Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 87-Wed, 25 Mar-Naples, FL

Our paid internet runs out early today so I'm blogging about 'nothing'. That's because we did 'nothing' today...and it was wonderful.
I was greased up and sitting beside the pool by 9:30 this morning. The water was quite warm to me but I guess it was close to 90 degrees yesterday and so all the 'mature' folks were complaining it was cold. I'm thinking that the water approaches soup consistency at that temperature and it just can't be very healthy. I guess it's great if you are swimming at 7 am but when it starts to get hot, I want to cool off. Today, the water temperature was perfect and by noon I was in and out constantly. Wayne brought lunch over and by 1:30 we were both ready for nap time.
I will start the search for a place to get my hair cut's totally out of control again. Between trying to keep a hat on while I'm in the sun and being too long to stay curled/flat, it's just one big friz-ball. I don't think I'll try Walmart again (don't ANYONE dare tell Danny) or if really necessary, try to get someone who speak English to cut it.
We'll be heading out in the morning..going across Alligator Alley..towards Miami. I'd like to take an eco-tour somewhere along the line. We were there a long time ago and I know we took one of those air boats so sure there must be something still.
That's it...there's Bingo at the activity centre tonight...which I think I'll pass. Spaghetti sauce is bubbling on the stove and we still have to walk down to see where the river is near here.
Carmel does chemo #5 tomorrow so please send lots of positive vibes her way. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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