Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Birthdays and Honey Baby

The past weekend was a family filled 4 days that was fabulous. We started off in Bowmanville going to baby brother Corky's 50th birthday party which was a surprise organized by wife Debbie. Scott & Brenda were there as well so it was great to be able to spend some time together. We don't get to see each other as often as we'd like which is something I intend to change once I retire. I've told Debbie that having baby Ty in Toronto is best thing that has happened to us. Beyond the obvious, it has given us a reason to stop and see them each time we go up. The next time we go to see Ty, we will stop at Scott's so that every 3 months, we will see one of them.

The party was a huge success...he was so surprised and very pleased to see all of his & Debbie's family at the restaurant. We went back to the house for cake & coffee and Jackie presented him with a wonderful scrapbook of his 50 year history. She did a great job on it and included photos of things that have happened over his lifetime. On the last page she included things that showed Debbie has bought him (& her) tickets to go to Banff for a week at the end of April.

We continued up to Toronto to see our little HoneyB and oh, has he grown since we last saw him in early Feb. He has discovered his voice and takes a deep breath and lets out this loud sing/song sound that surprises him as well as everyone around him. His eyes get big and he looks at you as if to say "I don't know what just happened but boy, am I clever!" He is rock solid and after an evening of playing "I want to sit, now I want to stand, sit, stand...etc" my shoulders and chest muscles were sore! Everything about him is amazing and we never get tired of looking at him and reacting to all of his funny faces and sounds.

I knew we would love him but I honestly never expected this overwhelming sense of love and wonder for this grandchild. It's close to the feelings a Mother has for her own baby...especially those quiet moments very early in the morning when you are sitting alone in a darkened room, feeding it and just having some quiet time alone. However, it's different in that you know this is the child of your child...and the memories flood back so that you can hardly look at that sweet baby without remembering some of those long forgotten sounds, smells and joy of your own grown child. It's a double gift and one which you want to experience over and over.
Ty is amazing and I'm looking forward to watching him grow!


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