Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 59-Thurs, 26 Feb 09-S.Padre Island

Photos: 1-Reddish Egret. 2-Great Blue Heron. 3-White Ibis. 4-Bristle-Thighed Curlew (I kid you not!). 5-Osprey and the Magpie terror.
Today can only be described as 'delicious'. We were both up early...normal for Wayne, very abnormal for me. The sun wasn't up but the forecast was positive so we made plans accordingly.

I wanted to make an early morning trip to the nature walk and what a good decision that was! All photographers know that early morning, late afternoon (dusk) are the best times to take pictures. I prefer early morning but I have this problem in getting out of bed before 8 am so generally miss the very best photography light. However, I was up, dressed, and out the door by 8:15 am. I wasn't the first there but the rest were all bird-watchers with their huge telescopes and tilley hats.

The Osprey was back in his favourite spot and had caught a fish which was keeping him occupied. A smaller bird, which turned out to be a Magpie, started harassing him and would fly right on to the Osprey's head and give him a peck. I don't know if the Magpie had a nest nearby but he was certainly giving the Osprey a hard time...and I got some very good photos.

There was a bird-watcher beside me and the conversation went something like this:

Him: Wow, hope you got a good photo of that Magpie
Me: I think I did...and more than one...thank goodness for digital
Him: OH MY GOD...QUICK...there's a Bristle-Thighed Curlew...get a picture!
Him: Just coming out of the low bushes
Me: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! click, click, click, click...Did you get a good photo?
Him: I sure hope so...this is fabulous, isn't it?
Me: I was meant to be here today!
Of course, you know I have no friggin' idea what a Curlew is but damn...I got a good photo of it. The best was when another couple stopped and asked what the bird was. Before the other guy could open his mouth, I said, "It's a Curlew...isn't that amazing?" Too funny but honestly, it would take me a month of going through the bird book to figure out what the heck it god bless the BW's (bird-watchers).

I'd also taken a few photos of a Reddish Egret and his feeding antics which include racing around in a circle and then opening his wings to entice the fish into the 'shade' which is when he strikes. I lost sight of him for a second and then looked beside me and there he was...sitting on the railing about 10 feet from me. The White Ibis were back as well as a beautiful big Great Blue Heron.

By 10 am, the sun was HOT and I hightailed it for home. I stopped to make an appt for a pedicure tomorrow and when I arrived home Wayne had come back from the gym and his beach walk and we decided we'd wait an hour and then head for the beach for a little while. By the time we got there, the wind had picked up and between the blowing sand and not being able to put up an umbrella, we returned to the condo and sat by the pool where there is sun and shade. I tried to go in the pool but the water is freezing and there was no way I could convince my body to get wet past my waist. It did cool us off but we were being so careful about not getting sunburned that we weren't sitting directly in the sun very often.

After a shower, we decided we'd use our 1/2 price coupon we'd clipped out of the local paper for Denny's. We both tried Tilapia...a mild white, fish that was delicious. Tomorrow is the start of the weekend long Market Days at the Convention Centre. They will have live raptor displays, antiques, art, silent auction, and lots of other stuff so we'll be there early. I think Saturday we'll head in to Brownsville and look around and so it rest for the retired!

Still lovin' it here and not anxious to leave. There is this little internal alarm clock though, that goes off when you least expect it, and 'home' is where you want to be. NOT THERE YET!

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 1:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Such gorgeous shots! I could just sit on the beach and watch beautiful birds all day.

Ahhhhh, the beach. It looks amazing!

Glad you're having a great time. We miss you.

xoxx Kate

At 4:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. C,
I am learning a lot about birds, since I google each time you post photos of ones I've never heard of before. Now, the Bristle-Thighed Curlew is found wintering in small islands in the South Pacific, like Fiji, Samoa, and French Polynesia islands. So no friggin wonder the BW almost shit himself with surprise. And you were so gracious in your response. You go girl! It was a shitty weather day here today, so sitting by a pool in the shade sounds just about perfect.
Luv Mrs. B.


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