Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 86-Tues, 24 Mar 09-Naples, FL

After a couple of days enjoying the white sand and sun at Carrabella, we had a long and tiring drive to Bradenton, which is just south of St Petersburg. Although we took Hwy 98 nearly all the way, we didn't see much more than strip malls, traffic lights, and too many cars.
I've decided that Florida is all about shopping...there are more stores per capita here than anywhere else we've been. Except for a few areas that had nothing (aka Hwy 401), Hwy 98 goes through all the towns and cities and they are all joined at the city limits...where one stops, the next begins...so that it was (seemed to be) an endless drive down Merivale Rd.
We were a bit nervous that we wouldn't find a place to stay but ended up in Bradenton and picked something out of the book and called. Fortunately, even though the park has mostly long-term rentals, there was a spot for us. I know I was in bed shortly after 9 pm and I don't think I made it to 9:05! Wayne was a little nervous I think as the park was right beside a huge cemetery. Considering all the ghoulie things I read and watch on TV, I'm sure he expected to wake up through the night and find me wandering the graveyard.
I really wanted to go to Gasparilla and Sanibel Islands. Both are special because of the shells that pile up on their beaches (which reminds me, the other thing Florida has it lots, and lots of bridges!). We went to Gasparilla first and it's the most gorgeous place I've seen. Miles and miles and green/blue water and white sand. It's a major resort area so staying there is not something we could ever afford I'm sure, and the homes are big and bigger and gated and goreous! We walked the beach, picked up a few shells and then headed for Sanibel.
Sanibel is another resort island and parking is a real issue here. The locals are quite happy to make the island as unapproachable as possible for tourists and the public beaches were quite crowded. We ended up stopping at an area along the causeway and it was feet-deep with shells. The bulging bag I ended up with says "Check the box for collecting shells..no more!" It was a beautiful day so it was as much about walking in the warm water as it was about picking up shells I think. Wayne has a chest cold so while I was wandering, he was sucking back lozinges and Tylenol and had a good nap.
We are in the KOA in Naples for 2 nights. There's a wonderful heated pool and hot tub and somewhere down the park is a river where you can rent canoes and paddle to the Gulf. The park is nice, expensive, but I like the idea of being in that pool all day tomorrow. It will give Wayner a chance to catch up on his rest and get rid of the cold (before I get it...x10!)
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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