Friday, March 24, 2006

Ty Goes on Safari

When we were in Puerto Vallarta, we saw this camoflaged 'Tilley' hat for babies and fell over ourselves blatting and slavouring to buy it. The hat was our first purchase of a useless, rather ugly, souvenir for our new grandson...and I expect not our last. It's the kind of thing that souvenir marketers inherently know that people like us will spend money on simply because it's just so darn cute and we can close our eyes and visualize our little man wearing...we don't think about exactly where he'd wear it...but we know he'd look adorable in it.

Thank goodness for understanding daughter-in-laws who realize that buying this stuff is kind of a 'right of passage' for new grandparents. Kim must hope that good taste will soon prevail and Ty's Honey & Poppa will come to their senses before the next holiday. The problem is...we hardly have any control over the urge to buy this stuff. This hat is a case in point. Wayne and I each went shopping, on different days, in different parts of the town...and each came home with the same hat!

In the meantime, Kim has taken some photos of our baby HoneyBee, wearing his hat, and the reaction was just as she expected...I've forwarded them to family and friends, printed out copies to plaster in my office and looked at them a hundred times over. He's just had his second round of innoculations, which he took very well initially, but is feeling a bit under the weather with now. They will be down at Easter and we are anxious to see his smiles and hear his giggles.


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