Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 55-Sun, 22 Feb 09-S. Padre Island, TX

It was beautiful here today...the breeze was a bit cool but I sat outside by the pool, protected by the fence, and had to move after a half hour as it was too hot. It's strange..there's always a substantial wind blowing here, somewhat like being in the Caribbean, but when it was raining so hard yesterday, it came straight down with no wind at all.

We'd brought in the pancake mattress from the van last night as we find the beds here so-o-o-o hard and it was like heaven to climb in and not wake up an hour later with whatever body part was making contact with the mattress, hurting like hell. Now I understand why Kevin & Tim haul theirs with them when they travel!

We had a lazy morning and I decided early that I'd go up to the nature walk and see what there was to see...which was nothing! I'm not sure if it was the high wind or cool temperatures that kept the birds away but there wasn't anything but seagulls. When I looked over towards the bay, I could see a few cars had pulled in and people were unpacking their kite-surfing equipment so decided I'd go and check it out.

I approached one guy who was just getting set up and asked if I could take some photos of him. I gave him my business card and told him to send me an e-mail and I'd send him some photos (I neglected to say I wouldn't be home for 6 wks). He readily agreed and like most people who know they have a camera pointed at them, put on quite a show. I stood around for an hour or so but it got tougher to try and hold the camera in that wind even though I tried to stay behind the van to cut the wind.
Wayne went to the gym for a bit...I ended up napping for a bit and then it was frajitas for supper and we're settled in for the night. I'd like to watch a bit of the Oscars but they always keep the best for the last and I never make it. Besides, Oprah will have a better show tomorrow that the Oscars.

Kevin & Kate have a website for their renovation (we Corkums like to document everything). The builder and others involved in the reno have kicked in to sponsor and it's designed to provide info for people contemplating a reno from first thinking about it to the end result and everything in between. It's at

We talked to Tim & Kim today...and of course our baby HoneyB, although he's far from being a baby any more. He no longer calls Kim 'Mama', now she's 'Mom'. Tim has been on the road a lot recently and says he can see changes in him every time he comes home. I'm sure we'll be the same.

We picked up a local newspaper today as we wanted to find out what's going on in S.Padre and at first glance, we'd got a number of things to check out this weekend. There is a 'Winter Texan Club' which, at first glance, sounded kind of interesting, until I read they end weekly meetings with a bingo game. I'm just not there yet but the idea is great for meeting people and making friends. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 6:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After your comment a few blogs ago that Wayner was contemplating kite surfing lessons - I almost fell off my chair this morning when I saw today's pictures of the kite surfer. I thought for a minute (o.k. a second) that maybe that was Wayner flying through the air.



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