Saturday, March 07, 2009

Day 68-Sat, 7 Mar 09-S.Padre Island

Thursday & Friday were very lazy days for me...Wayne still did the gym and went for walks...I just vegged! It's been very warm but no humidity so I tend to jump from sun to shade when I get too hot.

Today was the start of the Spring Break Head Wave which is a monster car, truck and motorcycle show where all the car clubs can bring their custom jobs to be judged. It's also where they come to show off their sound systems...and believe me, the louder it is the better it is! Some of the cars were beyond belief..something like Pimp My Ride X2. We went early but by 9 am it was line-ups everywhere and we were glad we'd parked across the road at the State Park. We'd packed a lunch so were able to get away from the crowds and out of the sun for a while.

The cars ranged from 1940's pick-ups to 2009 Lincoln SUVs, Hummers, and everything in between that had been airbrushed, hydraulics installed, jumbo TVs...nothing was too outrageous to install. We bought a weekend pass and will probably go back later tomorrow. I've looked at the photos I took and would like to try again to get better ones or try something different. The cars were in every colour you could think of, lots of bright lights, and it was lots of fun to see these ultimate boy toys. The San Juan (Texas) police department were there with a Dodge Charger that had been customized. The cop said it was confiscated during a drug bust so they kept it and a group of sponsors helped them pay for some customizing. It goes 180 mph!

The other highlight of the day was the presence of the US Marine Corps, running a recruiting booth. God, they were so young and handsome and so courteous. I wanted to get a photo with them and ended up doing the 'chin hold' on the bar, which you're supposed to hold for 70 seconds. I made it for 30 seconds which I figured wasn't too bad and I got my photo.

Today would have been Mom's 88 birthday and what a crackerjack she'd have been! There's no doubt in my mind that she'd be flirting with the Marines and asking a thousand questions to all the people who owned these cars. I would still have a hard time keeping up with her in a shopping centre and she'd be shaming me into joining her line dancing class! I think about her every day and I always smile when I do. I wish we would have had more time together as we were both at the stage of life when we were as comfortable being friends as we were being mother & daughter.

The first load of spring breakers has arrived and it's pretty busy in town...the second wave arrives next week. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GI Jane - you go girl. How do you always manage to find these groups of men in uniform.


At 6:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too miss her so much. It seems like her daughter though is filling her shoes quite well!


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