Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Opportunity or just a free tattoo?

I've been looking for some 'candid portrait' shots to submit in the camera club competition so during my walk today I was really looking for some interesting people.

As I was going down Rideau Street, I saw this young girl sitting in the open doorway of a tattoo parlor, enjoying the sun and the tail end of her lunch. I could see that she had some half completed tattoos on her arm and decided I'd take a few photos of her. Unless people are really engrossed in something, most will usually become aware of being photographed, and can understandably become suspicious, or at the very least, have some questions as to what the heck you're doing and why. Once she realized I was shooting her, I went right over and introduced myself and asked if I could take some more photos. I explained I was a photographer and used these types of photos for various reasons...all legal and highly moral...and she agreed.

Her 'partner' came out...I took a few more photos and we talked for a few minutes. He asked if I would be interested in taking some photos for the shop. They are both tattoo artists and wanted some pictures of their completed tattoos and perhaps some larger photos to hang in the shop.

I gave him my business card and told him I'd give him a very good deal on a series of shots. "Let's talk", says I.

Tomorrow I'll drop off a couple of photos that I took of them today...just to jog his memory. Anyone interested in a tattoo? I know somebody.

Another interesting day.


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