper...ho humm for the kids...but it was delicious and we made cookies with Xmas trees in the middle for dessert which were real hit. Tim and Kim Skyped tonight...I know Tori is a bit lonesome for them...but they are having a great time.

Wednesday already...I knew the week would fly by. I have to admit that I'm doing early nights in order to be up and able to hit the ground running in the morning. Retirement ruins a person for early mornings!

I had to laugh tonight...when we came home the kids wanted to play with chalk on the driveway. How come Ty knows what 'Party House' means? That's what's in big letter in the driveway.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 3 in Georgetown - Tues, 20 Nov 2012

I think we've got the morning routine down to a fine science..we get to the school just as the playground monitor comes out and so far, we've remembered homework, lunches, etc.

Tori was awake at 6 am this morning but stayed in bed long enough for Honey to come down and have a cup of tea, a trip to the bathroom, and think about breakfast. The ate a humungous breakfast...fresh fruit, eggo waffles and Ty finished it off with a piece of toast while Tori had a small bowl of cereal. I don't know where they put it all but I like to see them eat a good breakfast before starting a busy day.

Tori did the "I don't want to go to Wendy's" again this morning and topped it off with insisting that she wear her flip flops! She's got a mind of her own and I can't help but laugh when she crosses her little arms, gives me a 'hummph', and turns her back when I say no...which isn't too often. I've always had a hard time resisting but as each day goes by, and we learn her little tricks, it gets easier to work around her mood at the moment.

We picked Ty up at after school program and told them we were going to McDonald's tonight. I'd like to say it was a night off from cooking but I swear cooking is still easier than trying to keep two little ones corralled at McDonald's...we are sorely out of practice. Again, no problem getting them to eat...I think Ty must be going through a growth spirt..even though he was anxious to get into the play area he was talking Tori into parting with some of her chicken nuggets--unsuccessfully.

I thought we'd have trouble keeping Ty from playing Wii at every opportunity but it's been completely the opposite. As much as he loves playing his games, I don't think it's even been turned on for the past two days. He and Tori play well together, with the usual skirmishes that all brothers and sisters have but it's easy to see why she speaks so well as he talks to her about everything. Tonight she told me the clouds looked like spaceships!

We did a quick walk around the neighbourhood to look at some of the Xmas lights that more houses have each day. The weather has been spectacular..foggy in the morning but still mild temperatures so neighbours are taking advantage of it to get houses decorated. Looking through front windows, there are a lot of Xmas trees up.

It was a good day and happily, not so busy that we didn't have time to laugh with the kids.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 2 in Georgetown - Monday, 19 November 2012

This was our first day doing the run to school and daycare and all went well. I'm still aghast that 7 year-old Ty starts school at 8:15 wonder the kids are tired at night! We had to wake them both up at 6:45 this morning...I hate waking babies/kids up for any reason...but it means that the morning routine isn't rushed and they can take their time to eat a big breakfast...which they both love.

They both love fruit and will eat a dish of strawberries and other mixed berries, then cereal and/or toast. Feeding them isn't a problem...keeping them full a bit more so.

The run to Ty's school is timed almost to the minute and once we dropped him off, then we headed to the Tori's daycare. She had been doing the "I don't want to go to Wendy's" all the way there but as soon as she got to the door, she was in the house like a flash.

Wayne and I headed right for Tim Horton's for coffee and the rest of the day was taken up by laundry, napping, and thinking about supper. As usual, they both ate a huge supper followed by the last of the cupcakes and it was playtime until bedtime.

Both kids love to have a story read to them, which I love and while Tori will talk to herself for anywhere up to an hour after she goes to bed, Ty is out like a light within minutes. He has started the 'privacy' stage which means he likes to be alone to get changed and while it was inevitable that it happens, I hate to see him growing up. However, we respect his wishes and let him dress/undress with his door closed and will wait to see what happens at bathtime tomorrow. I expect for this week, we will let him handle that by himself....if nothing else, a soak will take care of the body cleaning but he knows how to wash himself.

Tim and Kim video called on Skype and the kids were excited to see them. We made the mistake of having the laptop on a low table and before the call ended, both kids were trying to climb on Poppa's back and wrestle him to the ground. They sound like they are having a good time.

Day 1 in Georgetown-Sunday, 18 Nov 2012

This is our first day 'alone' with Ty and Tori - Tim and Kim left at 3 am for the airport for a long awaited vacation in Jamaica. Tim has been travelling so much this year and Kim has been doing double duty that they both needed a break from it all. Honey and Poppa are more than willing to step into the breach and keep house while they are away.

It was a busy night...I kept thinking they had slept through the alarm and was up checking the time. I'm not sure how much sleep any of us got but in the end, they got to the airport on time and we started our first day with my baby HoneyBees.

The kids were up around 7 am and we toddled down to breakfast. They are both such good eaters and love their fruit in the morning. Tori is a real talker....has so much to say all the time and I love listening to her jabber. If you ask her if she'd like something, she just says "sure" and always "thank you Honey". Ty was anxious to get downstairs and play with his new Wii guys that he bought yesterday with all his birthday money. Tori and Poppa coloured while Honey had her shower and I had to take a video of her as she is so funny. She's very clear on what she does, and doesn't want, and when she's not happy, the eyebrows get a real furrow between them. However, she can switch to love and hugs quickly.

We had invited a friend of Ty's over for lunch and a playdate. After a busy week, the weekend can be long for the kids and rather than sitting in front of the television non-stop, Ty had a chance to play with a friend. I took Tori outside and we played in the backyard for an hour or was such a beautiful day. She kept me in stitches looking through the telescope for pirates...."Aye Matey, do you see the treasure?" and then running to the small play structure or pushing me on the swing. Once Ty's friend had arrived and we all had lunch, she was yawning and ready for a nap.

She's only been in her 'big girl' bed for just over a week but seems to be doing quite well. Like her cousin Gillian, she can lay there for quite a while talking but except for the odd time, doesn't get up and wander around. She slept for about 90 minutes and then it was "Wanna play with me Honey?". I cannot refuse these girls anything and can happily say they drag me around like an old doll. I want to enjoy these times with them before I can't get dragged around as easily and see the world through their eyes.

At one point she pulled out her toy cellphone to call Kim and it was almost like listening (and watching) Kim on the phone. She kept saying, "How are you Babe?" or "Okay Babe" funny. Ty and Poppa played downstairs for a while until he got tired out and then the two kids built a statue out of stuffed animals and played together for about an hour while we got supper ready.

They both put away an amazing supper (chicken nuggets, fries, corn & peas) and while Ty talked and entertained us, Tori hardly said a word...just tackled her dinner. It was more playtime, then pajama time while we tried to get them to settle down before bed. They were so good and bedtime wasn't a struggle at all. Tori wanted Poppa to read to her and I think Ty just put up with me...he would have preferred Poppa to read as well. He is such a sweet boy and while he knows Poppa is more fun and the teaser, he will talk to me about what he wants to do or explain stuff...I love it.

I have to admit I was in bed at 9 pm, only because I'd been up so much last night and wanted to be ready for tomorrow morning and the school/daycare run. I expect the week will go by so fast. Tim & Kim did a quick Skype from Jamaica and while Tim has a head cold, they had already hit the bar and pool and were waiting to go to dinner. I'm sure after a day or two they will be relaxed and rejuvinated.

Friday, November 09, 2012

She's a Princess

I just returned from the annual shopping trip to Syracuse with cousin Carol. As in previous years, we shopped, we talked, we laughed, and had 3 days filled with things most women dream about.

Now that we both have grandchildren, those stores that cater to children's clothes get our first attention...and the bulk of our money.  Carol and I both spend far too much but nothing could convince us to either slow down on the amount of clothes we purchase or the amount of money we spend. This shopping trip, and the Burlington Coat Factory store, has become the place where I buy Gillian and Tori's fancy dress for Christmas and this year there was the added bonus of watching Carol deciding which dress she'd get for Scotia.

After dropping Carol at her house I continued home and unpacked bag after bag of clothes until Jen arrived with Olivia. The baby had her share of new and amazing things but the best was yet to come. Jen left and Colin arrived shortly after with Gillian. She'd had another tough day at daycare and was prone to cry at the drop of a hat but after a half-hour of Honey's hugs and kisses she perked up and it was time to put on one of her 'princess' dresses and play.

I showed her the new red party dress I'd bought for her for Christmas and she was almost awe-struck! My biggest regret is that I didn't have my camera to capture the absolute magic on a photo or video! She insisted on putting on her 'princess' dress and I hope I'll never forget the wonder of her reaction when she first turned around saw herself in the mirror.  All she could say was, "I'm boot-i-ful" and "Look Daddy, I'm a Princess" over and over. She made Colin, Wayne and I each stand behind her separately so we could see her reflection. She twirled around so the netting of the skirt would swing around her. She pointed her toes so that she could get the best view of her new black shoes. I could hardly see her for the tears in my eyes.

I am determined that each of my girls will grow up to believe they are beautiful-inside and out. I will never stop telling each of them that they are incredibly special, unbelieveably beautiful, and that they are surrounded by people who adore them.