Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 91-Mon, 30 Mar 09-Daytona Beach, FL

Photo 1 & 2: Our home for the next two weeks. Photos 3 & 4: Daytona Beach from our balcony.

It was a gorgeous morning; the sun was hot and a bit of a breeze--my kind of day! We loved the RV park we were in--it was extremely clean, had a beautiful heated pool and we will definitely be back. However, we are seriously thinking that we will rent a place at Anna & Scott's park for a month next year...which was always our one month in Florida and another month in Texas and travel the third month.

It was a 2-hr drive to Daytona and we were pleasantly surprised to find the whole place 'upgraded' somehow. There are lots of new buildings, including hotels, condos, etc. but the older stores and businesses that we remember are either gone (& replaced with newer bldgs) or have had a major facelift. It still felt as though we were 'coming home'. Daytona was the first Florida destination for us many years ago and was always a favourite of Mom & Dad's. They brought us here on our first trip and we returned on a family trip when Wayne left the military. Pat Jones and I also did a 'girl's week' here after that.

We drove up and down the strip as far as Ormond Beach, checking out the price of weekly rentals. One glance at the beach told us we wanted to spend more time here but most of the place advertising weekly rates were old (& scuzzy motels) or far more expensive than necessary given the down-season begins 1 Apr.

In the end, Wayne called the 1-800-DAYTONA telephone number and we were directed to the La Playa hotel with a beach front, double room with complete kitchen, & balconey for $45 a night! When we went to the hotel to check in, the clerk said we'd have to book via the girl on the phone, otherwise the price would be substantially higher. Needless to say, we called from the lobby and before we hung up, our reservation had been received by the clerk. We brought up stuff from the fridge and a few clothes and settled in. We are staying for two weeks!

The beach is truly delicious...goes for 23 miles and the sand above the high water mark is pure white and like icing sugar. It was the first beach to allow cars, and still does, and the surf at this time of year is high enough to encourage surfers. We are on the 6th floor so we have a wonderful view of the entire beach. At this moment, Wayne is downstairs in the hot tub..probably keeping a watchful eye on the spring-break stragglers. Groups of boys and groups of girls are all hanging over their respective balconies trying to make points and it's quite entertaining, albeit a tad noisey. I expect they have had their day at the beach and trying to make contacts before they descend on the local bars.

We are right across the street from a large shopping center so if we do get the couple of forecasted days of rain, I can meander through some familiar territory. We knew the weather was going to turn a bit and decided this was better than driving in the rain and being stuck in the LuvMasheen because of rain.

We can see the large pier and downtown area from our balconey and it looks about a mile or a bit more from here. I have no doubt that Wayne will have walked that in the morning and will be able to give me a complete low-down when he returns. I'll wait for the bus! There's an indoor pool and exercise area as well so if it does rain, he can 'spin' and I can swim.

Thanks again to Scott & Anna for a wonderful visit. I can finally stop having dreams about her, which always happens when we haven't been in contact for a while. Carmel reports that her chemo went well and as of a few days ago, was feeling good. One more to go and she's done! Big hugs and kisses to you all--we are missing you and once this leg of the trip is done, we will be anxious to get home and give you each that hug & kiss we think of giving you every day. Hope the snow is gone so Colin's shovel duty is over. Until next time, stay healthy and think 'garden'. xx


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