Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 52-Thurs, 19 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

Photos: Great Blue Heron coming in for a landing; Juvenile White Ibis; White Ibis.
I guess we've settled in...Wayne's found a gym, I've gotten a is good!

After we got up and did the usual morning stuff, we went out to find a place where I could get a trim. With the morning/evening mist from the ocean, my hair is just that much too long that it goes every way but the way I want it to. We ended up at Walmart and after a frustrating sign-in process and watching the ladies chat on the phone non-stop, I finally got a very nice cut. I'm good for at least 4 weeks.

We came back to the condo and had something to eat and Wayne decided he wanted to do his daily stroll on the beach. My back gets too sore walking in the sand, unless of course I'm dawdling along, looking for shells. I wanted to go back to the nature trail so I took the van and we went off to do our own thing for a couple of hours. We both appreciate a bit of time alone and thankfully, neither of us mind the other taking that time.

Today at the nature trail were a number of White Ibis, which I've never seen there previously. There was also a group of bird watchers so I just sidle up beside them and evesdrop on what they are looking at. If all else fails, I take photos and then come home and dig out my trusty field guide, which is getting more and more use. I think the breeding season is approaching because there are so many variations of the same bird, ie Herons, that the guide tells me one is 'breeding' plumage, another isn't so I'm still relying on the internet & guide to identify what is what. I don't have the patience (or desire) to become a bona fide bird watcher but I have to admit, it's fun to look at one and be able to put a name to it...most times.

I took a quick trip to the ocean beach even though it was a bit cloudy. It didn't seem to matter there...the waves were huge today and lots of people strolling the beach. The sun came out quite often so I was busier taking my sweater on and off than I was taking photos. We are supposed to have a couple of cloudy days and one day of rain before a week of glorious sun. I've suggested to Wayne that we use the cloudy days to clean the inside of the van and get our clothes organized so that we can enjoy the nice days without digging for shorts & bathing suits in the van.

It was a great day and we both commented that we are very comfortable in this condo. It reminds me of a beach cottage in some ways...but why not, as we are so close to the beach. The floors are all tile which makes sweeping up the sand much easier. Everything is here--towels, dishes, etc..we haven't found anything missing.

Hope all is well at home. If I were there I'd have been downtown trying to get a picture of Obama..I saw where he made a surprise trip to the market. Good call to go in Feb as he would have been mobbed had it been summer and crowded with tourists.

Until next time, much love and hugs to all. xx


At 3:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. C,

I have to say those are some of your best photos. Just love the one of the blue heron - you can make a copy of that one for framing. Glad to hear you guys found a cozy condo near a beach. Wayner must enjoying his sleeps on the beach, not to mention his space. Miss you and luv reading your blog. Keep safe and don't burn that nose. Mrs. B.


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