Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 61-Sat, 28 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

Photo: 1. Middle school trombone's nearly as big as he is. 2. Wayne waiting for parade to start. 3. Lynne beside the 'mighty' Rio Grande River and international bridge, and Border Patrol, in background. Tip: click on any of the blog photos to fill screen.

What a day...what a day! It was cloudy when we got up and the weatherman said it was going to rain and be much cooler but we'd planned to go to Brownsville, and we did. It's only a 20-minute drive from here and we were ready to get out of our comfort zone.
When we arrive we headed for downtown and found it close to the international bridge going to Metamoros, Mexico. Brownsville is about as Mexican as it can get and if you closed your eyes, you'd swear you were south of the border. Given that this was Mexican territory for centuries, I'm guessing most of the locals can trace their ancestors to this area for longer periods that the gringos. After driving up and down a couple of streets, we decided to park the car and walk around. It turned out that the Charro Borderfest Carnival, celebrating 72 yrs of US & Mexico border relations, was having it's big parade today. For about 1 1/2 miles down the main street, the Lions Club had set up 3 rows of chairs for spectators ($3 chair rental) and it was set to start in 2 hrs. People were already in their chairs. Problem was, it was drizzling when we arrived and was now coming down much harder. Coupled with the wind, it was a bit of a miserable day. However, Lynnie LOVES a parade so we decided to stay and asked a policeman if there was a restaurant handy where we figured we'd get something to eat and wait out the rain there.

The policeman said it was a bar but we'd get a good hamburger. It was a tad dark inside and it wasn't really until we sat down that we realized what a dive it was...busy...but a real dive. We were starved so ordered a burger and figured ignorance is bliss--just eat and get out. Actually the food was delicious but a bathroom run was necessary and I just knew what was waiting. I reached into my purse, put my leather gloves on, and figured it couldn't be too bad, especially if I didn't touch anything. OMG....I had to go....I just had to go....but nothing but the soles of my shoes touched that bathroom and I had to close my eyes so that I couldn't look at the place. I've never seen anything that bad in Mexico! Wayne said the men's room was awful as well!

We went in to a few stores and I slathered at the price of shoes! I'm sure they come from Mexico and as per previous years experience I say again...nobody can make shoes like the Mexicans, and certainly not sell them for less than $15--and those are the expensive ones!

The parade started, the rain lessened, and we had a great time. While we were eating, the locals must have come in droves because they were lined up 3 deep along the entire parade route...thousands of people. We found a store over-hang and stayed for an hour of so and then headed back to the van to get out of downtown before it ended.

I was so impressed with the school bands. I know marching bands are big in the US but how big can the local schools be? I'm guessing the high school band and cheerleading team numbered about 75 and same for the middle school band...and they were good! The horses the Mexican vacquaroes were riding were awesome...they almost look like they are 'dancing' to the music.

On the way out of town, I spotted the Burlington Coat Factory and after threatening to hold my breath until Wayne did a u-turn, we spent a couple of hours getting the best bargains on earth! I got stuck in the little girls' section, cursing the genome that surrounded me with males. They had the most beautiful dresses, called 'Cinderella' that were beyond description other than...."Maybe someday Lynne, be patient." If I was getting married and had Jr Bridesmaids or Flower girls...this is where I'd be buying dresses...for $29.99...with a dolly's dress to match! I ended up with 4 prs of shoes et al--packing for the rest of the trip is going to be...interesting.

The weather is supposed to clear tomorrow and we may do some clean-up work on the LuvMasheen...or, we may just go to the beach.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 60-Fri, 27 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

Photo: Lynnie dozing on the beach. If there's a wind we try to tuck in between the dunes, even though there's a 200 ft area between there and the shoreline.
It was a hot one today. The news said Walesco, about 1 hr from here, hit a record at 101 degrees! It was about 87 degrees here but unless you were sitting in a protected area right in the sun, the wind kept the heat down. In fact, the wind was just a-howlin' for most of the day so couldn't go to the beach again but we were busy regardless.

We went to Market Days at the convention centre and were smart enough to be there when it opened at 9 am. It was filled with vendors, selling everything from jewellery to antiques to crafts and art and everything in between. The jewellery was gorgeous, cheap, and plentiful. The art was all local and exceptionally good. I ended up buying a hand painted long t-shirt thingie for a beach cover-up and a star-fish pendent to hang on my silver chain. We wandered for about 2 hours and by then it was getting pretty crowded so we headed for home. I did comment to Wayne that other than one or two of the vendors, there wasn't anyone there under 55 and I think I can safely amend that to 60! When we left, both big parking lots were full and there was the usual jockying for parking spaces. It goes all weekend so I'm guessing I won't be visiting the nature walk.

After lunch, Wayne napped and I read, waiting until it was time to go for my long overdue pedicure. The day spa is a small one but the girl who worked on me was really good. I even got the seaweed/mint wrap...result being that instead of having dry old legs and icky feet, I can now wear shorts & sandals again.

We love the island mentality here. Everyone is so friendly and it's almost tiresome when you are out walking, saying 'hello', 'how are you' to everyone you pass. Between travelling and staying in RV parks, and staying here, we've met some very nice people.

I saw on the news that the universities are cautioning kids about heading to Mexico for Spring Break. The warning is a tad late as most kids have paid for the trips already and I doubt they'd lose their money at the cost of a constant drunk and wild week. I love...repeat love...Mexico but I think this year was probably a good time not to be there. Hopefully, the gov't will have busted most of the drug gangs or at least the worst of them. I wanna go back at some point.

Tomorrow we'll venture down to Brownsville and have a look around. There's a wonderful zoo there that is quite well known for it's natural animal enclosures and a large sea port in the city. The last time we were there we walked across the bridge in to Mexico for a few hours...we'll see.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 59-Thurs, 26 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

Photos: 1-Reddish Egret. 2-Great Blue Heron. 3-White Ibis. 4-Bristle-Thighed Curlew (I kid you not!). 5-Osprey and the Magpie terror.
Today can only be described as 'delicious'. We were both up early...normal for Wayne, very abnormal for me. The sun wasn't up but the forecast was positive so we made plans accordingly.

I wanted to make an early morning trip to the nature walk and what a good decision that was! All photographers know that early morning, late afternoon (dusk) are the best times to take pictures. I prefer early morning but I have this problem in getting out of bed before 8 am so generally miss the very best photography light. However, I was up, dressed, and out the door by 8:15 am. I wasn't the first there but the rest were all bird-watchers with their huge telescopes and tilley hats.

The Osprey was back in his favourite spot and had caught a fish which was keeping him occupied. A smaller bird, which turned out to be a Magpie, started harassing him and would fly right on to the Osprey's head and give him a peck. I don't know if the Magpie had a nest nearby but he was certainly giving the Osprey a hard time...and I got some very good photos.

There was a bird-watcher beside me and the conversation went something like this:

Him: Wow, hope you got a good photo of that Magpie
Me: I think I did...and more than one...thank goodness for digital
Him: OH MY GOD...QUICK...there's a Bristle-Thighed Curlew...get a picture!
Him: Just coming out of the low bushes
Me: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! click, click, click, click...Did you get a good photo?
Him: I sure hope so...this is fabulous, isn't it?
Me: I was meant to be here today!
Of course, you know I have no friggin' idea what a Curlew is but damn...I got a good photo of it. The best was when another couple stopped and asked what the bird was. Before the other guy could open his mouth, I said, "It's a Curlew...isn't that amazing?" Too funny but honestly, it would take me a month of going through the bird book to figure out what the heck it god bless the BW's (bird-watchers).

I'd also taken a few photos of a Reddish Egret and his feeding antics which include racing around in a circle and then opening his wings to entice the fish into the 'shade' which is when he strikes. I lost sight of him for a second and then looked beside me and there he was...sitting on the railing about 10 feet from me. The White Ibis were back as well as a beautiful big Great Blue Heron.

By 10 am, the sun was HOT and I hightailed it for home. I stopped to make an appt for a pedicure tomorrow and when I arrived home Wayne had come back from the gym and his beach walk and we decided we'd wait an hour and then head for the beach for a little while. By the time we got there, the wind had picked up and between the blowing sand and not being able to put up an umbrella, we returned to the condo and sat by the pool where there is sun and shade. I tried to go in the pool but the water is freezing and there was no way I could convince my body to get wet past my waist. It did cool us off but we were being so careful about not getting sunburned that we weren't sitting directly in the sun very often.

After a shower, we decided we'd use our 1/2 price coupon we'd clipped out of the local paper for Denny's. We both tried Tilapia...a mild white, fish that was delicious. Tomorrow is the start of the weekend long Market Days at the Convention Centre. They will have live raptor displays, antiques, art, silent auction, and lots of other stuff so we'll be there early. I think Saturday we'll head in to Brownsville and look around and so it rest for the retired!

Still lovin' it here and not anxious to leave. There is this little internal alarm clock though, that goes off when you least expect it, and 'home' is where you want to be. NOT THERE YET!

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 58-Wed, 25 Feb 09-S. Padre Island

We've had a busy couple of on the beach and one visiting with old friends. Yesterday was so beautiful here that once we'd had breakfast, we were ready for the beach.
By 09:30 we were perched in our chairs, umbrella up, watching the bulldozers that had moved further down the beach. We read, roamed, and napped until one of us realized that we'd been there a couple of hours, and despite generous globs of sunscreen, needed to put t-shirts back on.
We are staying so close to the beach that by lunchtime, Wayne lost the toss and got to go back to the condo to make us a sandwhich and bring it back to the beach. While we were eating we noticed a woman on the beach who was flying kites, but she would anchor them to the ground and then set up another. Within an hour, she had 16 kites, all different sizes, colours, and shapes, flying along one stretch of the beach. I took some photos but they don't do a lick of justice to how wonderful it was to sit and watch them. Unforgetable!
There was just enough of a light breeze that made sitting in the sun far too comfortable and before we realized it, the time had crept to 3 pm and we forced ourselves to pack up and walk back to the condo. A good shower got the sand out and it was time for supper.
Every year on Shrove Tuesday, Wayne laments that his grandmother always made pancakes for them. I'm always determined to do it but usually forget and have burgers made by the time he reminds me. However, this year the pancake mix was sitting on the counter and there was no excuse so he got his pancakes.
My friend Dianne and hubby Wil are currently in Walesco, about an hour from here. We'd met up with them in San Antonio end-January and after a few days, both of us came here for a couple of days before they headed out to Florida but came back this way a few weeks ago. Via Facebook, we made arrangements to get together today as they are leaving for home (Wpg) in a few days. They drove down this afternoon and we had a fabulous re-union, supper and a walk on the beach. We both have decided we love Texas and because they have already made their reservation for next year in Walesco, and we will be coming back here, the chances are pretty good than we'll be able to spend some time with each other again next year. Dianne and I met through in Ottawa and her in Winnipeg. We worked for the same organization and probably talked to each other on the phone every other day. After our first face-to-face meeting, we knew we had lots in common and subsequent meetings at conferences resulted in the two of us taking a few holidays together when the conference ended. They are lots of fun and have become wonderful friends. We are all retired now and it's such a terrific, and amazing thing, that we can meet in Texas vice Canada.
There's a heat wave going through and we will take advantage of it by going to the beach. As long as the breeze isn't too much (it makes the sand blow), I expect we'll spend a bit of time just lounging but won't stay out as long as yesterday. You have to be very careful here not to lose track of time sitting in the sun!
Dianne said it's going down to -32 in Winnipeg tonight! Hope you aren't dealing with that kind of cold. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 56-Mon, 23 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

It was a tremendously, gorgeous day here and we enjoyed it to the hilt. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, the temp was 70-something degrees with a slight breeze.
I slept quite late this morning...I'd fell asleep in front of the television late in the afternoon so even after staying up to watch the Oscars, I had a hard time staying asleep after I went to bed. Once I got mobile, we went off to pick up a few groceries. Now that we've got this big fridge we can get more veggies and frozen stuff but at some point, we've got to eat most of it instead of just re-packing it in the fridge.
It was such a beautiful day that we picked up our chairs and new umbrella and headed for the beach. Not only did we have perfect weather, we had entertainment. The county is trying to correct the erosion problem that seems to be plaguing one area of the beach. They have brough in a new ordnance that will prevent any more building closer thatn 350 ft to the beach. There's some resistance to the new law but officials are telling people that it won't be too many years before their houses wash out to sea if they continue to build so close to the ocean. They have brought in huge bulldozers to fix the grade of the beach which I'm assuming needed to be done after the hurricane. They were still moving sand when we left after 3 hrs and we could hear them working well after supper. One of the workers said they'd be moving sand for another 5 or 6 days so we'll have lots to watch the rest of the week.

After supper, I went back to the nature walk. There were a couple of herons but once the sun started to go down, it went fast so I took a few photos of a guy fishing and came home. The bay is very shallow and some of the kite surfers end up on their backside because they get within 25 ft of the shore and hit sand. Unfortunately, it's a mucky sand and no good for swimming. It's a shame because the ocean is still very cool where the bay is like a bathtub. When you see someone fishing really far out in the bay, the water is usually only up to his thighs.

There's lots of Mardi Gras entertainment on the island this week. I'm not sure if it's because Texas borders Louisianna or it's just an excuse to party but there's music, fireworks, special food etc. This weekend there is a show/sale of local artists so we're going to try and partake of some of the festivities. The island is really gearing up for March Break and there are a couple of new bars & restaurants that are opening this week.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 55-Sun, 22 Feb 09-S. Padre Island, TX

It was beautiful here today...the breeze was a bit cool but I sat outside by the pool, protected by the fence, and had to move after a half hour as it was too hot. It's strange..there's always a substantial wind blowing here, somewhat like being in the Caribbean, but when it was raining so hard yesterday, it came straight down with no wind at all.

We'd brought in the pancake mattress from the van last night as we find the beds here so-o-o-o hard and it was like heaven to climb in and not wake up an hour later with whatever body part was making contact with the mattress, hurting like hell. Now I understand why Kevin & Tim haul theirs with them when they travel!

We had a lazy morning and I decided early that I'd go up to the nature walk and see what there was to see...which was nothing! I'm not sure if it was the high wind or cool temperatures that kept the birds away but there wasn't anything but seagulls. When I looked over towards the bay, I could see a few cars had pulled in and people were unpacking their kite-surfing equipment so decided I'd go and check it out.

I approached one guy who was just getting set up and asked if I could take some photos of him. I gave him my business card and told him to send me an e-mail and I'd send him some photos (I neglected to say I wouldn't be home for 6 wks). He readily agreed and like most people who know they have a camera pointed at them, put on quite a show. I stood around for an hour or so but it got tougher to try and hold the camera in that wind even though I tried to stay behind the van to cut the wind.
Wayne went to the gym for a bit...I ended up napping for a bit and then it was frajitas for supper and we're settled in for the night. I'd like to watch a bit of the Oscars but they always keep the best for the last and I never make it. Besides, Oprah will have a better show tomorrow that the Oscars.

Kevin & Kate have a website for their renovation (we Corkums like to document everything). The builder and others involved in the reno have kicked in to sponsor and it's designed to provide info for people contemplating a reno from first thinking about it to the end result and everything in between. It's at

We talked to Tim & Kim today...and of course our baby HoneyB, although he's far from being a baby any more. He no longer calls Kim 'Mama', now she's 'Mom'. Tim has been on the road a lot recently and says he can see changes in him every time he comes home. I'm sure we'll be the same.

We picked up a local newspaper today as we wanted to find out what's going on in S.Padre and at first glance, we'd got a number of things to check out this weekend. There is a 'Winter Texan Club' which, at first glance, sounded kind of interesting, until I read they end weekly meetings with a bingo game. I'm just not there yet but the idea is great for meeting people and making friends. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 54-Sat, 21 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

It was a very quiet day on S.Padre Island. It was warm when we got up but soon started to cloud over. A cloudy day doesn't stop anyone from doing anything here because as I mentioned before, it's never 'black' clouds and stays very light. However, shortly after lunch it started to drizzle and then the drizzle turned in to full-out thunder storms and it pounded rain.
I had already settled myself on the chesterfield in front of the television. Wayne was downloading music to his MP3 so I had full control of the remote and it stayed on the SciFi channel. It was one creepy/alien infested/gory movie after another and THE BEST!! I fell asleep halfway through one movie and woke up halfway through another which made the plot a little confusing for a few minutes. Actually, it's 8pm here and we're still watching the same's just one movie after another. I think I've died and gone to SciFi heaven!
I finally got to speak/see Carmel tonight via webcam on Skype. We talked for an hour and a half and it was wonderful to see her. She showed us all her various scarves/hats and we chatted non-stop for the whole time. She's amazing!
Tomorrow I'm hoping to go back to the nature trail and see what's new... I love to go and see what new kind of hat the birdwatchers are wearing...I can see a coffee table book!
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 52-Thurs, 19 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

Photos: Great Blue Heron coming in for a landing; Juvenile White Ibis; White Ibis.
I guess we've settled in...Wayne's found a gym, I've gotten a is good!

After we got up and did the usual morning stuff, we went out to find a place where I could get a trim. With the morning/evening mist from the ocean, my hair is just that much too long that it goes every way but the way I want it to. We ended up at Walmart and after a frustrating sign-in process and watching the ladies chat on the phone non-stop, I finally got a very nice cut. I'm good for at least 4 weeks.

We came back to the condo and had something to eat and Wayne decided he wanted to do his daily stroll on the beach. My back gets too sore walking in the sand, unless of course I'm dawdling along, looking for shells. I wanted to go back to the nature trail so I took the van and we went off to do our own thing for a couple of hours. We both appreciate a bit of time alone and thankfully, neither of us mind the other taking that time.

Today at the nature trail were a number of White Ibis, which I've never seen there previously. There was also a group of bird watchers so I just sidle up beside them and evesdrop on what they are looking at. If all else fails, I take photos and then come home and dig out my trusty field guide, which is getting more and more use. I think the breeding season is approaching because there are so many variations of the same bird, ie Herons, that the guide tells me one is 'breeding' plumage, another isn't so I'm still relying on the internet & guide to identify what is what. I don't have the patience (or desire) to become a bona fide bird watcher but I have to admit, it's fun to look at one and be able to put a name to it...most times.

I took a quick trip to the ocean beach even though it was a bit cloudy. It didn't seem to matter there...the waves were huge today and lots of people strolling the beach. The sun came out quite often so I was busier taking my sweater on and off than I was taking photos. We are supposed to have a couple of cloudy days and one day of rain before a week of glorious sun. I've suggested to Wayne that we use the cloudy days to clean the inside of the van and get our clothes organized so that we can enjoy the nice days without digging for shorts & bathing suits in the van.

It was a great day and we both commented that we are very comfortable in this condo. It reminds me of a beach cottage in some ways...but why not, as we are so close to the beach. The floors are all tile which makes sweeping up the sand much easier. Everything is here--towels, dishes, etc..we haven't found anything missing.

Hope all is well at home. If I were there I'd have been downtown trying to get a picture of Obama..I saw where he made a surprise trip to the market. Good call to go in Feb as he would have been mobbed had it been summer and crowded with tourists.

Until next time, much love and hugs to all. xx

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 51-Wed, 18 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

It was a beautiful day on the island and we just lounged for the most of it. I slept late this morning...Wayne actually got to wake up and close the door, make his breakfast and walk around without worrying whether he was going to wake up the 'bear'. It was nice for both of us.
He walked on the beach for an hour or so and I went in the pool. I'm so looking forward to summer and being able to do that every morning again. We decided that we would try and stay inside for a couple of hours when it's the hottest as it's just too easy to get sunburned here.
There's a wonderful flat area on the bay side of the island and it's where people go to fly kites. Kites are a big thing here--the wind is always blowing and it's almost like belonging to a club...the bigger, the better! We watched a few people with some SERIOUS kites, really colourful, and then decided we'd better visit the kit store and see what it's all about. I bought a couple of wind things for the back yard but Wayne decided he's wait before he got something. The girl in the store said he should go back to the flats and talk to one of the guys who has the type he was looking at (it's makes a jet plane kinda noise) before he decides to buy one. Apparently, Saturday morning is when all the 'flyers' gather at the flats with their kites so I guess that's what we'll do.
We sat for a bit a worked on our tans. We probably left at the right time as the back of my neck is a tad red from getting too engrossed in a book. Tomorrow I'm definitely going to find a hairdresser for a much overdue trim. Otherwise, it's read, beach, nap, whatever. One nice thing about this condo is that it has wireless internet that is really consistent. We called Kevin last night and the renovations on his house has started. Kate is going to move in with a friend for 6 weeks but Kevin says he's going to hang in and try to live in 1 room with his 46" television and take-out/microwave dinners. It will be a 4-month job so the best is yet to come.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 50-Tues, 17 Feb 09-S.Padre Island, TX

Well, we've found our 'settle' place. We are in a 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo on S.Padre Island and it is so beautiful, I know we'll hate to leave.

We'd decided yesterday that we would contact a couple of real estate mgmt companies, of which there are many here, and see if there was a reasonably priced condo or apt for rent for a few weeks. As I've noted before, we love travelling in the van but it gets exhausting after a while and we both were ready for 'some space'. Wayne called a few places this morning and we were able to look at one that became vacant today. We weren't keen on an apt block condo as we needed to ensure there was parking for the van and the one we looked at absolutely filled the bill. It's a 4-flex, 2 up and 2 down, and the bottom one was the one we looked at.

When we walked in, we couldn't believe our is gorgeous! It's privately owned by a couple in McAllen, Texas and rented when not being used by the owner (as are most of the condos on the island). It has been professionally decorated and has everything from silverware to hand soap so literally a 'move in' property. We are about 200 feet from the beach we've always loved here, and there's also a pool in the back yard! We'd planned on renting for two weeks but when we saw it, we knew we'd like to be here longer so have rented it until 14 Mar. The timing is great as we'll be out of here before Spring Break when things become crazy on the island and the population increases 100 fold.

While we were waiting for Anna..the cleaning lady to finish...we went to the convention centre, sent a couple of e-mails, and I walked out along the nature boardwalk. There was a beautiful Osprey sitting in a tree, and a huge Blue Heron strutting and displaying for a female sitting along the shore. I plan on spending a lot more time down there, at different times of the day, to see all the beautiful birds that come there.

It's going up to 87 degrees here tomorrow so we'll probably spend some time in the pool and perhaps go to the beach later in the day when it cools down. There's air conditioning in the condo of course, so we won't be uncomfortable at all. At some point, we both need to find a place to get our hair cut...we are raggedy!
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day49-Mon 16 Feb 09-South Padre Island, TX

We woke up to sun and very warm temperatures. Actually, I slept in until nearly 9 am so once the morning routine was done, I put my bathing suit on and headed for the pool. It was wonderful to be back in a pool and able to swim and exercise a makes me look forward to summer in my own wonderful backyard.
It started to cloud over about 2 pm and while still warm, the sun didn't make another appearance the rest of the day. I did resist the urge to nap and sat outside and read...we spend enough time inside the van that I welcome all opportunities to sit outside.
We walked over to the local restaurant on the pier to have supper. I can't get enough shrimp and there's almost no point in even looking at a menu. Of course, these are the jumbo, breaded, deep-fried ones so I had my daily intake of grease...and more. They were delicious though and I'll try to curb my craving for at least a week. We don't eat in restaurants a lot...generally when I don't feel like cooking!
Tomorrow we plan on checking at the state park to see if there's a vacancy for a few days and have also made a list of the local estate agents and look for a condo for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't work out I expect we'll stay a day or two longer and then head for Florida. We want to stop at New Orleans on the way through; the weather should be better than last year and according to my friend Dianne, the city is in full preparations for Mardi Gras.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 48-Sun, 15 Feb 09-Falfurrias TX to South Padre Island, TX

It was another day of criss-crossing the southern tip of Texas. We'd had a great night in the hotel..there's something 'special' about using a bathroom that nobody but you has used after being cleaned.

It was cloudy when we woke and didn't get any better as we approached SPI. In fact, the wind is really howling, there's fog and although I haven't checked the weather report, I suspect we will have to sit through a couple of days of crappy weather before I get to start working on my tan. We sure haven't been blessed with the kind of weather we had last year and while it's been frustrating, it's still well above what we'd be experiencing if we were at home.

I've been on the look-out for long-horned cattle all through Texas and seen a few but none with those mega-long horns.....until today! As we were driving along one of the back highways, I let out a screech and Wayne automatically hit the brakes while asking, "What did you see?" We did a quick U-turn and I got to see some real doozies. I'm not sure what they do with them other than breeding them for rodeos or ???

We made a quick detour to an RV site in Weslaco where our friends Dianne & Wil were staying but they were out so we pressed on. We had so much fun with them and I'm hoping we'll get another chance to meet up with them somewhere on the road next year.

We are in the KOA tonight and will check the state park up the road where we stayed previously. It's right on the beach and across from the nature preserve. However, I suspect that if there's 2 or 3 days of rain in the local forecast, we'll probably start heading for Florida. I'm not sure if we'll end up staying away as long as we'd planned...we may be home earlier in Apr rather than later.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 47-Sat, 14 Feb 09-Del Rio, TX to Falfurrias, TX

Photos: (1) Crested Caracara (2) Border Guard and his 'sniffer' looking for drugs at one of the inspection stations along the US/Mexico border. (3) Flea market shoppers
Happy Valentines Day to all the people I love so much...and you all know who you are!

We zigged and zagged our way across the southern tip of Texas, through tiny little deserted towns and finally ended up Falfurrias! The bad part is that it's almost in the middle of nowhere; the good news is that we're in a Holiday Inn Express for the night. We'll be on the beach in South Padre Island tomorrow and it's none too soon for me!

There's no such expression as, "I wonder where that road goes?" in Texas because if you look 20 miles down the road, you'll see where you're going! It's just flat, straight land for the most part but we always seem to find something interesting along the way.

I always thought Georgia was the pecan (nut) capital of the world but Texas must be a very, close second. There are huge orchards everywhere and one lady told us that in the event of hail, the orchard owners fire off bursts of low sonic 'booms' to break up the hail so that it doesn't damage the trees. The trees are really big but I guess enough hail would knock the nuts off the trees. Anyway, we've indulged a few times and I'm telling you, the pecans we get at home are about 1/2 as good as what we've eaten here.

We stopped at a flea market in Eagle Pass. It turned out to be a very Mexican flea market...that is, the attendees were, without exception, all Mexican, buying and selling junk and pawing through mounds of second hand clothes. Whitey & Blondie (Wayne & I) looked like two Rabbi at a pork rib, we stood out like a sore thumb. There wasn't too much you couldn't buy--everything from kid's toys to cowboy boots, tools to freezers--and it has all been WELL used! We did one tour around the circuit and then left.

After a quick lunch stop we reached Freer and one of the few businesses that was still operating was a Dairy Queen so we helped the local economy and each had a sundae.

Throughout the day as we were driving, we both saw some fairy large birds along fence posts and Wayne spotted a couple sitting side-by-side on a telephone wire. While I grabbed the big camera lens, he backed up and I got a couple of good shots. Out then came the bird book and the bird turns out to be a Crested Caracara, part of the falcon family. The wing span is 4 feet so they aren't hard to spot gliding overhead, looking for roadkill or anything else as they will eat anything.

We are settled in to the hotel, lovely huge room and in the process of doing a wash in case we end up staying at the state park which doesn't have too many facilities--other than being right on the beach!

Big kudos to Carmel who is half way through her chemo...send good thoughts her way. Take care everyone and spread a little love on Valentine's Day. Until next time, our love to you. xx

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 46-Fri, 12 Feb 09-Van Horn TX to Del Rio TX

Photos: Texas landscapes.
Well, the winter coats, van heater, and any other device meant to create warmth, has been officially ‘retired’. We’ve finally hit the heat and it’s so nice. We turned on to Hwy 90 and headed south towards the tip of Texas…a trip we did last year on our way to Big Bend National Park.
It’s another one of those straight highways that doesn’t have a very interesting landscape along the way and always makes me wonder what brought people here in the first place. This the Texas Mountain Trail route and there are certainly mountain ranges in the distance but there’s a whole lot of scrubby mileage in between. It’s very ‘Texan’.
The first town we hit was Valentine but there’s not a lot there to feel ‘lovey’ about. It wasn’t until we had driven quite a distance past the town that it occurred to me I could have had some amazing photos of all these ‘ghost towns’ that still have a few living ghosts residing there. How long does it take a town to completely die? Valentine is close!
We didn’t stop at Marfa…the place where ‘mysterious’ lights have been seen in the sky for years and years. Now, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but is it a coincidence that there is a USAF Tethered Radar Unit near there, satellite dishes galore sitting out in fields, and other weird looking stuff…AND lights in the sky? I don’t think so!
If you are ever looking for a ‘42 Packard or a ’39 Ford Pick-up, the southern part of Arizona or Texas is the place to find them. Yep, the paint is gone but for the best part, they are generally in one piece and sitting in someone’s front yard. It’s amazing really and every time I think I’ve seen the best, there’s another one that’s even better. Another lost photo op!
Our last stop…except for a couple of ‘train-spotting’ events, was in Lantry—of Judge Roy Bean infamy. He was quite a character and did what he wanted, when he wanted, regardless of what anyone thought. He’s buried in the yard behind the museum site and while we didn’t go in to see it, I’ve read enough in the travel books to know he wasn’t just a western myth. I’ll have to google him and get the whole skinny.
We did go through town…or what’s left of it….and tried to get close enough to the Rio Grande to see some actual water. We did the same thing last year in a couple of locations but there’s only a trickle in a couple of places. The Mexicans and Americans have pretty well diverted it entirely so the mighty Rio Grande is just another big, dry, riverbed.
We are staying in the American Campground right near the Amistad N’al Recreation Area. It’s a big lake—made bigger by a dam that captures any leftover water in the Rio Grande and Devil’s Rivers. People here don’t have ATVs, they have a boat and take part in fishing tournaments.
We should be very close to S.Padre Island tomorrow and will hopefully spend a few days basking in the sun. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 45-Thurs, 12 Feb 09-Stafford, AZ to Van Horn, Texas

We had a glorious night at the hotel…king-sized bed, living room, etc and I basked in the glory of a bathroom that no-one had used after being cleaned but ME! A good soak, a good sleep and all was right with the world. We had a great breakfast of waffles, eggs, hash browns, and trimmings and hit the road.
We stayed on Hwy 70 to Duncan, AZ where we picked up I-10 through New Mexico. Oh my, what a desperate town Duncan was—like so many other towns that were no doubt thriving 25-30 years ago and are now little more than a ghost town. A few small businesses try to hang on, usually a gas station and a small market but everything around them is deserted and boarded up. You would not think anyone was living in some of these places—they are so awful—but people are still in these rundown homes or more likely, mobile homes. We passed one abandoned gas station that still had an advertisement for gas at 42 cents a gallon so you can tell how long ago it was open! Duncan was the last bit of civilization (?) before the New Mexico border so we filled up and kept going.
The interstates are long, straight, filled with 18-wheelers, and desperately boring. I’m not sure why there aren’t more accidents from people simply falling asleep. Hwy 10 runs through a valley bordered on either side by mountains and once again, the cloud/sun combination made some interesting patterns.
What surprised me most was that we stayed at such high elevations for most of the trip. Gertie (GPS) and the odd sign said we were above 3700 ft elevations all day. There is no longer any sign of snow on the mountain tops, which is nice, and the first stop out of Duncan gave us a chance to peel off one layer of sweaters as the sun was so warm, in and out of the van. We were about 110 miles west of El Paso—where various highways converge—and had to make a decision on where we would be going. I opted to head back to South Padre Island for a while. The weather there is 75+ and we need to work on our tans!
At that point we were approaching Las Cruces and passing the 5-mile stretch of cattle pens that are along the highway. This is ‘modern’ cattle rearing where hundreds or often thousands of cattle are kept in huge pens until they are ready to go to the slaughter house. On the way down we gagged as we drove by and commented that the numerous houses along side these pens must belong to those who work there but the smell would HAVE to permeate everything inside the house! I’m thinking they only socialize with each other—nobody would notice the stink!
We were determined to get some more videos for our ever-growing CD of trains for Ty and one very long train had passed us earlier at a rest stop. At Sierra Blanca, NM, we saw it stopped on the track waiting for another on-coming train to pass so went in to full ‘grandparent alert’ and found an open crossing where the train would have to blow his whistle—gotta get the full experience, you know! Now, you have to imagine Wayne standing right beside the track, camera in hand, waiting for the train. I’m sure there are a few locomotive Engineers who have had a near-death experience seeing someone standing there and wondering if they are about to fulfill their own death experience! However, we got another great video and will soon have enough to send our little angel something he’s going to love! In the midst of all this excitement, Lynne had an IBS situation so missed the whole event but there’s always next time! When we spoke to him on Skype tonight, I told him we’d seen lots of trains….he asked Tim & Kim if he could go to Honey & Poppa’s to see the trains.
We drove through Sierra Blanca and it was another Duncan…perhaps worse. I think I’ll send an e-mail to President Obama (Bill, what’s his e-mail address?) and tell him to ‘come on down’ and have a look at how Small Town America is dying in this neck of the woods. It’s sad really, certainly for the people who have left but more for the people who are trying to hang on and staying. Within 10 years, these will be towns that are on the list of ‘ghost towns’ for tourists to visit.
We’ve pulled in to the KOA at Van Horn, a place we stayed last year while heading down to Big Bend National Park. The internet connection varies from ‘excellent’ to ‘very low’ so we managed a Skype call to Ty and half a call to Tim before it died. I’m getting smarter…I do my blog on Word and then copy to Blogger…I’ve lost a few before learning. Even trying to do e-mails is difficult as I get half way through and the connection dies! Very frustrating but we persevere.
It will probably take us three more days to get to S.Padre Island, unless we find something interesting along the way…it happens.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 44-Wed, 11 Feb 09-Surprise to Stafford, Arix

Photos: Arizona landscapes.
What we might be missing in high temperatures, we are getting in the most wonderful driving sights. Because we’ve driven this area before, we decided to take ‘the road less traveled’ and stay off the interstate. After checking the map, we decided we would take the loop around Phoenix and then go east on Hwys 60 & 70. It turned out to be another major visual memory for this trip.
As we approached the distant mountain range in front of us, we could see it had a fair amount of snow coverage. Within an hour, we were steadily climbing that range and by the time we got to 4000 ft elevation at Superior, Arizona, there was a good covering on the ground. The sun was warm but the high elevation means it will stay on the ground a bit longer than usual. The cactus looks a bit strange covered in snow but they are all so big I doubt it does much damage.
We realized we were zig-zagging across the top of these mountains as the elevation stayed at 2700-3700 ft for most of the day. Some of the views were incredible and I think my neck is sore from constantly whipping my head back and forth to take in the gorgeous scenery.
There were a number of small towns along the way. Miami was at the 3700 ft elevation level and is a big mining community. This whole area of Western Arizona is the main copper mining producer in North America and it was easy to see the effects 60+ years of mining has had on the landscape. New mining techniques mean that contaminated water is used, re-used, and re-used again which I’m guessing is necessary in a State that gets so little rain, however the entire landscape has been changed digging the pit mines.
This whole stretch of highway is called the ‘Old West Highway’ and I need to do some internet research to find out why but suspect it was a viable route through the mountains (there, research done).
While I would liked to have gone up to the Grand Canyon area, the freezing temperatures and huge snowfall they just had prevented any trips North of where we were in Surprise. Flagstaff, near Sadona & the Grand Canyon had gotten so much snow the day before that it was virtually shut down.
We are staying in a lovely Comfort Inn tonight…I think I looked so pathetic the girl at the desk gave us a real deal on a mini-suite so it will be a bathtub soak tonight with all the trimmings and a little more stretch room in bed! We will cross in to Nevada tomorrow and then on to Texas. We did look to see what rentals were available in the resort where we stayed last night but they were just too pricey for us….that’s why it’s a ‘resort’ I guess. We both want to spend some time in Texas and Florida so considering the past 6 weeks have flown by, it’s no doubt time to be heading east again. California was an unplanned destination that we are so glad we did but there is still lots to see and do yet and we do have to remember we’ve got to head North at some point.
Love to the cousins and thanks for being such devoted ‘bloggies’. Until next time, love and hugs to my boys & girls, and to all of you. xx

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 43-Tues, 10 Feb 09-Las Vegas, Nevada to Surprise, Arizona

It was cold last night…and I mean COLD! While it didn’t go down to freezing, it was darn close. We packed up the LuvMasheen and were on the road by 9 am, which is pretty good for us. At least the sun was shining so from inside the van, with the heater going, we could convince ourselves it was balmy in Las Vegas…until we looked at the mountains surrounding the city, which are covered in snow.
We headed out on Hwy 93 East and made it 19 miles down the road. We saw a sign at the Railroad Pass Casino & Hotel which said…”Breakfast $1.50” and that automatically required a U-Turn back. From the photos in the restaurant, this hotel/casino has been here for at least 40 years, in one iteration or another. In comparison to the big flashy spots on the strip, this one is dark and musty but a boom for truckers as it’s far enough out of town that there’s lots of parking for big rigs and a way for them to break the boredom I guess. The funniest part of the whole escapade was that we sat down and ordered the special…which was indeed $1.50. That included eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast. Of course I ordered coffee and Wayne had a large orange juice and when the bill came it was $8.08. The damn coffee was $1.75 and the juice was $2.75. So much for the ‘special’.
Once back on the highway, we immediately found ourselves in the mountain/desert terrain that I love so much. I’m not sure if it’s the vastness of it or the subtle colours but I know that it’s the part of Arizona, and Texas, that appeals to me the most.
I’d woofed down breakfast pretty fast and my stomach was a bit upset (although it could have been the cost of the beverages that did it!) and kind of drifted off a bit. When I came to, I thought I was having a nightmare where everywhere I looked there was snow..but NO, it was real! As we got closer to Kingman, the amount of snow that was on the ground increased and although the sun was still shining, it wasn’t melting too darn fast. I guess all the rain we’d had in Las Vegas came down as snow in the higher elevation.
We turned off just after Kingman and I swear, it was like someone had drawn a line in the sand…within ½ mile there was not a speck of snow to be seen. I would have loved to have been in a helicopter to see what it really looked like. I’ve mentioned that ‘invisible line’ so many times but this was quite startling.
We soon realized we were going to cross Hoover Dam, which was a nice surprise. When we were here last year, they were in the throws of building a new highway and bridge over the abyss as the amount of traffic that goes over the dam every year is taking it’s toll. Given the size of the canyon, building a bridge is no mean feat. While the highway is progressing nicely, the bridge is going to be quite an undertaking. We could see the progress that has been made but I don’t expect that it will be completed for a couple of years yet. In the end we really enjoyed the’s like going to the Rockies every year…it’s familiar but still so exciting to be there.
As we drove further, we hit another ‘invisible line’ where the giant Saguaro cactus starting to show up. These things amaze me…they are like Zebras…no two are the same. I’ve taken a few photos in the past but never really had the opportunity to wander and pick and choose. We pulled off the highway at one point and walked about ½ mile to one of the big hills that had hundreds of them so it was fun to get up close and personal with them. They are protected in Arizona and it’s interesting to see construction sites (housing or highway) that have gone to great expense to move them (not an easy job) or build around them. We also found ourselves on the Joshua Tree Forest Parkway so had a nice drive through that part of the highway again.
It was certainly warmer, however still only in the low 60’s by the time we reached Sun City and the RV Resort at Surprise, Arizona. We’d stayed here last year and while it is another large resort, it is laid out so much nicer and doesn’t have that over-crowded feeling. When we were here before, there was a huge bulletin board filled with park model homes for rent so we’ll peruse that and see if we can find something for a longer stay. As I said before, I love the van, really love it, but with the weather being kind of cool, it’s hard for me to stay cooped up in it for so long. Once we hit the warmer weather and I can sit out or go off and do something, I’ll be fine.
We are both well and have no aches or pains, which is nice. Wayne’s knee seems to have gotten better on it’s own and I’m amazed that my back is so good. I’m a bit stiff in the morning but as long as I remember to stretch a bit I can walk a couple of hours before having to sit and take a break. Now Jennifer…you just have to remind me not to turn into the Garden Nazi when I get home!
Hope everyone is fine and we are missing you all. I’m physically missing Ty…I’m just needing that hug and kiss medicine he gives me but it won’t be much longer until we see him..and all of you. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Day 42, Mon, 9 Feb 09- Las Vegas, Nevada

Just a quickie's c-o-l-d in Vegas! Thank God for our little heater! We look out the van window and see the hills that surround Las Vegas and they are covered with snow...and lots of it. Time to move on....
We didn't let the weather slow us down today. We were on the bus before lunch and went down to the end of the strip to revisit some places and see others. I can now say that I've gambled in just about every casino on the Las Vegas strip, and lost in each one of them. Mind you, in most of them the dollar amount lost was just that...$1...but it's the idea that counts. We also took in the buffet at the Excelsior (2 for 1), saw the lions at MGM, the Volcano at the Mirage (awesome), the water show at the Bellagio, and the best hot chocolate EVER at the Venetian.
No shows this year. I would have liked to have seen Cher but Wayne wasn't keen and the cost for Elton John was out of sight...I'll get the CD. We were smart enough to have put on our winter jackets before we left and by the time we got home tonight, the hoods were up and gloves were on.
There were much less people around and I guess most of the smaller crowds that were here previously were weekend travellers. Still lots of kids and it just makes me cringe when I see people dragging screaming 2-4 yrs olds around the casinos at 11 pm at night. No place for little ones parents!
We are heading out in the morning. The weather system for Arizona doesn't look much better than here for the next week so I think we'll just head for Texas, perhaps S. Padre Island, and spent a week or two before moving on to Florida. However, as in the past, plans might change depending on our mood, or the weather. The guy next door just came across from Flagstaff and there was snow built up on either side of the road. My goal is not to have snow anywhere within a 10-miles radius of my body...but we still realize we aren't shoveling it.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Day 41-Sun, 8 Feb 09-Las Vegas, Nevada

Well, this is day 2 in Las Vegas and we've experienced both ends of the spectrum. Yesterday, it poured rain so we stayed in the LuvMasheen, napped, watched videos and when the rain let up about 4 pm, we got dressed and hit the buffet at Circus Circus. By the time we wandered the casino, people watching and playing the penny machines, it was close to 11 pm when we crawled in to bed.
Today was the total opposite. We were on the bus by 11 am and decided we've go our separate ways and meet back at the van by 5 pm. I went through a number of casinos..MGM Grand, Paris, Flamingo, Cesars Palace, Monte Carlo...and while I played a few of the penny machines, I ate my way through most of them. In the end, I spent more money stuffing my face than I fed in to the slot machines! It was just one of those days; however the apple crumble cake in Paris was to die for!
The sun peaked through a few times but it's below 60 degrees and certainly cools off at night. We extended our stay to tomorrow night at well so we'll try and pace ourselves tomorrow so that we can get in a couple of the night-time shows on the strip.
There is no lack of people where's that big economic bust we keep hearing about? Most of the places I was in today may not have been overcrowded, but there were still lots and lots of people. The lineups for the buffets are huge! I mentioned to Wayne last night that there seems to be gazoodles of Mexican families in Circus Circus, and they were lining all these kids up at the games area...throwing down $1 bills for each of them to play a game.
Still having a good time and looking forward to being in Arizona again. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Friday, February 06, 2009

Day 39-Friday, 6 Feb 09-Bakersfield, Calif to Las Vegas, Nevada

Photos: Hwy 58 landscapes, all from the car window.

We’ve had another amazing day…I keep asking myself if there’s a limit on these kinds of days that any one, or two, people are entitled to! I like to think we get what we deserve.
We left Bakersfield early (for us) and as we drove out we passed miles and miles of orange groves. At one point there was a sign for ‘free samples’, which was tempting but we cruised on by. Once again, we were totally awed by the landscape along Hwy 58 and I say this with all sincerity…I would take another holiday, just to travel this highway. It’s a delight and I’m sure if you rented a car in Vegas, drove the highway to the coast, and then drove back to Vegas along the same route, the sights would be different each way and it would be a holiday to remember.
The beautiful rolling hills, with huge views of distant vistas, continued and at one point we both commented that it was like seeing the Grand Canyon…but with green grass on it. It was that awesome! Along one stretch, I imagined the sights would be much like the one you would see in Ireland…I hope to find out before too much longer! We traveled in a steady incline for quite a long time and as we started to see the clounds hanging on the mountain tops, we checked the GPS and saw that we were over 4000 ft above sea level. As we started the slow decline, the landscape changed almost without realizing it, which is one of the many things I love about the mountain/desert terrain. It’s almost like there’s an invisible line….the green grass disappears and a scrub grass replaces it. At the 2500 ft elevation, there were Joshua Trees—bigger and much fuller than what we’ve seen in Arizona. Where any of the top layer of soil had been scraped away, you could see that it was all sand.
By 10:30 am we were ready to stop for coffee and took the off-ramp to Boron. It turned out to be the most amazing and informative stop we’ve made! We turned left at the only stop sign in town and Boron looked like it had died a long time ago. When we made a U-turn, I noticed a front yard FILLED with ‘stuff’ like hundreds of planters (of all ages and descriptions) filled with artificial flowers, buckets, plants…you could barely see the front door. PHOTO OP! While we were parked a man came out of the small hardware store and asked if we were looking for gas. No, says we, we’re looking for coffee. He pointed us down the street and said we had to go to K&L Diner, which we did, and ended up having a spectacular breakfast made by his cousin. The front of the menu gave a short history of Boron and it was amazing! First…the important information…the diner was originally built in 1953 as a Frostee Freeze by Lulu Kline. Boron is also the borate capital of the world and the BORAX…yes, BORAX (our mothers and g-mothers used it to make their clothes cleaner) Company. Remember the box with the 20-mule team on the front? While Wayne made a reservation in Las Vegas, I went across the street to the little museum. It was incredible! Here’s a brief history lesson on borax:
Borax was discovered in California in 1881. This mineral, used for thousands of years in ceramics and in the working of gold, previously had come from Tibet and Italy. Its discovery in California’s Death Valley resulted in a rapid increase in the use of borax as a household cleaner in the US. To meet public demand, a practical and economical method had to be devised for freighting borax ore from the mines in Death Valley’s vast dry lake beds to the railroad 165 miles away….hence the 20-mule teams that moved 25 tons through the desert in temperatures ranging from 135-150 degrees! They did 16-18 miles a day pulling 2 huge wagons of the mineral as well as a 1200 gal water tank on wheels. They also had to carry hay, grain and other provision for the 10-day trip!
The girl in the museum gave me a flyer with a list of things Borax in used in: adhesives, bone china, brake fluid, charcoal briquettes, dyes, eyewash, mouthwash, plywood, starch, skin cream…the list is endless. Edwards AFB is also right there and we were tempted to drive to the dry lake bed where the space shuttle lands but the big signs warning against trespassing put us off!
As we got closer to the Mojave Desert, there were some small desert storms and although it seemed to be surrounded by mountains, there was a huge area of sand and went as far as they eye could see. There were lots of clouds and when they were over the mountains the combination of shade and sun made the whole landscape magical. There was a preservation area that I would have liked to visit but we wanted to get to Vegas before dark, and rain, fell.
We pulled in the KOA, situated right on the strip and were surprised to see lots of empty spaces. I had thought that because it was Friday, it might be busy which is why we’d called ahead to make a reservation. Last year, we paid $40 a night, which isn’t that much considering we’ve paid that in much less desirable places. When Wayne came out of the office, he was smiling and it turned out they’d put a special on for February because people are just not traveling……$19 a night for full hook-up! When we turned on the television the local news reported that many of the hotels are hurting and offering big specials to the locals…trying to get them to ‘holiday’ in their own back yard. I’ll be interested to see…and I intend on asking…if the same deals hold for tourists. I’ve figured that if we can find a cheap buffet it makes more sense for us to spend the month of Feb in Las Vegas…no groceries or gas and only $19 a night! Ha ha.
We’ve had supper and decided we’ll hunker down for the evening and build up our energy for tomorrow. I haven’t looked to see who is performing at the hotels yet, although I know Cher is here….she is supposed to put on a pretty spectacular show.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Day 38-Thurs, 5 Feb 09-Morro to Bakersfield, California

Photos: (1) One of the beautiful views along Hwy 58 (2) Buffalo, Eagle and Mom w/baby Otter. Woo-hoo….what a day we had….it was spectacular and more!
We left Morro and headed for San Luis Obispo to the local Dodge dealer to get the brakes checked. They had been making a real squeely noise when we turned the wheel but turned out the bearing were a bit loose so no big problem..or expense in the end. They had a very luxurious waiting area, complete with internet room, coffee room, TV room, kids’ room, etc. Not a hard place to sit and wait. We got on the internet to check the weather. There’s another cold front moving in for a couple of days and Las Vegas is cool and rainy for the weekend. Do we go or not? Well, I can’t think of a better place to spend a rainy weekend that in Las Vegas so we headed out.
Rather than doing the interstate, we decided to head cross country on Highway 58 which goes through the La Panza, Coastal and Temblor Ranges. It turned out to be the most wonderful 80 miles we’ve driven on this trip. We’d only driven a short while when I spotted something BIG in a dead tree along the road. I did one of those “OMG, stop the van” things and Wayne pulled over while I grabbed my camera. It turned out to be a huge juvenile eagle and he didn’t move when I got out of the van. I wished the chicken I’d taken out for supper had been thawed as I would have used some of it to entice it to come a little closer. It was beautiful though and just sat on the limb like the king of the sky it is.
A little further down the road I did the OMG thing again and as soon as Wayne stopped the van I was out taking photos of a herd of buffalo grazing on a hill. There was one big bull who was clearly the boss of the group, a few younger bulls that were practicing head- butting, a bunch of females and a few small ones. It was not hard to believe they were a wild herd just wandering the hills vice belonging to someone who supplies buffalo burgers to a local restaurant. I can dream.
The diversity of the terrain has always amazed me and it was certainly evident along this drive. We went in to a very green area with lots of pine trees that turned out to be the Las Padres National Forest. There were some huge pine cones along the road and we stopped to pick one up. I swear it weighs ½ lb and it’s massive. Within 5 miles the terrain changed and became big rolling hills covered in short green grass. At some points there were areas with tall yellow grass that swayed when the breeze would blow. Incredible! Another 5 miles and it changed again—to a hilly desert with scrub trees and tumbleweed. We saw all of this while weaving our way up and down the hills, sometimes with spectacular views of 100 miles or more.
There was a small town along the way called Buttonwillow that had huge fields of plants that were inserted in tubes set in the ground…about 12-18 inches high. I had no idea what they were until I saw a couple of buildings that said, ‘Co-operative Gining Assoc’ and had an inkling of what they might be. A while later there was a sign that said, “Buttonwillow—California’s Cotton Belt’. Mystery solved!
Bakersfield is quite a large place—350,000 people—and we are in a new RV Park that is very nice. After a few loads of laundry and supper, the geekie Corkum’s are each glued to their respective laptops doing whatever it is we do half the evening while trying to watch television at the same time. We’ll try to be on the road early tomorrow in order to drive the 500 kms to Vegas.Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx

Day 37-Wed, 4 Feb 09-Morro Bay, California

Another spectacular day! We were up early (nothing new for Wayne), and by 9:30 am we were both off to do our own thing on the beach. Although we kept running in to one another on our wanderings, we didn't meet back at the van until 2 pm.
I was determined to spend some time watching the otters. Sea Otters are really large--probably around 36 to 45" long. It's difficult to really see their full size as they are constantly preening and grooming so don't tend to stretch out until they are ready to dive under water. Their back flippers are huge which is why they can move so fast I guess. I stood and watched them for a couple of hours, took lots of photos, and yelled at kayakers who insisted on trying to get within a foot of the animals.
From there I wandered down around the big rock to see why these two guys had gi-normous camera lenses focused on the rocks. I suspected it was to see Peregrin Falcons...and I was right. They are part of the Calif. Peregrin Falcon Watch, which we also have in Ottawa, and I spent some time with them looking through their mega scopes. There is a male and female. She lost her 7-yr mate the previous year but has a new man in her life. They are at the 'bonding' stage and and are practicing mating (??) before getting in to the serious stuff in another couple of weeks. The one guy had the biggest lenses I've ever seen, attached to a 21 mega pixel camera! It takes high definition videos and he was anxious to capture the mating process. The other fellow had a wonderful album of photos he's taken over the past few years so it was interesting to talk to them and learn something more about these delicate birds that are still on the endangered species list.
I had said to Wayne that if we lived in a climate like this, and loved photography, it wouldn't be hard to get involved in some serious wildlife photography, simply because it abounds here. Between the thousands of species of birds, whales, seals, etc. there is always something 'available' to photograph all year long. Perhaps that's why I always loved Vancouver Island..the climate is certainly a tad harsher but out there, if it's not animals to watch, it's flowers and gardens..two of my favourite things!
We walked over the beach to the harbour area for dinner. A trawler had just brought in some eels which would be processed and sent to Taiwan..go figure! They were the long, thin type and I can't figure how you eat these buggers..and don't really care. While we were eating dinner there were a pair of sea lions swimming around the boats. One of the waiters said a restaurant down the road throws out fish to them and they have become 'regulars' at the harbour.
We are stopping at the Dodge dealers in San Luis Opisbo to have the squeelie front brakes checked before we head out and do any more mountainous travelling. Going from one coast to the other means climbing up and down some pretty spectacular mountain ranges and we tend to focus on making sure the brakes are good...error on the side of caution! I don't think it's anything in $expensive$....
Until tomorrow, our love and hugs to all. Our baby HoneyB has a cold, as does Kim. It doesn't help that she gets calls from her in-laws on the beach or that her hubby is in Cancun on business.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Day 36-Tues, 3 Feb 09-Morro, California

Photos: (1) This lab was having a great time..I swear he was smiling at me! (2) When we walk through the gate beside our van, this is the beach behind us..goes for miles. (3) The little grey balls of fur are the Otter babies sitting on their Mummy's tummies. Dad's in the background (I think).
We didn’t get far today….about 500 yds down the road. We’d stayed at a lovely RV site and after packing up, decided we’d drive down the road to look at the beach. When we got to the beach, there was another RV site—right on the beach! We went in and had a look around and decided a 2-night stay would be a good thing! We literally walk out of the LuvMasheen, go through the gate beside us and we are on the beach.
Because we were mobile, we decided to hit the grocery store and stock up on fresh stuff and then come back to hook up. Wayne signed up for yet another VIP card to get a discount so I guess we’ll soon have to have a card wallet for U.S. grocery stores. The discounts are often dramatic so it certainly makes sense to take the few minutes and fill out the application. I’m not worried about junk mail—California is broke and can’t afford the mailing costs!
After setting up at our site, we headed our separate ways for the afternoon. Wayne loves to sleep on the beach so that was his priority. I got my camera and wandered the beach, watching the surfers. The water is still cold but they all wear wet suits. I’ve noticed a lot of the surfers now have paddles—the people stand on the board and paddle through the initial wave surge or will paddle up and down the beach, standing on the board.
Morro’s claim to fame is that it has a huge rock on the coast that used to be part of the mainland. A road has been built out to the rock and it’s now a nature reserve where various birds come to roost and different times of the year. The road construction created a small bay where giant kelp now grows. That in turn, has created a natural haven for sea otters. I sat on a rock and watched them for quite a while this afternoon. They have just had babies so the Moms float on their backs and the babies sit on Mother’s tummy, eating, sleeping and just enjoying life. There were four otters there this afternoon and although I took some photos, it’s hard to distinguish Moms from babies. I’ll go back tomorrow with the ‘mother of all lenses’ and see if I can’t get something better. There were a number of school classes doing an on-site science class so I joined one group of Grade 5’s and learned some new plant names as well as otter life-sciences. It was great! The kids wanted to adopt me as their mascot. Ha ha.
It is supposed to start raining on Thursday so we have decided that’s a good time to get back on the road. We are going to head across California, through the Mojave Desert and go to Las Vegas. We’d spent 3 days in Vegas last year and loved it but didn’t really see everything we wanted or, were rushed to see what we did. Three or four days is probably enough time to spend there at any one time, but most people want to go back and do it at least one more time. Once we discovered the penny slots, the whole Vegas thing was cemented for us! Neither of us are gamblers and the casino noise makes me grind my teeth after an hour or so, but $1 will get you a nice chair in an air conditioned building..and a soft drink at least so it’s not a bad deal!
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx