Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 54-Sat, 21 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

It was a very quiet day on S.Padre Island. It was warm when we got up but soon started to cloud over. A cloudy day doesn't stop anyone from doing anything here because as I mentioned before, it's never 'black' clouds and stays very light. However, shortly after lunch it started to drizzle and then the drizzle turned in to full-out thunder storms and it pounded rain.
I had already settled myself on the chesterfield in front of the television. Wayne was downloading music to his MP3 so I had full control of the remote and it stayed on the SciFi channel. It was one creepy/alien infested/gory movie after another and THE BEST!! I fell asleep halfway through one movie and woke up halfway through another which made the plot a little confusing for a few minutes. Actually, it's 8pm here and we're still watching the same's just one movie after another. I think I've died and gone to SciFi heaven!
I finally got to speak/see Carmel tonight via webcam on Skype. We talked for an hour and a half and it was wonderful to see her. She showed us all her various scarves/hats and we chatted non-stop for the whole time. She's amazing!
Tomorrow I'm hoping to go back to the nature trail and see what's new... I love to go and see what new kind of hat the birdwatchers are wearing...I can see a coffee table book!
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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