Monday, September 03, 2012

Olivia Susanna Arrives!

One day old

One week sweet she is!

Our third, and very beautiful grandaughter Olivia arrived 27 Jun 2012, fat, sassy, and healthy. She was overdue and we were all impatiently awaiting her arrival.

I was on alert to go and look after Gillian, whatever the hour, so it was a week of keeping the cell phone by the bed and being ready to run across the backyard to their house, whatever the hour. Jen's labour was active by early evening and Olivia arrived late that evening without much distress for her Mom, which was a relief for all (especially Jen).

My first glimpse of her was the next afternoon while Gillian was at daycare. First impression: it's Gillian...only different. She's absolutely beautiful, with a thick crown of dark hair that begs for a barrette, and she has the face of an Angel. Jen looks tired but very satisfied with herself, as well she should, as Olivia was another big baby...over 9 lbs! Colin looks tired as well, and perhaps a bit bewildered at the prospect of dealing with yet another female in the house! I am excited beyond words to have 3...count 'em...3 little girls in my life after a 'boy drought' of so many years.

We brought Gillian to the hospital later in the day to meet her new sister and have a birthday cake with candles to welcome Olivia into the family. Sue and Al were there (Jen's parents) so it was Olivia's first family party...the first of many in her life. There were a couple of presents for Gillian so that she felt as special as she is and overall it appears she is extremely accepting of Olivia and her new role as big sister.

Once again, Wayne and I look at each other through teary eyes and ask ourselves how we became so lucky? Our lives have been blessed in so many ways and we try never to take it for grantide. We already imagine Olivia taking her first steps and being in the pool for the first swim, but look forward to so many 'firsts' she'll have in the meantime.


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