Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 74-Fri, 13 Mar 09-S.Padre Island

Today is the final pack-up and put-away day for us. Check-out time is 10 am tomorrow so we'll put everything back in the LuvMasheen today and just have to shower and pull out in the morning. The fridge is nearly bare and I started pulling things out of drawers yesterday so I don't forget it.
There's a cold front come in that has dropped the temperature and brought clouds & rain. It's almost like a "Thanks Corkum's but it's time to leave" omen. I always hate leaving anywhere we really like when it's a perfect day outside. Crappy weather makes the leaving so much easier!
The couple upstairs own 3 places on the island and we've exchanged e-mail addresses to arrange for a rental for next year. They have rented thorugh a management company up until now but considering pulling out of that process and renting themselves...a bit cheaper. We loved this condo because it's on a relatively quiet street and within steps of the beach. That makes a difference when you're hauling chairs, towels, etc. back and forth or need to run home for something. We've talked to other people and while some are renting cheaper places, they are quick to point out that they either spent the first three days of their holiday cleaning the place or are afraid to sit on the furniture in case it collapses from age. I'd rather pay the cleaning fee up front knowing that when I arrive, it's been cleaned. March seems to be the best month here and I think that's what we'll do next year and hope the kids can come for a visit.
We are going to head for Galveston from here and see how it's managed since the hurricane. The historical district was fabulous when we were there last year and I guess it's almost back to normal. A few miles east of there is a small town called 'Gilchrist'. We'd commented when we drove through last year that it would be interesting to find out the history of the town as we know we have family that came to the States many years ago. However, a news report last night on the weather channel..and photos from the there is one, just one house left standing after the hurricane went through. The town is right at sea level building/houses along that stretch didn't stand a chance.
We'll also stop in New Orleans if the weather is nice as well as a few places in Alabama that are along the gulf. I've been going through last year's blog to check out all those stops we made and I said 'we've got to come back here!' From there it's a visit to Florida to check out Senibel & Gasperilla Islands and then home.
It's a good time to be leaving as the majority of the March Breakers arrive tomorrow. Although there have been some here this past week, the big influx happens this coming week. We're told that driving the 4 mile strip from one end of the town to the bridge takes at least an hour and the line-up coming across the bridge to the island tonight will be miles long. Time to go! I noticed this morning that the place across the street, which has housed 8 or 10 kids, has a lawn littered with beer cans and liquor bottles after a big party last night. Time to go!
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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