Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 92-31 Mar 09-Daytona Beach, FL

It was a quiet day for us--overcast most of the day although the sun tried to peak out a few times and the beach was moderately busy.
We've moved rooms and got an upgrade to a bigger room with a separate kitchen, which is nice. There were a couple of lights that didn't work and the bathroom light was pulled away from the ceiling. Wayne called down to have someone come up and fix/replace bulbs and apparently that room had been tagged for maintenance and rented out by mistake so they offered us an upgrade. The La Playa was probably quite popular some years ago but it definitely needs a 'face-lift'. The rooms are extremely clean and the carpets look like they have been replaced but the hotel needs upgraded bathrooms and kitchens. For $45, it more than meets our needs and if we can find something wrong with this latest room, we may be able to spend a few nights in the penthouse! ha ha
Wayne was engrossed in a book this morning so I went over to the mall to check it out. I hit the sale at Beall's..sort of like JC Penney. It was 40% off nearly everything and today was senior's day so it was an additional 15%. Better yet, further down the strip was the Beall's Outlet and I got a couple of namebrand bathing suits for $29. For someone built like me, buying a bathing suit is like going in for a hysterectomy so when I find something that fits/I like, I get it! Even with the difference in the dollar, the buys today were deals. Gotta love it.
Wayne walked down to the pier and by the time he got back, he was hurtin'. It's a bit further than he thought which makes me glad I didn't go with him. I probably walked the same distance in the stores but at a different pace.
There are major thunderstorms in Orlando..about an hour away from us and I suspect we'll be 'grounded' tomorrow. I had thought I'd use the time to go through the photos I've taken on this trip and do some deleting or labelling but given the 'worm' that's predicted to invade computers tomorrow, I think we've decided to just leave the computers off. We've updated all the anti-virus programmes but I'd be so pi..ed if something happened so I think we can go one day without being on the computer.
If it is pouring outside, I foresee a good book or movie and an afternoon nap. Perhaps some time in the heated pool inside. However, there seems to be quite a few kids/teenagers in the hotel and I tend to become a germaphobe when there's too many people using a pool or hot tub. Florida is so dry right now that the rain is really welcomed by the locals. Any of the parks we visited or saw in the past week that have man-made pools are all dry as is the grass so Floridians are pretty happy to see some precipitation. However, if it's too heavy a rain, it doesn't do much good.
We expect to be in Toronto around the 18 Apr as Tim has some off time around then. I'm actually 'hurting' I miss Ty so much...and Tim and Kim...and looking forward to hugging him until he tells me to 'back-off Honey'. He told Kim the other day that this week he'd like to visit a couple of his friends and then he'd like to go to 'Honey and Poppa's'. Tim says he's grown since Xmas and I don't doubt it so we are anxious to see him.
Time is running short...same old retirement lament...and Maureen says there are some tulips trying to peek up through the ground. I think by the time we get home and settled, the worst of the cold weather will be done. I'll use the 'wet season' to get some physio for my back before the weather is good enough to get out and garden.
Take care and until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 91-Mon, 30 Mar 09-Daytona Beach, FL

Photo 1 & 2: Our home for the next two weeks. Photos 3 & 4: Daytona Beach from our balcony.

It was a gorgeous morning; the sun was hot and a bit of a breeze--my kind of day! We loved the RV park we were in--it was extremely clean, had a beautiful heated pool and we will definitely be back. However, we are seriously thinking that we will rent a place at Anna & Scott's park for a month next year...which was always our plan...rent one month in Florida and another month in Texas and travel the third month.

It was a 2-hr drive to Daytona and we were pleasantly surprised to find the whole place 'upgraded' somehow. There are lots of new buildings, including hotels, condos, etc. but the older stores and businesses that we remember are either gone (& replaced with newer bldgs) or have had a major facelift. It still felt as though we were 'coming home'. Daytona was the first Florida destination for us many years ago and was always a favourite of Mom & Dad's. They brought us here on our first trip and we returned on a family trip when Wayne left the military. Pat Jones and I also did a 'girl's week' here after that.

We drove up and down the strip as far as Ormond Beach, checking out the price of weekly rentals. One glance at the beach told us we wanted to spend more time here but most of the place advertising weekly rates were old (& scuzzy motels) or far more expensive than necessary given the down-season begins 1 Apr.

In the end, Wayne called the 1-800-DAYTONA telephone number and we were directed to the La Playa hotel with a beach front, double room with complete kitchen, & balconey for $45 a night! When we went to the hotel to check in, the clerk said we'd have to book via the girl on the phone, otherwise the price would be substantially higher. Needless to say, we called from the lobby and before we hung up, our reservation had been received by the clerk. We brought up stuff from the fridge and a few clothes and settled in. We are staying for two weeks!

The beach is truly delicious...goes for 23 miles and the sand above the high water mark is pure white and like icing sugar. It was the first beach to allow cars, and still does, and the surf at this time of year is high enough to encourage surfers. We are on the 6th floor so we have a wonderful view of the entire beach. At this moment, Wayne is downstairs in the hot tub..probably keeping a watchful eye on the spring-break stragglers. Groups of boys and groups of girls are all hanging over their respective balconies trying to make points and it's quite entertaining, albeit a tad noisey. I expect they have had their day at the beach and trying to make contacts before they descend on the local bars.

We are right across the street from a large shopping center so if we do get the couple of forecasted days of rain, I can meander through some familiar territory. We knew the weather was going to turn a bit and decided this was better than driving in the rain and being stuck in the LuvMasheen because of rain.

We can see the large pier and downtown area from our balconey and it looks about a mile or a bit more from here. I have no doubt that Wayne will have walked that in the morning and will be able to give me a complete low-down when he returns. I'll wait for the bus! There's an indoor pool and exercise area as well so if it does rain, he can 'spin' and I can swim.

Thanks again to Scott & Anna for a wonderful visit. I can finally stop having dreams about her, which always happens when we haven't been in contact for a while. Carmel reports that her chemo went well and as of a few days ago, was feeling good. One more to go and she's done! Big hugs and kisses to you all--we are missing you and once this leg of the trip is done, we will be anxious to get home and give you each that hug & kiss we think of giving you every day. Hope the snow is gone so Colin's shovel duty is over. Until next time, stay healthy and think 'garden'. xx

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 90-Sun, 29 Mar 09, Ft Pierce, FL

We arrived at Ft Pierce on Friday afternoon. It had been a short drive but we had stopped at a walk-in clinic so Wayne could see a Dr. about his persistent sore throat & cough. He is on antibiotics so hopefully it will start to clear up. I called Anna to let her know we had arrived at the Treasure Coast RV Park and were anxious to see them.
Anna and I have been friends since Grade 10....we think that was around 1960-61. We were maid-of-honour and each other's wedding and although we have sometimes gone for long periods of time without seeing one another, we have remained friends. She and I have a history together of having lived in the same small town, knowing all the same people, and having similiar upbringing. I'm always amazed and how easily we slide back into familiar conversations and it's comforting to have someone who has been with you during the very best and worst of time.
They came over for a visit Saturday morning and we were pleasantly surprised to see her brother Joe & his wife Winnie, with them. We had a great visit and made arrangements to see them Sunday (today).
They came over and picked us up and took us for a tour of Ft Pierce. It's a small community but certainly has whatever is needed. We went to one of the local beaches, which was beautiful, and then to a local bar for a beer & snacks before heading to their community, Golden Pond. It has about 400 manufactured homes and is really lovely. We drove around on their golf cart looking at the community centre and all of the other amenities in this park. It's so well maintained and looked after and would be a very pleasant place to spend the winter. Joe & Winnie came over and we had some wine and then a fabulous supper. We think we'd like to rent a place there for a month next winter...probably do February there and then March on S.Padre Island.
All in all, it was a great visit and we'll get together this summer when they return home to Napanee. They don't leave for home until end-Apr.
The weather is supposed to be hot and sunny for the next few days so we are hoping to spend some of that in Daytona Beach. We haven't been there for a long time and looking forward to going to some of the places we'd visited in previous years. The sand there is like icing sugar and while it can get pretty crowded at some periods through the winter, the main bunch of spring-breakers should be gone. We were going to visit Disneyland but I think we'll leave that for next year and make it a 'destination' rather than a drop-in...there's too much to see.
Hope everyone is well. The Ty-Man has a bad cold but he loved the CD of train videos we sent to him. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 88-Thurs, 26 Mar 09-Loxahatchee, FL

Sure, everyone knows where Loxahatchee is, right? It's a bit west of Palm Beach. We're at the KOA which shares space with the Lion Country Safari. Supposedly, we'll wake up in the morning to the roar of lions and trumpeting of elephants. We'll see.

We decided that rather than take Alligator Alley (Hwy 75) across Florida, we would take Hwy 41, which is just south of Hwy 75 and goes through the heart of the Everglades. We stopped at Wooten's Airboat & Swamp Buggy tour place and did the whole magilla tour. It was...okay...and we saw some of the biggest alligators I've ever seen, but on the whole, it was just okay. The water level is the lowest in 50 years and the airboats are just managing to navigate the waterways. We did see a mother & baby manatee in a small bay at the end of the buggy tour. In the end, the most alligators were in the small canal that runs beside the Hwy and there were lots and lots of them. The tour guide was telling us about all the pythons they are collecting and there is now a bounty on them to clear them out before they devour all the natural wildlife in the area. It's not unusual to drive that highway at dusk and find them stretched out along the road trying to stay warm. The guys at this tour company caught over 90 of them last year--the longest was about 12 feet but he's seen them at 16 feet.

Our priority tomorrow is to find a walk-in clinic for Wayne...I suspect he has strep throat. He's been self-medicating for 3 days now and it's not getting any better. I don't think he (or I) got much sleep last night as he was coughing non-stop. Second priority is to find a place for me to get a haircut...I can't stand it!

We are within a day's drive of Anna & Scott's in Ft Pierce and we'll probably spend two nights at the RV site near them. I'd like to take Hwy 1, the coast highway up to Daytona Beach and Saint Augustine and then boogie home.

When I look back at previous blogs, it's been a busy three months and certainly gone quickly. We've seen some great stuff and put lots, and lots, of miles on the LuvMasheen. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 87-Wed, 25 Mar-Naples, FL

Our paid internet runs out early today so I'm blogging about 'nothing'. That's because we did 'nothing' today...and it was wonderful.
I was greased up and sitting beside the pool by 9:30 this morning. The water was quite warm to me but I guess it was close to 90 degrees yesterday and so all the 'mature' folks were complaining it was cold. I'm thinking that the water approaches soup consistency at that temperature and it just can't be very healthy. I guess it's great if you are swimming at 7 am but when it starts to get hot, I want to cool off. Today, the water temperature was perfect and by noon I was in and out constantly. Wayne brought lunch over and by 1:30 we were both ready for nap time.
I will start the search for a place to get my hair cut tomorrow...it's totally out of control again. Between trying to keep a hat on while I'm in the sun and being too long to stay curled/flat, it's just one big friz-ball. I don't think I'll try Walmart again (don't ANYONE dare tell Danny) or if really necessary, try to get someone who speak English to cut it.
We'll be heading out in the morning..going across Alligator Alley..towards Miami. I'd like to take an eco-tour somewhere along the line. We were there a long time ago and I know we took one of those air boats so sure there must be something still.
That's it...there's Bingo at the activity centre tonight...which I think I'll pass. Spaghetti sauce is bubbling on the stove and we still have to walk down to see where the river is near here.
Carmel does chemo #5 tomorrow so please send lots of positive vibes her way. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 86-Tues, 24 Mar 09-Naples, FL

After a couple of days enjoying the white sand and sun at Carrabella, we had a long and tiring drive to Bradenton, which is just south of St Petersburg. Although we took Hwy 98 nearly all the way, we didn't see much more than strip malls, traffic lights, and too many cars.
I've decided that Florida is all about shopping...there are more stores per capita here than anywhere else we've been. Except for a few areas that had nothing (aka Hwy 401), Hwy 98 goes through all the towns and cities and they are all joined at the city limits...where one stops, the next begins...so that it was (seemed to be) an endless drive down Merivale Rd.
We were a bit nervous that we wouldn't find a place to stay but ended up in Bradenton and picked something out of the book and called. Fortunately, even though the park has mostly long-term rentals, there was a spot for us. I know I was in bed shortly after 9 pm and I don't think I made it to 9:05! Wayne was a little nervous I think as the park was right beside a huge cemetery. Considering all the ghoulie things I read and watch on TV, I'm sure he expected to wake up through the night and find me wandering the graveyard.
I really wanted to go to Gasparilla and Sanibel Islands. Both are special because of the shells that pile up on their beaches (which reminds me, the other thing Florida has it lots, and lots of bridges!). We went to Gasparilla first and it's the most gorgeous place I've seen. Miles and miles and green/blue water and white sand. It's a major resort area so staying there is not something we could ever afford I'm sure, and the homes are big and bigger and gated and goreous! We walked the beach, picked up a few shells and then headed for Sanibel.
Sanibel is another resort island and parking is a real issue here. The locals are quite happy to make the island as unapproachable as possible for tourists and the public beaches were quite crowded. We ended up stopping at an area along the causeway and it was feet-deep with shells. The bulging bag I ended up with says "Check the box for collecting shells..no more!" It was a beautiful day so it was as much about walking in the warm water as it was about picking up shells I think. Wayne has a chest cold so while I was wandering, he was sucking back lozinges and Tylenol and had a good nap.
We are in the KOA in Naples for 2 nights. There's a wonderful heated pool and hot tub and somewhere down the park is a river where you can rent canoes and paddle to the Gulf. The park is nice, expensive, but I like the idea of being in that pool all day tomorrow. It will give Wayner a chance to catch up on his rest and get rid of the cold (before I get it...x10!)
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 83-Sat, 21 Mar 09-Destin to Carrrabelle, FL

We woke up and decided to take L-O-N-G hot showers...get our $87 worth...and hit the road to a less crowded area. Although we thought we should head inland a bit, neither of us has been to this part of Florida so decided we'd stay on Hwy 98 along the coast and hope that as we got to the less travelled part of the State, the cost of RV sites would be more reasonable. We made the right decision!
The traffic was pretty busy through Navarre Beach, Ft Walton Beach, and just plain crazy in and around Panama City Beach. The cars were filled with university kids and the boom boxes were blasting out music (??). Hotel parking lots were filled with cars and kids either packing up because their spring break was over, or unpacking because theirs was just starting. By noon, the roadways were busy with bikini clad girls and shirtless boys, all carrying cans of beer, ready to get that first/last sunburn.
The first surprise we had was when we got to Mexico Beach, about 35 miles past Panama City. The traffic was almost non-existent, the uncrowded beach stretched for miles along the highway and beautiful little blue, yellow, green, mauve and other coloured beached houses were showing rental signs on the front porches (remember for next year). It was a very unspoiled beach resort town that just hasn't gotten popular yet...not enough bars I guess...and we loved it. We stopped along the highway, behind another Road Trek, to have some lunch and of course, got into a conversation with the occupants in the van. Don and Sandy spent most of their lives in Ottawa (he worked in PWGSC as DG Info) and have recently moved to Frankford to retire (right across the canal from my parents house). Small world to put it mildly! They are a nice couple, believe happy hour should start before 4 pm, and we had lots to talk about. We ended up in the same park, beside one another, so certainly did happy hour and had lots of laughs. Another fun couple that have become new friends.
As we continued to head south on Hwy 98 there were less towns and things were certainly more 'normal'. We were heading for Carrabelle Beach and the RV site there and ended up having a lovely, relaxing drive. When we got to the RV park we were very pleasantly surprised. It's right across the highway from the most wonderful beach that has an endless distance of pure, white, powdered sand. The park itself is a real find...a big pool, lots of amenities and spotlessly clean and $38 a night. Wayne spoke to a woman from N.S. (who taught his two sisters) who said they found it much like we did and have been coming here for a month for the past 4 yrs.
This is called the 'Forgotten Coast' and we all agreed we hope that's how it stays! We are staying a second night (so far) and I'll get rid of that big bag of dirty laundry and spend some quality time in and around the pool while Wayne snoozes on the beach. We so nearly missed this whole fabulous area by thinking we'd save time by going on the Interstate again (why, why, why) but Hwy 98 does go inland anyway in another 40 miles or so. I expect it will get more crowded as we get closer to Tampa and Clearwater but that should take another couple of days before we get there. Once we've visited Sanibel and Gasparilla Islands, we will be crossing Alligator Alley to the eastern shore. Anna & Scott Frechette are in Ft Pierce and we want to visit with them for a day or two and then I expect we'll start the trek home.
Hope everyone is well. I'm sure any hint of Spring in the air is much appreciated at this point. I'm determined not to have to see more than a small pile of snow on my front lawn! Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 82-Fri, 20 Mar 09-Destin, Florida

We had a nice last day in New Orleans on Wednesday...took the Natchez paddleboat tour up the Mississippi, went to the Aquarium and then to the IMAX to see Hurricane on the Bayou. I wished I'd bought the video to watch again.
A team of film makers had come to the area 2 months before Katrina to do a documentary on the weather effects caused by the diminishing swamps and marsh areas in Louisianna, Alabama, & area. One of the things they originally commented on was how these swamps are a 'hurricane barrier' (lowering ocean temperatures so small hurricanes don't come inland) and how the extreme shrinkage of these (all man-made of course) makes the possibility of hurricanes so much larger. They had done lots of pre-Katrina filming and then BAM...a film makers dream...Katrina hits in the exact area they are filming. It was an awesome film, done in the larger than life style of IMAX, but a wonderful explanation of weather and the effects of mans interference on the environment.
We hit the road Thursday and whizzed through Mississippi and Alabama, stopping at the Sandhill Crane Nat'l Wildlife Reserve. This is the place where they raise abandoned chicks and have brought the numbers back from 30-35 to over 200 cranes. We didn't see any cranes around the visitors centre and we were too anxious to get some miles on the road and get to Florida, which we did, to drive to areas where we might have seen them. Next year. We found a small RV Park right off the road and while it was short on amenities, it was clean and not bad. It only had two 'unisex' washroom which included a shower, toilet, urinal, and sink in each room...a tad unsettling.
Today was 'Luvmasheen Day'. Wayne wanted to get the oil changed before we put too many more miles on it. Unfortunately, he only had three quarts of the synthetic stuff that it takes (5 qts) and the first Dodge dealer didn't have any...couldn't get any. Walmart didn't have any but the sales guy there knew who the dealer in town was, called him at home and off we went to buy some. We pull up to the old fella's house and he's a talker! After 45 minutes, Wayne finally got the damn oil but the NEXT Dodge dealer was booked solid and after most of the day spent trying to do something good for the damn van, nothing happened!
We got to Dustin and thought we'd been transported back to the Caribbean! The water was three different shades of blue and green, coloured umbrellas, white...and I mean WHITE sand. Gorgeous! We haven't spent a lot of time in Florida and never in this particular area so it's all new. However, there are lots of people here to enjoy it, and of course, the Snowbirds have been joined by the March Breakers so it's crowded everywhere. We decided we'd stop early, find a place on the beach and enjoy it.
We pulled in to the first place we came to and Wayne went in to register. He came back out a few minutes later and said the sites were $85-$146 a night and because it was March Break, the girl had told him finding anything...let alone cheaper...along the Gulf Coast was very slim! I can only imagine what a hotel room along the strip would cost. We took it but I suspect we'll head further inland tomorrow so that we have a bit more selection. The beach is beautiful but most of it is privately owned so if you want to go for a walk, you have to do it along the surf line. Dumb!
We are both starting to miss home, family and friends, and I know as soon as we see what we want here, we won't be long heading North. I'm hoping the snow will be gone when we get there.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 78-Tues, 17 Mar 09-New Orleans

Top 'O The Morning--Happy St. Patrick's Day--Kiss Me, I'm Irish. I think that just about covers it!

We've had a busy couple of days and I expect the rest of our holiday will be much the same. The sun has finally come out again and today was glorious.

When we climbed in to bed, in the pounding rain, on Sunday night, we discovered that the rubber gasket thingy that goes around the back window was displaced (?) and the water had run down the window and soaked my side of the bed! That made me real happy at 11 pm at night! We piled towels on it and I had an okay, albiet a lumpy, sleep until 4 am when I woke up to water dripping on my face. I was wide awake and got up and read while Wayne put a couple of containers by the window to catch the big drips that were coming in. Talk about the Klampet's! He managed to get a few hours more sleep and we were on the road again, in the rain, determined to reach New Orleans. Needless to say, I slept the whole way.

We got to New Orleans early and although it was supposed to clear in the afternoon, it didn't but Wayne had re-jigged the rubber stuff and the leak stopped. We had signed up to take the shuttle from the KOA in to the city today so showered and slept like logs.

The shuttle is free and the KOA guy was a great tour guide on the half-hour trip in this morning. We didn't leave until 9 am, which was nice for not-so-early-risers like myself. We decided that we would take the 3-hr Katrina/City tour and it was great. Taking the van in, parking, or trying to negotiate the crazy roads & drivers just wasn't an option and we would never have seen all that we did in the same amount of time.

We went to the Ninth Ward and except for the new houses that Brad Pitt is building, there's not much there but abandoned houses. As the guide said, if you had owned a house there and the neighbourhood looked like this, would you want to re-build? I guess the answer for everyone is 'no' as there's been very little going on. The homes Brad is building are energy efficient, metal & vinyl homes (because termites & moisture are major problems here), very large and selling for $150,000 which is quite cheap. Harry Connick Jr has also built a number of homes, targeted for musicians (to get them back to N.Orleans) which are smaller but only costing $75,000. There is re-bulding and renovating happening everywhere--and I mean everywhere--including the massive, gorgeous pre-civil war historic homes to the small shotgun (long, narrow) homes and everything in between.

We stopped at one of the cemeteries and it was interesting (to me) to learn all burials are in mosoleums above ground and they are 'family' tombs. The interesting part is that inside these tombs the space is divided--shelf on top and room for casket below. When one person dies, the tomb is opened, the remains are removed from the casket for the newest burial and the remains are put in a body bag and shoved back on the shelf. The bigger the tomb of course, the more room there is for multiple caskets--but the norm is 1 or 2 at most as these tombs cost approx $60,000. I'm guessing cremations at just set on the shelf. The 'cheap' section is one long wall, with niches big enough for 1 casket. A person 'leases' the space for 10 years and gets a placque on the front after his casket is shoved in. At the end of the lease, his remains are removed from the casket, put in a bag and shoved to the back to make room for the next 'leasee'. Groovy!

Some of the historic homes are beyond belief! The architecure in New Orleans is amazing anyway but some of the bigger homes--especially those built before the Civil War--are nothing short of glorious! I'm hoping we can figure out the trolley system tomorrow so that I can go back and take some photos along St Charles Street. The bus driver had an 'almost' degree in architecture so could ream off the various styles--Plantation, Greece Revival, American Revival, Creole, etc. All I know is that they were wonderful to look at from the outside and I'd sure like to have an opportunity to peak inside. Unfortunately there is a news report today on drywall that was imported from China that contains sulphyr. People are finding that after 2 yrs, all metal in their homes is corroding! There's no estimate yet of how many homes in this area, which have been either re-built or renovated after even minor flooding, will have to be stripped back to the studs so that the drywall can be replaced! Incredible.

We walked the French Quarter and enjoyed the street musicians, many of which are very talented. Although Marti Gras has ended, St. Patrick's Day is a good excuse for another big party so everyone was dressed for the occasion and really in the spirit. It was quite busy in the Quarter but I'm sure Spring Break helped. This is the best time to be in New Orleans as it starts to get hot in another month--95 degrees/100% humidity--and not fit to visit. While I sat and gave my back a rest, Wayne did a bit of wandering. I ended up befriending a couple of guys who do that 'statue posing' thing...Uncle Louie who dresses like Mr. American and pretends he's walking a stuffed dog and Golden Football Man. Uncle Louie promised that if he made enough money from the people getting off the paddle boat, he and I were going to have a quote helluva happy hour unquote. I'm not sure how much money he made but Wayne returned returned before there was an accounting of the proceeds so happy hour was cancelled. Golden Man had pupils the size of pinholes so I suspect his take was going directly to his pusher! I can certainly attract 'em!

We decided that we would sign up for an additional night here and take the shuttle in again tomorrow so that we can take the paddle boat tour along the Mississippi River. Taking the tours is the only way to see things when you only have a short time to visit. I'd love to be able to be downtown at night as the city takes on a whole different personality then. Next time.

Happy Birthday to my sweetheart Jackie...she's going to celebrate with her Mom on a girl's week in Las Vegas. Carmel is perking up after her 4th chemo session and planning her trip to Australia this fall--kuddos kiddo! The Scott's are having a ball in Washington even though Bob is abusing 80-year-old grocery packers who just want to pack the damn groceries and carry them out to his car--I can't stop laughing because I can SEE this all happening. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 76-Galveston Plantation Homes-Renovated

Re-building and home renovation is going strong in Galveston following Hurricane Ike last year. Some of these places are real show-stoppers and remind me of the houses we saw in Key West, Florida. However, these are true Plantation-style homes and I'd sure liked to have been invited inside a few of them. Most of them are 100 years old, or more, and the architecture is incredible.

Day 76-Sun, 15 Mar 09-S.Padre Island to Lafayette, Louisianna

Photos: Hurricane Ika damage in Galveston area. These picture don't even begin to show the overall damage. As per Katrina, it will take years for re-building and clean-up.

We left S.Padre Island yesterday under cloudy skies and cool temperatures...made it whole lot easier to day goodbye. It poured rain all day, stopping just long enough for us to pull in to the Houston West RV Park. Unfortunately, there was a big rodeo in the city and every hotel/motel/RV park was filled to the gunnels, this one included. She offered to let us stay in the front yard and plug in to the office outlet...for $3. Given that we wouldn't find anything else, we took it. Before we settled in though, we drove 10 miles down the road to the Katy Mills Outlet Centre and poked for a couple of hours. It didn't take us long when we got back to fall into bed and sleep like rocks.

We were both up before 6 am and decided to pack up and try and get some miles in so that we could spend a couple of nights in New Orleans. Before we left the manager arrived and apologized for charging us and gave us back the $3. Wayne couldn't stop smiling!

It was still pounding rain until we reached Galveston and stopped for a short time while we drove around and looked at the damages and improvements since Hurricane Ike went through last year. We went downtown first to the historic area that we had enjoyed so much last year. It looks as though most of the building damage has been repaired externally, but very few businesses are open yet. We passed the old city cemetery and of course, Lynne the ghoul had to go in and look around. Most of the graves were pre-1900 and it's like a history class to walk through and read the plaques and graves. I loved it! We drove around looking at the wonderful old plantation homes that make up the greater part of downtown Galveston. The bigger, more opulent homes have been restored but it wasn't unusual to see one that hadn't been renovated yet. There were very few houses without blue building permits in a window. The worst areas were those that had older homes, probably owned by poorer people and they were just abandoned. A few had signs on them saying, "No trespassing--health hazard". That says it all.

We went to East Beach which is on the gulf side of the city and that is where we started to see the full extent of the damages. The beach was so beautiful there and now there is nothing but piles and piles of debris that has been washed in on the tide. A man pulled in beside us and we started to talk about the hurricane and how things are progressing. 'Oscar' was such a nice guy but has lost everything and now sleeps in his car. He does drywalling and said there should be lots of work for him but went on a rant about 'wetbacks' (illegial aliens) who have moved in to the area and although not qualified, are offering to do the jobs so cheap that no-one will hire him to do quality work. He lost everything in the hurricane and only has the clothes and few possessions he was able to rescue before Ike hit.

We took the ferry across to the penninsula where Oscar had told us Ike hit the worst. The water had come in to Galveston about 30 feet high but he told us that the biggest damage was done when the water receeded...it literally sucked everything out with it, including people who decided to stay vice evacuating. When we got off the ferry, it only took a short distance to see the damage! I can't begin to explain the impression that stays with you when seeing this kind of devistation and I honestly thought...this looks like what would be left if a nuclear bomb was dropped...it's almost more than you can take in. There used to be thousands of big, beautiful homes built on stilts...now there is just miles of stilts, debris that has been bulldozed into hundreds of big piles, boats and RVs in the middle of fields, a smaller cottage sitting upside down in the middle of a field and on and on. There is paper & plastic garbage everywhere and some places where people are starting to re-build.

One of the things I was most interested to see was Gilchrist...a small town on the penninsula...for obvious reasons. We'd seen a photo on the internet, and then a TV report on the weather channel, showing that every house but ONE, was swept away. We never did find it...there's just nothing left.

As luck would have it, we met a lady in the welcome centre who owned a summer house there and told us what it was like after Ike. Their first trip there to see the damage was a real shock as all that was left was the stilts of their cottage. She said the only way they even knew where their cottage had been was because another brick building near their's was still partially standing. People are now going back and putting stakes in the ground with their old house numbers in order to identify their property. She said there were hundreds of cars littering the road there, that had come in on the tide from other areas. She also told us that the big debris piles cannot be removed until cadaver dogs are brought in to search for (still) missing bodies. She also told us about a town that is inland from the penninsula that just vanished...nothing left but debris.

Although it all sounds depressing..and I know it's awful for those still living there...I'm really glad we saw it so that we have a better understanding of the impact of a hurricane. We loved Galveston last year and hope things get better...except who has heard anything about Katrina lately? It will be years. Sorry Carl, no t-shirt from Gilchrist this year...or ever I'm guessing.

It's still pouring rain...enough already. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 74-Fri, 13 Mar 09-S.Padre Island

Today is the final pack-up and put-away day for us. Check-out time is 10 am tomorrow so we'll put everything back in the LuvMasheen today and just have to shower and pull out in the morning. The fridge is nearly bare and I started pulling things out of drawers yesterday so I don't forget it.
There's a cold front come in that has dropped the temperature and brought clouds & rain. It's almost like a "Thanks Corkum's but it's time to leave" omen. I always hate leaving anywhere we really like when it's a perfect day outside. Crappy weather makes the leaving so much easier!
The couple upstairs own 3 places on the island and we've exchanged e-mail addresses to arrange for a rental for next year. They have rented thorugh a management company up until now but considering pulling out of that process and renting themselves...a bit cheaper. We loved this condo because it's on a relatively quiet street and within steps of the beach. That makes a difference when you're hauling chairs, towels, etc. back and forth or need to run home for something. We've talked to other people and while some are renting cheaper places, they are quick to point out that they either spent the first three days of their holiday cleaning the place or are afraid to sit on the furniture in case it collapses from age. I'd rather pay the cleaning fee up front knowing that when I arrive, it's been cleaned. March seems to be the best month here and I think that's what we'll do next year and hope the kids can come for a visit.
We are going to head for Galveston from here and see how it's managed since the hurricane. The historical district was fabulous when we were there last year and I guess it's almost back to normal. A few miles east of there is a small town called 'Gilchrist'. We'd commented when we drove through last year that it would be interesting to find out the history of the town as we know we have family that came to the States many years ago. However, a news report last night on the weather channel..and photos from the internet..show there is one, just one house left standing after the hurricane went through. The town is right at sea level building/houses along that stretch didn't stand a chance.
We'll also stop in New Orleans if the weather is nice as well as a few places in Alabama that are along the gulf. I've been going through last year's blog to check out all those stops we made and I said 'we've got to come back here!' From there it's a visit to Florida to check out Senibel & Gasperilla Islands and then home.
It's a good time to be leaving as the majority of the March Breakers arrive tomorrow. Although there have been some here this past week, the big influx happens this coming week. We're told that driving the 4 mile strip from one end of the town to the bridge takes at least an hour and the line-up coming across the bridge to the island tonight will be miles long. Time to go! I noticed this morning that the place across the street, which has housed 8 or 10 kids, has a lawn littered with beer cans and liquor bottles after a big party last night. Time to go!
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Monday, March 09, 2009

Day 70-Mon, 9 Mar 09-S.Padre Island

There's a beautiful, big full moon outside tonight. I bet the island police are gearing up for a very busy night!
Yesterday we re-visited the HeatWave custom car/truck show. Wayne was anxious to see the hydraulic lift show where cars & trucks compete to see how high the hydraulic lifts can make the vehicle jump. How these cars look is secondary...how high they can bounce is primary!

We were lucky to get seats right in front of the staging area so had a great view. Although most of the cars & trucks have been customized to do a bit of bouncing, the ones competing for height go way beyond what you see the 'bad boys' driving on television. I think the winner of the competition bounced the front end of both a car and truck over what the measurement instrument could register so they tagged it at 86 inches! It may have bounced higher but even with modifications, the vehicle's back end prevented it from going higher...and flipping over backwards!

Wayne was keen to stay and watch the bikini contest so we hung around a bit and listened to a few Rap bands. Now, you've got to picture the venue and who it attracts. I'd think I'd be correct in saying there were two WASPs, over the age of 40, in attendance at that show--and that would be Wayne and I! Spanish was the predominant language and I've yet to understand where the money comes from to customize these cars given our knowledge of the prosperity of the local Mexican community. However, if we thought we were outnumbered looking at the cars, we stood out like sore thumbs at the rap concerts! I don't often admit to feeling 'old' but I've tried and tried, and I'm just not appreciating rap the way kids do...or in this case, Black & Mexican kids do. However, when Dirty Worm showed up on the stage, one with a Freddie Kruger face mask on, I thought at least the entertainment would make up for what I wasn't understanding. We stayed, even did a little toe tapping at one point, but when the lead rapper said he'd bought OJ Simpsons gloves from E-Bay and was going to put them on so he could, "murder the shit out of the next song", I knew I was totally lost and no longer had the remotest interest in trying to figure it out.

Unfortunately, the entertainment appeared to be burning into the time allotted for the bikini contest so we gave it up and went home. It was really interesting to see these cars though, and as it was something we probably wouldn't attend at home, made for a great weekend diversion. We had a blast!

Today was beach day. Wayne walks every day on the beach so he's a brown as anything. I've never been one to stay too long in the sun unless there's a pool or warm lake/ocean to cool off in so I'm less tanned than him...which is okay. However, now that we are in to the last days on the island, I wanted to just enjoy the beach. We packed a lunch and were there by 09:30. Even though I slathered the tan lotion non-stop, by 2 pm I knew that even the breeze was no longer masking the heat and we came home.

Tomorrow will be my last trip to the wildlife refuge 50 miles north of here. Heaven knows I don't need any more photos of birds but the area is really beautiful and of course, there's that Bobcat that needs to be tracked! We're working at clearing out the fridge and freezer of food so that we can start fresh when we leave Saturday. There are a couple of nice local specialty shops I'd like to check out before we leave as well.

Bon Voyage to the Scott's who are heading to Williamstown and Washington for a holiday...hope they have a fabulous time. Our little HoneyB has been sick with the flu but says his tummy is better now. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Day 68-Sat, 7 Mar 09-S.Padre Island

Thursday & Friday were very lazy days for me...Wayne still did the gym and went for walks...I just vegged! It's been very warm but no humidity so I tend to jump from sun to shade when I get too hot.

Today was the start of the Spring Break Head Wave which is a monster car, truck and motorcycle show where all the car clubs can bring their custom jobs to be judged. It's also where they come to show off their sound systems...and believe me, the louder it is the better it is! Some of the cars were beyond belief..something like Pimp My Ride X2. We went early but by 9 am it was line-ups everywhere and we were glad we'd parked across the road at the State Park. We'd packed a lunch so were able to get away from the crowds and out of the sun for a while.

The cars ranged from 1940's pick-ups to 2009 Lincoln SUVs, Hummers, and everything in between that had been airbrushed, hydraulics installed, jumbo TVs...nothing was too outrageous to install. We bought a weekend pass and will probably go back later tomorrow. I've looked at the photos I took and would like to try again to get better ones or try something different. The cars were in every colour you could think of, lots of bright lights, and it was lots of fun to see these ultimate boy toys. The San Juan (Texas) police department were there with a Dodge Charger that had been customized. The cop said it was confiscated during a drug bust so they kept it and a group of sponsors helped them pay for some customizing. It goes 180 mph!

The other highlight of the day was the presence of the US Marine Corps, running a recruiting booth. God, they were so young and handsome and so courteous. I wanted to get a photo with them and ended up doing the 'chin hold' on the bar, which you're supposed to hold for 70 seconds. I made it for 30 seconds which I figured wasn't too bad and I got my photo.

Today would have been Mom's 88 birthday and what a crackerjack she'd have been! There's no doubt in my mind that she'd be flirting with the Marines and asking a thousand questions to all the people who owned these cars. I would still have a hard time keeping up with her in a shopping centre and she'd be shaming me into joining her line dancing class! I think about her every day and I always smile when I do. I wish we would have had more time together as we were both at the stage of life when we were as comfortable being friends as we were being mother & daughter.

The first load of spring breakers has arrived and it's pretty busy in town...the second wave arrives next week. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Day 65-Wed, 4 Mar 09-S.Padre Island

Photos: 1. Western Meadowlark. 2. Northern Mockingbird. 3. Blue Bunting. 4. Brown Thrasher. 5. Green Jay. 6. Chachalaca. (Big time help from Field Guide and Atascosa staff)

It was a glorious day on South Padre Island. I was up at 6 am and left the house at 7 am to drive the 55 miles to the Laguna Atascosa Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. We had visited there a couple of weeks ago but got there later in the day and didn't see much wildlife.

According to the BWs, early morning is best to see birds...and any other wildlife...as they are all hungry and like to feed early, before the sun gets too hot. All that to say, I was there shortly after 8 am and wasn't disappointed in the variety and activity in the area.

This wildlife refuge is home to the majority of the remaining ocelots in the U.S. and is the national center for ocelot conservation and recovery. The first ocelot den in North America was discovered here and there are lots of photos in the welcome center, taken with trip-wire cameras...they are pretty elusive.

Right outside the welcome center is a feeding station and I think in a previous block, after our first visit, I posted some photos of Havelin's (wild pigs), with Green Jays perched on their backs picking up the seed the other birds had dropped on the pigs' backs. They were there again this morning and as much as I tried to get photos of the Green Jays in flight, it was impossible...they are just too fast. Their tail feathers are glorious...bright yellow in the middle with green and deep blue feathers on each side.

At the blind there were lots of different birds and because I was so close to them, I was able to get some great shots. Surprisingly, there were Norther Cardinals and I took lots of photos of them even though we have them at home...I just can't get as close to them.

As I was walking towards one of the shorter trails and looking in the trees to see if I could see any birds, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. When I turned my head, I saw the last 2/3 of a Bobcat crossing the path into the brush. There was no way I could get a photo but when I was writing the sighting in the book inside the center, I notice someone had seen one earlier, not too far from where I did so no doubt it was the same one.

The big find of the day was a Blue Bunting...kin to the Indigo Bunting. It was a beauty and the color was gorgeous. It sat on the branch for quite awhile while I took pictures and while I got some good shots, it was partially blocked by other branches. Such is this kind of photography.

Wayne went to the gym and the beach and kept himself busy until I got home about 2 pm. I think I will probably make another trip there, perhaps next week. I do know that I have to start going through all these photos and moving them in to sub-folders as well as doing some serious editing.

I suspect I'll be in bed early tonight. By 9 pm last night I was sound asleep but I half expected I'd be going out early this morning and it was just fortunate I was really tired. We are down to our last 10 days here...where did the time go...and will start doing some of those things that we've been saying we'll do 'next week' and still haven't. We certainly haven't been bored, I know that.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Day 64-3 Mar 09-S.Padre Island, TX

Photos: 1. Black Skimmer. 2 & 3. Roseate Spoonbills. 4. Reddish Heron doing the 'Funky Feeding Frenzy' dance. 5. Snowy Egret--I love this photo. In this light it almost looks like an angel.
I apologize for the continuing string of bird photos...but they are DAMN good! Wait until we get to Florida...it will be all Alligator photos!

I was up and off to the nature walk again this morning. I look at it as my own personal fitness program. First, I have to get up early and that takes determination and energy. Then I have to get in the van and drive there and that takes concentration and motivation. Lastly, I have to endlessly walk the boardwalk, bending down, leaning over the railing, stepping up and down on the seating...all to take photos and I'm sure it's like a good arobics workout. The photos are secondary to the workout I get I think...physically and mentally. I'm a winner! Seriously, I love going there, especially on a day like today that was warm and sunny and little wind as the boardwalk goes out in the bay and it can be cool in the morning if the wind is blowing. By 9am I was starting to peel off the excess clothing and just enjoyed the sunshine. It seems that there is something new to see and photograph every day which is the best thing of all.

Today's surprise was a small flock of the Roseate Spoonbills vice just the pair that was there yesterday. I could see them all out in the bay and after an hour they still weren't showing any inclination to come in closer to the shoreline. I was busy taking photos of something else and then bent down to pack the camera away when one of the blessed BWs told me the Spoonbills had just flown in. While I missed the flight shots, I was excited to see 7 of them close to where we were standing in the blind. It is breeding season, or close to it, as the 2 males showed some very brilliant red/pink and were keeping a close eye on the females.

The new bird on the block today was a Black Skimmer. Skimmers are the birds that fly across the top of the water with their lower bill right in the water and as soon as they sense a minnow or small fish, their bill clamps shut. The lower bill is about 2 inches or so longer than the top one and is brilliant red where it joints the head.

There's always a variety of Herons & Egrets there and I could stand and watch them for hours as they fly, jump, and do their feeding frenzy in the shallows. The best clowns of all are the Pelicans and they compete with the other birds for fish except that they can eat the big ones. One fellow today was annoyed with a small heron getting too close and he reached out to try and give him a nip. You could hear the loud 'clomp' when his bill slammed shut on air vice the heron.

I was home by noon and once Wayne came back from the gym we packed up the van and went a couple of miles up the beach where the dunes are. It was wonderful..not many people in sight and I think we both ended up napping. I've gotten really good at scooping out the sand to accommodate various body parts and making a sand pillow..I go out like a light. We stayed for a couple of hours and then came home for a long shower and supper.

We called Gail & Graham tonight. They are just back after a 2-week trip to Costa Rica. Unfortunately they had a bad car accident on their first day there so the better part of the trip was spent recuperating. No serious injuries but enough to keep them on the sidelines for all of their holidays.

We hear that it's still cold at home but hopefully it will start to turn around in a couple of weeks. March is alway unpredictable but at least it's winter's last hurrah before Spring starts to arrive. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Monday, March 02, 2009

Day 63-Mon, 2 Mar 09-S. Padre Island

Photos: Tip: click on each photo to fill screen & bksp to return to blog. 1-Roseate Spoonbill. 2. Great White Heron. 3. Great Blue Herons in the bay & probably half that many again. 4. Snowy Egret.

It's been a great couple of days, both sunny, one warmer than the other. Sunday was much cooler than we've had but a nice break. We lounged and I organized clothes to determine what could be sent home and give us some extra room in the LuvMasheen.

We decided we'd take the van up to the car wash and vacumn. For those of you looking for some kind of investment opportunity...here's a hint! Buy one of those 'do it yourself' car wash bays...it's a license to print money! It's a penny a second and costs $1.75 each time you want water with whatever else you've chosen, ie pre-wash, foam, etc. I lost track of the amount of times I fed 7 quarters in to that machine. Of course, the van is big so it would cost more but it was still an very expensive wash. I think the vacumn runs the same and I know we pumped a few dollars in to that thing as well.

It was just too cool for the beach so we ended up watching a Steven King marathon on TV, which I slept through a good part of, and still had an early night. I like to think I'm still getting caught up on all the naps and sleep I didn't get while we were on the road for 7 weeks.

We were up early and after not getting to the nature walk for 3 days, I was keen to see 'what was new'. I was out the door by 8:15 and had a list of things I wanted to get, including packing material from Walmart which requires a drive across the bridge to Port Isabel. When I arrived at the nature walk, there were already a few BWs there with their Swarovsky scopes, and as soon as I got half way down the boardwalk, I saw a pair of beautiful pink Spoonbills. One is much brighter than the other and I'm not sure if the lesser pink one was the female (I think so) or a juvenile. Very pretty and I'm looking forward to seeing them in Florida when we visit the Everglades.

Of course there was lots of egrets and herons, in all sizes and colours, and I have to admit I never get tired of looking at them and trying to get better and better photos. I've been practicing panning...following the birds in flight without getting a blur...and got a few today I was really pleased with..including the one above of the Snowy Egret. The pelicans are always around for practice and they are also fun to watch when they plow in to the water to get a fish.

When I got tired of taking photos of the Spoonbills, and the sun had moved enough to look through the lens more eastward, I realized that what I thought was posts in the water (perhaps part of an old pier) was actually herons...about 15 of them all standing in the water. I've never seen that many at one time, in one place.

By the time I finished there, went over to Walmart, and made a re-visit to the boardwalk, I had been gone over 6 hours. I knew Wayne would be wondering where the heck I was and as I pulled out on to the road to go home, there he was, walking in to the convention centre. It has to be a good 2 miles from the condo so I'm guessing he was hoping I was still there as he would have had quite a trek home again. I took him to the Pirates Cove for supper as a reward for 'finding' me.

I took over 300 photos today and at some point I got to start getting them organized. I try to delete as I go, getting rid of the obvious boo-boos but I've learned over the years that I shouldn't be too quick to delete. It's probably a good job for when we are on the road and don't have good internet access.

Not sure what the rest of the week will bring...it goes fast enough. We've got 12 more days here until we must leave...where did the time go? Sunday night when we phoned Ty he said, "Come and visit me Honey--come today, not tomorrow, okay?" Until next time, our love to you all.xx