Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 61-Sat, 28 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

Photo: 1. Middle school trombone's nearly as big as he is. 2. Wayne waiting for parade to start. 3. Lynne beside the 'mighty' Rio Grande River and international bridge, and Border Patrol, in background. Tip: click on any of the blog photos to fill screen.

What a day...what a day! It was cloudy when we got up and the weatherman said it was going to rain and be much cooler but we'd planned to go to Brownsville, and we did. It's only a 20-minute drive from here and we were ready to get out of our comfort zone.
When we arrive we headed for downtown and found it close to the international bridge going to Metamoros, Mexico. Brownsville is about as Mexican as it can get and if you closed your eyes, you'd swear you were south of the border. Given that this was Mexican territory for centuries, I'm guessing most of the locals can trace their ancestors to this area for longer periods that the gringos. After driving up and down a couple of streets, we decided to park the car and walk around. It turned out that the Charro Borderfest Carnival, celebrating 72 yrs of US & Mexico border relations, was having it's big parade today. For about 1 1/2 miles down the main street, the Lions Club had set up 3 rows of chairs for spectators ($3 chair rental) and it was set to start in 2 hrs. People were already in their chairs. Problem was, it was drizzling when we arrived and was now coming down much harder. Coupled with the wind, it was a bit of a miserable day. However, Lynnie LOVES a parade so we decided to stay and asked a policeman if there was a restaurant handy where we figured we'd get something to eat and wait out the rain there.

The policeman said it was a bar but we'd get a good hamburger. It was a tad dark inside and it wasn't really until we sat down that we realized what a dive it was...busy...but a real dive. We were starved so ordered a burger and figured ignorance is bliss--just eat and get out. Actually the food was delicious but a bathroom run was necessary and I just knew what was waiting. I reached into my purse, put my leather gloves on, and figured it couldn't be too bad, especially if I didn't touch anything. OMG....I had to go....I just had to go....but nothing but the soles of my shoes touched that bathroom and I had to close my eyes so that I couldn't look at the place. I've never seen anything that bad in Mexico! Wayne said the men's room was awful as well!

We went in to a few stores and I slathered at the price of shoes! I'm sure they come from Mexico and as per previous years experience I say again...nobody can make shoes like the Mexicans, and certainly not sell them for less than $15--and those are the expensive ones!

The parade started, the rain lessened, and we had a great time. While we were eating, the locals must have come in droves because they were lined up 3 deep along the entire parade route...thousands of people. We found a store over-hang and stayed for an hour of so and then headed back to the van to get out of downtown before it ended.

I was so impressed with the school bands. I know marching bands are big in the US but how big can the local schools be? I'm guessing the high school band and cheerleading team numbered about 75 and same for the middle school band...and they were good! The horses the Mexican vacquaroes were riding were awesome...they almost look like they are 'dancing' to the music.

On the way out of town, I spotted the Burlington Coat Factory and after threatening to hold my breath until Wayne did a u-turn, we spent a couple of hours getting the best bargains on earth! I got stuck in the little girls' section, cursing the genome that surrounded me with males. They had the most beautiful dresses, called 'Cinderella' that were beyond description other than...."Maybe someday Lynne, be patient." If I was getting married and had Jr Bridesmaids or Flower girls...this is where I'd be buying dresses...for $29.99...with a dolly's dress to match! I ended up with 4 prs of shoes et al--packing for the rest of the trip is going to be...interesting.

The weather is supposed to clear tomorrow and we may do some clean-up work on the LuvMasheen...or, we may just go to the beach.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 2:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. C,
It just ain't fair!! Shopping for jewelry and shoes at bargain prices! Lord deliver me to this place!

Mrs. B.


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