Monday, February 16, 2009

Day49-Mon 16 Feb 09-South Padre Island, TX

We woke up to sun and very warm temperatures. Actually, I slept in until nearly 9 am so once the morning routine was done, I put my bathing suit on and headed for the pool. It was wonderful to be back in a pool and able to swim and exercise a makes me look forward to summer in my own wonderful backyard.
It started to cloud over about 2 pm and while still warm, the sun didn't make another appearance the rest of the day. I did resist the urge to nap and sat outside and read...we spend enough time inside the van that I welcome all opportunities to sit outside.
We walked over to the local restaurant on the pier to have supper. I can't get enough shrimp and there's almost no point in even looking at a menu. Of course, these are the jumbo, breaded, deep-fried ones so I had my daily intake of grease...and more. They were delicious though and I'll try to curb my craving for at least a week. We don't eat in restaurants a lot...generally when I don't feel like cooking!
Tomorrow we plan on checking at the state park to see if there's a vacancy for a few days and have also made a list of the local estate agents and look for a condo for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't work out I expect we'll stay a day or two longer and then head for Florida. We want to stop at New Orleans on the way through; the weather should be better than last year and according to my friend Dianne, the city is in full preparations for Mardi Gras.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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