Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Umbrella Man

Now that the nice weather is here, I've started walking again over lunch hour and trying to take some photos of everything..and anything that looks interesting. Yesterday (Tuesday) I was walking down Rideau Street, with no camera, and saw a fellow who appeared homeless--he seemed to have most of his belongings with him--but what I noticed first was the large white umbrella sticking out of his cart.

I've been looking for a white umbrella for three years!! Haven't found one anywhere!! On really sunny days a white umbrella is a MUST if you want to take close-up photos. Every store I go in, the first thing I do is look for one and then ask the sales clerk if one can be ordered. Every time I ask, the answer is the same..."Never seen one, and can't order one"....AND THIS HOMELESS PERSON HAS ONE!! NOT FAIR!!

It only took me a second to decide I had to have it..assuming that on closer inspection it really WAS white...and without bugs. I went over to him and struck up a conversation and found out his name is 'Alonzo' and he's originally from Montreal. I got right to the point and asked if his umbrella worked and would he consider selling it to me....after I inspected it. "Oh sure", he said, "How about $20?"

I opened it and it was a thing of beauty! Gotta have it! "How about $10", says I. Perhaps he figured it was the best deal of the day because we exchanged umbrella for a $10 bill and both seemed pleased with the deal.

I went back downtown today, with camera, and met him again. When I asked him if I could take his picture, he wanted to know how much I'd pay him. "You made your best deal yesterday Alonzo", I told him. "How about a cigarette?"

It's the second day in a row that we both figure we got a good deal.


At 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful what you exhange. Bear in mind all that is exchanged in these areas of town

At 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photo and great story. Only you ma

At 1:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Kevin and Kate's travelogue


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