Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 48-Sun, 15 Feb 09-Falfurrias TX to South Padre Island, TX

It was another day of criss-crossing the southern tip of Texas. We'd had a great night in the hotel..there's something 'special' about using a bathroom that nobody but you has used after being cleaned.

It was cloudy when we woke and didn't get any better as we approached SPI. In fact, the wind is really howling, there's fog and although I haven't checked the weather report, I suspect we will have to sit through a couple of days of crappy weather before I get to start working on my tan. We sure haven't been blessed with the kind of weather we had last year and while it's been frustrating, it's still well above what we'd be experiencing if we were at home.

I've been on the look-out for long-horned cattle all through Texas and seen a few but none with those mega-long horns.....until today! As we were driving along one of the back highways, I let out a screech and Wayne automatically hit the brakes while asking, "What did you see?" We did a quick U-turn and I got to see some real doozies. I'm not sure what they do with them other than breeding them for rodeos or ???

We made a quick detour to an RV site in Weslaco where our friends Dianne & Wil were staying but they were out so we pressed on. We had so much fun with them and I'm hoping we'll get another chance to meet up with them somewhere on the road next year.

We are in the KOA tonight and will check the state park up the road where we stayed previously. It's right on the beach and across from the nature preserve. However, I suspect that if there's 2 or 3 days of rain in the local forecast, we'll probably start heading for Florida. I'm not sure if we'll end up staying away as long as we'd planned...we may be home earlier in Apr rather than later.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 4:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. C,
This farmer's daughter can't get too excited about some dumb long-horned steers. You city girl!
Happy trails. Love,
Mrs. B.


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