Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 92-31 Mar 09-Daytona Beach, FL

It was a quiet day for us--overcast most of the day although the sun tried to peak out a few times and the beach was moderately busy.
We've moved rooms and got an upgrade to a bigger room with a separate kitchen, which is nice. There were a couple of lights that didn't work and the bathroom light was pulled away from the ceiling. Wayne called down to have someone come up and fix/replace bulbs and apparently that room had been tagged for maintenance and rented out by mistake so they offered us an upgrade. The La Playa was probably quite popular some years ago but it definitely needs a 'face-lift'. The rooms are extremely clean and the carpets look like they have been replaced but the hotel needs upgraded bathrooms and kitchens. For $45, it more than meets our needs and if we can find something wrong with this latest room, we may be able to spend a few nights in the penthouse! ha ha
Wayne was engrossed in a book this morning so I went over to the mall to check it out. I hit the sale at Beall's..sort of like JC Penney. It was 40% off nearly everything and today was senior's day so it was an additional 15%. Better yet, further down the strip was the Beall's Outlet and I got a couple of namebrand bathing suits for $29. For someone built like me, buying a bathing suit is like going in for a hysterectomy so when I find something that fits/I like, I get it! Even with the difference in the dollar, the buys today were deals. Gotta love it.
Wayne walked down to the pier and by the time he got back, he was hurtin'. It's a bit further than he thought which makes me glad I didn't go with him. I probably walked the same distance in the stores but at a different pace.
There are major thunderstorms in Orlando..about an hour away from us and I suspect we'll be 'grounded' tomorrow. I had thought I'd use the time to go through the photos I've taken on this trip and do some deleting or labelling but given the 'worm' that's predicted to invade computers tomorrow, I think we've decided to just leave the computers off. We've updated all the anti-virus programmes but I'd be so pi..ed if something happened so I think we can go one day without being on the computer.
If it is pouring outside, I foresee a good book or movie and an afternoon nap. Perhaps some time in the heated pool inside. However, there seems to be quite a few kids/teenagers in the hotel and I tend to become a germaphobe when there's too many people using a pool or hot tub. Florida is so dry right now that the rain is really welcomed by the locals. Any of the parks we visited or saw in the past week that have man-made pools are all dry as is the grass so Floridians are pretty happy to see some precipitation. However, if it's too heavy a rain, it doesn't do much good.
We expect to be in Toronto around the 18 Apr as Tim has some off time around then. I'm actually 'hurting' I miss Ty so much...and Tim and Kim...and looking forward to hugging him until he tells me to 'back-off Honey'. He told Kim the other day that this week he'd like to visit a couple of his friends and then he'd like to go to 'Honey and Poppa's'. Tim says he's grown since Xmas and I don't doubt it so we are anxious to see him.
Time is running short...same old retirement lament...and Maureen says there are some tulips trying to peek up through the ground. I think by the time we get home and settled, the worst of the cold weather will be done. I'll use the 'wet season' to get some physio for my back before the weather is good enough to get out and garden.
Take care and until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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