Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 82-Fri, 20 Mar 09-Destin, Florida

We had a nice last day in New Orleans on Wednesday...took the Natchez paddleboat tour up the Mississippi, went to the Aquarium and then to the IMAX to see Hurricane on the Bayou. I wished I'd bought the video to watch again.
A team of film makers had come to the area 2 months before Katrina to do a documentary on the weather effects caused by the diminishing swamps and marsh areas in Louisianna, Alabama, & area. One of the things they originally commented on was how these swamps are a 'hurricane barrier' (lowering ocean temperatures so small hurricanes don't come inland) and how the extreme shrinkage of these (all man-made of course) makes the possibility of hurricanes so much larger. They had done lots of pre-Katrina filming and then BAM...a film makers dream...Katrina hits in the exact area they are filming. It was an awesome film, done in the larger than life style of IMAX, but a wonderful explanation of weather and the effects of mans interference on the environment.
We hit the road Thursday and whizzed through Mississippi and Alabama, stopping at the Sandhill Crane Nat'l Wildlife Reserve. This is the place where they raise abandoned chicks and have brought the numbers back from 30-35 to over 200 cranes. We didn't see any cranes around the visitors centre and we were too anxious to get some miles on the road and get to Florida, which we did, to drive to areas where we might have seen them. Next year. We found a small RV Park right off the road and while it was short on amenities, it was clean and not bad. It only had two 'unisex' washroom which included a shower, toilet, urinal, and sink in each room...a tad unsettling.
Today was 'Luvmasheen Day'. Wayne wanted to get the oil changed before we put too many more miles on it. Unfortunately, he only had three quarts of the synthetic stuff that it takes (5 qts) and the first Dodge dealer didn't have any...couldn't get any. Walmart didn't have any but the sales guy there knew who the dealer in town was, called him at home and off we went to buy some. We pull up to the old fella's house and he's a talker! After 45 minutes, Wayne finally got the damn oil but the NEXT Dodge dealer was booked solid and after most of the day spent trying to do something good for the damn van, nothing happened!
We got to Dustin and thought we'd been transported back to the Caribbean! The water was three different shades of blue and green, coloured umbrellas, white...and I mean WHITE sand. Gorgeous! We haven't spent a lot of time in Florida and never in this particular area so it's all new. However, there are lots of people here to enjoy it, and of course, the Snowbirds have been joined by the March Breakers so it's crowded everywhere. We decided we'd stop early, find a place on the beach and enjoy it.
We pulled in to the first place we came to and Wayne went in to register. He came back out a few minutes later and said the sites were $85-$146 a night and because it was March Break, the girl had told him finding anything...let alone cheaper...along the Gulf Coast was very slim! I can only imagine what a hotel room along the strip would cost. We took it but I suspect we'll head further inland tomorrow so that we have a bit more selection. The beach is beautiful but most of it is privately owned so if you want to go for a walk, you have to do it along the surf line. Dumb!
We are both starting to miss home, family and friends, and I know as soon as we see what we want here, we won't be long heading North. I'm hoping the snow will be gone when we get there.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 7:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It spring in Smiths Falls, so you could always stop off here then go North to Ottawa once it thaws out up there. Dustin is a great spot however very expensive. I had to go there on duty a couple of times to Eglin Air Base. It was really tough duty.



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