Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tulip Festival Exhibit

Exciting news...! One of my tulip photos (shown here) has been chosen to be part of the photo exhibit at the Tulip Festival this year. And best of all, one of Joyce's prints has been selected also.

The organizers of this year's festival decided they would chose 40 photographers from among those who submitted their work and a panel of judges would select one or two prints from each one in order to set up an exhibit tent at Major's Hill Park. The prints will be framed by the committee and offered for sale and the photographers can have their business cards there to promote their photo businesses if they wish...and I do.

The opportunity to be involved in such a large festival is very exciting. I have no idea how many photographers sent in photos...I'd like to think there were hundreds and hundreds and that Joyce's and mine were among the best.


At 8:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations ... I always knew you were one of the best.


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