Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 88-Thurs, 26 Mar 09-Loxahatchee, FL

Sure, everyone knows where Loxahatchee is, right? It's a bit west of Palm Beach. We're at the KOA which shares space with the Lion Country Safari. Supposedly, we'll wake up in the morning to the roar of lions and trumpeting of elephants. We'll see.

We decided that rather than take Alligator Alley (Hwy 75) across Florida, we would take Hwy 41, which is just south of Hwy 75 and goes through the heart of the Everglades. We stopped at Wooten's Airboat & Swamp Buggy tour place and did the whole magilla tour. It was...okay...and we saw some of the biggest alligators I've ever seen, but on the whole, it was just okay. The water level is the lowest in 50 years and the airboats are just managing to navigate the waterways. We did see a mother & baby manatee in a small bay at the end of the buggy tour. In the end, the most alligators were in the small canal that runs beside the Hwy and there were lots and lots of them. The tour guide was telling us about all the pythons they are collecting and there is now a bounty on them to clear them out before they devour all the natural wildlife in the area. It's not unusual to drive that highway at dusk and find them stretched out along the road trying to stay warm. The guys at this tour company caught over 90 of them last year--the longest was about 12 feet but he's seen them at 16 feet.

Our priority tomorrow is to find a walk-in clinic for Wayne...I suspect he has strep throat. He's been self-medicating for 3 days now and it's not getting any better. I don't think he (or I) got much sleep last night as he was coughing non-stop. Second priority is to find a place for me to get a haircut...I can't stand it!

We are within a day's drive of Anna & Scott's in Ft Pierce and we'll probably spend two nights at the RV site near them. I'd like to take Hwy 1, the coast highway up to Daytona Beach and Saint Augustine and then boogie home.

When I look back at previous blogs, it's been a busy three months and certainly gone quickly. We've seen some great stuff and put lots, and lots, of miles on the LuvMasheen. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No blog for 3 days - its like going to the front door for your newspaper and its not there.


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